If people want on or off this list, please let me know.
We can say islamic fascists. The term 'Muslim totalitarianists' has not been approved by the PC police.
Good post. The last sentence is the most important.
For the danger comes from what one would have hoped were the socially integrated children of Muslim immigrants, millions of whom have settled in western Europe and hundreds of thousands in Australia. Instead, a small but potent minority of this second generation has embraced a totalitarian temptation that George W. Bush, following numerous liberal Western analysts, has correctly identified as Islamic fascism.
The essence of it all, and let us hope the remaining liberal blind fools of the world will finally join the fight, do what is necessary, to defeat this cult of death.
LET'S SING -- http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1682858/posts
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur'an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth"
--Omar Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations), San Ramon Valley Herald, July 1998
Good catch. The last sentence sums it up, pretty well.
"Instead, a small but potent minority of this second generation has embraced a totalitarian temptation..
small? yeah
The author is correct. Fascism is the most misunderstood, missused term in the political lexicon. It is incorrectly called a rightwing ideology becuase it is pro-church and socially conservative and is anti-communist. It is equated to Nazism, yet Fascism was not racist, nor was it a totalitarian regime.
"it has the huge strategic advantage of suicide bombing, which is immune to deterrence"
NOT TRUE... if you start getting the word out that every suicide bomber will be burried with pigs and wannabe terrorist will be executed with bullets rolled in PIGFAT and that their relatives will all meet the same fate...
... no virgins and no heaven REWARD! See how fast that will lower the number of volunteers
Communism - A system of government where all property is owned and controlled by the government. Laws are defined, redefined and enforced based on the whim of the government.
Fascism - A system of government where most property is nominally owned by individuals and groups, but is actually controlled completely through government regulation such that the nominal owners effectively have little or no control over their property (and thus their lives). Laws are defined, redefined and enforced based on the whim of the government.
Socialism - A variant of fascism intended to lead to communism.
Collectivism - A philosophy that defines the importance of the collective as superior to the importance of the individual. See also Communism, Fascism and Socialism.
Capitalism - A system of government where most or all property is actually owned by private individuals or groups and where the rights of those owners are facilitated by objective rules of law enforced objectively by the government. Laws are defined by the consent of the governed through direct or indirect representation and are constrained by basic rights of man, usually articulated in a constitution.
Religious Fascism - A system of government resembling fascism, but where the principles of the law are defined by purported communications with or inferences about the whims of a supernatural being or beings rather than the whims of men.
I think this misses the point badly. Islam offers "people of the book" (essentially Christians and Jews) three choices: conversion, dhimmitude, or death. Others, such as Buddhists, Hindus, animists, etc., are offered only two choices: conversion or death. True Islam does not offer any hope of "peaceful coexistence."
It's time to quit treating Wahabbism as an abberation of Islam. The Wahabbists are the only ones who really follow the Koran. The term "moderate Muslim" really means "bad Muslim," that is, one who does not take the Koran seriously. Any Muslim may at any time "get religion" and decide to take the Koran seriously. This means that every Muslim in the US, England, and Europe is potentially an active enemy. Every one of them is a "pre-cancer" cell in the Body Politic.
We have to recognize that we are at war with an "armed doctrine" that intends to destroy us. Ultimately, there is no hope of peace unless Muslims quit being Muslims. The fact that the 94% in the poll quoted do nothing to condemn the 6% shows where their hearts are. In terms of their potential to harm us, they are no different from the "parlor pinks" who provided intellectual coverage for the Communists who were actively working to subvert us during the Cold War.
Minority here and elsewhere, or not, the West [is] at war with a hydra-headed and barbaric enemy that has not a shred of humanity and relishes the bloodletting of tens of thousands of innocents.
CAIR, et al. "American" Muslim spoke-mouths either are covering for Islamist fascists or are a bunch of sorry sadsacks. Mainstream Christianity has never screamed "stop picking on Christians" at anyone denouncing "Christian" supremacy groups.
Ditto "American" Muslim demonstrators. Their claim of being American willfully ends at exercising their right of free speech to denounce our culture short of advocating immediate violence. It does not have to be this way.
Obviously I am no expert but it seems to me that Ataturk put Islam in Turkey through a kind of reformation and came out with a pretty good result.
I had the good fortune to know and work with a number of Turks both here and in Ankara, all of whom I'd welcome as Americans had they chosen that path. All first class people from a country of Muslims (99+ percent) instead of a Muslim country.
Where did we get our clowns? It does not have to be this way. Ready the internment camps, contract for slow boats back to the Middle East. Reform or get out, the choice is theirs.
As William F. Buckley wrote immediately after 9/11/2001 (paraphrasing), "Either Islam reforms worldwide or we'll do it for them."
Congressman Billybob
Latest article: "The Democrat Party, 1828 - 2006, R.I.P."
Please see my most recent statement on running for Congress, here.
Islam by its very nature is Fascist.
There is no such thing as non-Fascist Islam anymore than the terrorists trhreatening the west are not Muslims.