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Bush: U.S. 'At War With Islamic Fascists'
News Max ^
| Aug. 10, 2006
| NewsMax Staff
Posted on 08/10/2006 10:01:24 AM PDT by conservativecorner
President Bush said Thursday that a foiled plot to blow up multiple flights between Britain and the United States shows "this nation is at war with Islamic fascists."
"This country is safer than it was prior to 9-11," Bush said from the airport tarmac here where he was appearing at events focused on the economy. "We've taken a lot of measures to protect the American people but obviously we're not completely safe. ... It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America."
The president laid the blame for the would-be attack squarely on al-Qaida-type terrorism.
"This nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation," he said, his remarks carried live on television.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bush43; crushislam; gwot; islam; islamicfascists; islamicnazis; islamisadeathcult; islamisevil; islamofascism; islamonaziism; muslim; muslims
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To: Velveeta
posted on
08/10/2006 10:29:36 AM PDT
(The Democrat Party stands for open treason in a time of war.)
To: conservativecorner
In other news, ILLEGALS continue to pour across the border.
posted on
08/10/2006 10:31:01 AM PDT
(The 13th Amendment Abolished Slavery, The 16th Amendment Reinstated It !)
To: conservativecorner
Bush: U.S. 'At War With Islamic Fascists' Interesting. He's gone from 'At War With Islamic Extremists', to 'At War With Islamic Fascists'.
I await the day when the light bulb goes on, and he declares 'At War With Islam'.
posted on
08/10/2006 10:31:10 AM PDT
(Islam is a perversion of faith, a lie against human spirit, an obscenity shouted in the face of G_d)
To: DTogo
actually, i think u are wrong there.
hundreds of servicemen were executed for rape,murder etc
as for the imprisonment of japanese, that was seen as a big mistake
the home economy was critical to the succesful execution of ww2. the growth in the us economy was a key background reason for success
the us congress admitted that they broke the japanese codes while reviewing the pearl harbour attacks (admittingly just after the war) even tho it was still used extensively by foreign governments who considered it at that time unbreakable.obvious ly they stopped using it then
posted on
08/10/2006 10:31:25 AM PDT
(How do ya LIKE THOSE APPLES!!!!)
To: AmericanInTokyo
I'm waiting for him to say "IslamoNazi".
posted on
08/10/2006 10:31:36 AM PDT
(... Burn the land and boil the sea's, but you can't take the skies from me.)
To: Lazamataz
You and me both, brother!
posted on
08/10/2006 10:31:52 AM PDT
(I haven't left the GOP, the GOP left me.)
To: Velveeta
"It's a nightmare, everyone's stuck, and our flight is apparently delayed until Sunday," the senator told The Associated Press by phone.(snip)Got WOT yet?
posted on
08/10/2006 10:31:58 AM PDT
(Islam is a perversion of faith, a lie against human spirit, an obscenity shouted in the face of G_d)
To: DTogo
I don't give a hoot about parties, and weak implication is extremely weak (as are most of your points/accusations). I care about my family, and I am DAMNED glad Dubya is the President. And I'm doubly glad you're nowhere near the man or his advisors.
Formally declare war against whom, General?
posted on
08/10/2006 10:32:29 AM PDT
(No, there are no @!%$&#*! polls on Irey vs. Murtha!)
To: conservativecorner
I'm glad he said it, and I encourage everyone at the WH to use this term all the time because it's so plainly obvious that "Islamic/Muslim Fascists" is correct and not simply terrorists. I commend the President for speaking plainly. I agree. It's right up there with the "Evil Empire" statement by Reagan. I'm still trying to believe W really said this.
posted on
08/10/2006 10:32:44 AM PDT
(The issue of whether cheap labor makes America great should have been settled by the Civil War.)
To: conservativecorner
.And the Dumbs response is "CUT & RUN" I hope no one in this country will ever trust a dumbocRAT with our security. Amen.
posted on
08/10/2006 10:33:32 AM PDT
("A wise man's heart is his right hand, But a fool's heart is at his left" Eccl 10:2)
To: Coop
But is it still the religion of peace???
"Yes. Why is it so difficult for so many around here to separate freaks from an entire religion? Perhaps you're also comfortable condemning an entire race or ethnicity because of the crimes of a relative few?"
Wonderful, so link us all to the numerous condemnations by Muslim leaders to the mindless savagery of their wayward, scumbag raghead brethren, who believe it perfectly ok to blow innocent men, women and children to pieces in the name of their pedophile Deity.
To: Coop
I see you are one of these PC idiots. Yeah Islam is a religion of peace... LOL! Try studying it, and then get back with me.
To: Spiff
"Despite our ongoing actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, we've not seen a SINGLE declaration of war. Are we at war against Islamic Fascists including Al Qaeda or not? The President says one thing but the lack of a formal declaration says another."
Well, maybe it's a "virtual war" our "virtual border" security, ya know?
posted on
08/10/2006 10:34:45 AM PDT
(A few billion here, a few trillion there...we're all friends right?)
To: Coop
Formally declare war against whom, General?Iran, and invade now.
Syria, and prepare to invade soon.
Lebanon, and prepare to invade next.
Warn Egypt to control their own or face a similar fate.
Warn Arabia to control their own or face a similar fate.
posted on
08/10/2006 10:35:19 AM PDT
(Islam is a perversion of faith, a lie against human spirit, an obscenity shouted in the face of G_d)
To: Aquinasfan
I wonder what brought this change in rhetoric. A midterm election less than than three months away with polling numbers that don't look too good?
posted on
08/10/2006 10:35:37 AM PDT
(Victorious warriors win first, then go to war; defeated warriors go to war first, then seek to win.)
To: conservativecorner
"this nation is at war with Islamic fascists."
Yes we are, Mr. President.
And it's high time the American people realize that fact and stop pretending that the WOT is only being fought on the distant battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. This war is being fought worldwide, including right here in the USA.
To: Eagles Talon IV
There haven't been many, no doubt. I imagine watching folks who speak up get assassinated might factor into that decision a bit, don't you think?
So that makes you feel okay to just demonize 'em all? Hell, let's just nuke Mecca!!!
posted on
08/10/2006 10:36:09 AM PDT
(No, there are no @!%$&#*! polls on Irey vs. Murtha!)
To: conservativecorner
Way to go, Mr. President!
posted on
08/10/2006 10:37:24 AM PDT
(Leaning on the everlasting arms.)
To: Sprite518
I already know I'm more educated on Islam (and likely 90% of everything else there is to know) than you.
posted on
08/10/2006 10:37:37 AM PDT
(No, there are no @!%$&#*! polls on Irey vs. Murtha!)
To: taxed2death
posted on
08/10/2006 10:38:02 AM PDT
(No, there are no @!%$&#*! polls on Irey vs. Murtha!)
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