1 posted on
07/29/2006 12:58:48 PM PDT by
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To: traumer
2 posted on
07/29/2006 1:00:07 PM PDT by
To: traumer
At first you definitely double-guess telling your wife, mom, and your friends that you've killed 20 people, Wilson said. But over time you realize that if they support you ... maybe it'll make them feel that much safer at home. Tell it with pride soldier. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Those weren't people you killed. They were jihadist sub-human beasts. Good job. Get 20 more.
3 posted on
07/29/2006 1:03:03 PM PDT by
(Not voting out of anger in November is a vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House)
To: traumer
Wilson says, he spotted six gunmen on a rooftop about 400 yards away. In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head. The sixth man dived off a 3-story building just as Wilson got him in his sights, and counts as a probable death. Lee Harvey Oswald was a piker. That's some shooting.
To: traumer
God bless these shooters.
6 posted on
07/29/2006 1:06:05 PM PDT by
(Dead terrorists smell like victory)
To: traumer
"In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head."
At 400 yards?
Sounds like the reporter got a few figures mixed up. But a good story none the less.
7 posted on
07/29/2006 1:07:06 PM PDT by
(A few billion here, a few trillion there...we're all friends right?)
To: traumer
...he spotted six gunmen on a rooftop about 400 yards away. In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head.
Great ghost of Gunnery Sgt. Carlos M. Hathock!
9 posted on
07/29/2006 1:09:10 PM PDT by
("Jesus, Your Love takes my breath away.")
To: traumer
"During a large-scale attack on Easter Sunday, Wilson says, he spotted six gunmen on a rooftop about 400 yards away. In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head. "
One Shot, One Kill. OutFreakingstanding!
13 posted on
07/29/2006 1:10:30 PM PDT by
(John F. Kerry is a Masshole.)
To: traumer
16 posted on
07/29/2006 1:14:57 PM PDT by
To: 2111USMC; 2nd Bn, 11th Mar; 68 grunt; A.A. Cunningham; ASOC; AirForceBrat23; Ajnin; AlaskaErik; ...
17 posted on
07/29/2006 1:15:38 PM PDT by
(Marine FRiend, 1stCuz2xRemoved, Mom, Aunt, Sister, Friend, Wife, Daughter, Niece)
To: traumer
Another fine American squirrel hunter! Always has been the best way to learn to use a rifle!
I just hope that if he joins a Florida SWAT team it won't be for one of the liberal South Florida units.
18 posted on
07/29/2006 1:16:09 PM PDT by
To: traumer
Sounds like the Marines are still producing outstanding riflemen.
(Slightly off topic, but I wonder why after 4 years and 2 tours in Iraq that this Marine is still only a Lance Corporal. Maybe promotion in infantry MOS's is slower?)
20 posted on
07/29/2006 1:16:20 PM PDT by
To: traumer
We need a battalion of these men.
To: traumer
Gunny Carlos Hathcock (White feather) would be so proud!
24 posted on
07/29/2006 1:19:06 PM PDT by
NY Attitude
(You are responsible for your safety until the arrival of Law Enforcement Officers!)
To: traumer
good job, marine! @#$% you Washington Post.
To: traumer
28 posted on
07/29/2006 1:26:17 PM PDT by
("Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem." -- Ronald Reagan)
To: traumer
I just love a happy story!
29 posted on
07/29/2006 1:30:05 PM PDT by
(Our elites think jihadists can be treated by treating causes external to Islam itself - S Trifkovic)
To: Meadow Muffin
31 posted on
07/29/2006 1:31:34 PM PDT by
To: snippy_about_it
32 posted on
07/29/2006 1:32:02 PM PDT by
To: traumer
That's a great MAN. He eleminated people who wanted to kill his wife and children.
Thank to this man--and to all of the others who are doing the tough job--for the safety of my parents, my children and my grandchildren...from one of the others these beasts wanted to kill.
33 posted on
07/29/2006 1:35:53 PM PDT by
(HILLARY: Not all perversions are sexual.)
To: traumer
He was 5 when he first fired an M-16, his father holding him to brace against the recoil.To a liberal, this is child abuse.
34 posted on
07/29/2006 1:36:01 PM PDT by
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