To: traumer
2 posted on
07/29/2006 1:00:07 PM PDT by
To: traumer
Good story, however, I hope they did not use his real name or legitimate personal information about him that could be used to find and hurt his family.
15 posted on
07/29/2006 1:14:24 PM PDT by
(taglines are for sissies)
To: traumer
Carlos Hathcock, look out!!!
There may be a new Sheriff in town.
25 posted on
07/29/2006 1:20:45 PM PDT by
do the dhue
(I hope y'all will help bail me out of jail after I dot Coward Dean's eyes.)
To: traumer
55 posted on
07/29/2006 2:32:43 PM PDT by
La Enchiladita
(Down with "Proportionality" ...YES to Israel, NO to terrorism)...(((AM YISRAEL CHAI!)))
To: traumer
"Technically, Wilson is not a sniper"Tell that to the jihadists he's sent to the demon called allah.
167 posted on
07/29/2006 7:42:59 PM PDT by
To: traumer
Not crazy about seeing his picture posted or his name mentioned in the article.. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson