To: traumer
"In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head."
At 400 yards?
Sounds like the reporter got a few figures mixed up. But a good story none the less.
7 posted on
07/29/2006 1:07:06 PM PDT by
(A few billion here, a few trillion there...we're all friends right?)
To: taxed2death
With a 16, good glass, heavy barral, and relative calm, the biggest challange is getting exact distance, which a laser range finder supplies, after which, with a good rest, and minimal recoil, exposed positive clicks on the windage and elevation knobs, the number of rounds and hits is readily believable.
< Good shooting, nevertheless.
14 posted on
07/29/2006 1:10:31 PM PDT by
going hot
(Happiness is a momma deuce)
To: taxed2death
I'm glad you posted that. It does seem a tad bit fast.
35 posted on
07/29/2006 1:39:23 PM PDT by
To: taxed2death
"In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head."
At 400 yards?
Sounds like the reporter got a few figures mixed up. But a good story none the less.
this is very doable and easy to accomplish.
As 25,000 round priarie dog slayer, we pull off 5 shots in eight second frequently. Remember the first shot starts the clock and leaves 8 seconds for four shots.
39 posted on
07/29/2006 1:55:27 PM PDT by
To: taxed2death
"In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head." At 400 yards?
In the Marine Corps world- that ain't that long a shot. I qualified in boot at 500 yards, with an M16A1 that rattled when you shook it, with the old 55 grain ammo- and almost never missed. He's using a 16A2-based designated marksman rifle, optics and probably match grade ammo- and he's probably been to an abbreviated USMC scout/sniper school.
It's good shooting- but given the above, I wouldn't expect much less than that. Marksmanship skills are almost a religion in the Corps. It is taken very seriously.
44 posted on
07/29/2006 2:15:13 PM PDT by
(The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column.)
To: taxed2death
"In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds hitting five gunmen in the head." At 400 yards? Sounds like the reporter got a few figures mixed up. But a good story none the less.You are right, the reporter got the numbers screwed up.
He really got 400 gunmen in 5 seconds by shooting 8 rounds, and they were 5 yards away.
50 posted on
07/29/2006 2:25:18 PM PDT by
(Islam is a perversion of faith, a lie against human spirit, an obscenity shouted in the face of G_d)
To: taxed2death
I have known more than one sniper - with the correct weapon - that could do that. I even saw one in very similar circumstances do it. The muscle control in those guys is incredible. This kid sounds like a natural in the spirit of White Feather.
Semper Fi - eat $hit and die islamofacists.
61 posted on
07/29/2006 3:00:41 PM PDT by
(Never corner anything meaner than you. NSDQ)
To: taxed2death
Since I could hit in the kill zone of an upper torso sized silhouette at 400 meters and (quickly too less than 5 seconds) with a stock M16 with stock sights, I find it very believable he should be able to hit a head sized target at 1500 ft with a new rifle and scope & just as quickly.
65 posted on
07/29/2006 3:08:32 PM PDT by
(2-1 Cav 1975)
To: taxed2death
Actually, starting from the first shot, he had eight seconds thereafter to get off four rounds. Possible. That he scored in each case? Phenomenal.
66 posted on
07/29/2006 3:11:57 PM PDT by
To: taxed2death
Why sure...they put their heads together...
Can't get a thought out of one so they bunch up.
177 posted on
07/29/2006 9:30:19 PM PDT by
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