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Slavery Reparations Gaining Momentum
Federal News Radio ^
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Posted on 07/09/2006 6:03:15 PM PDT by JingoJim
Advocates who say black Americans should be compensated for slavery and its Jim Crow aftermath are quietly chalking up victories and gaining momentum.
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- Advocates who say black Americans should be compensated for slavery and its Jim Crow aftermath are quietly chalking up victories and gaining momentum.
Fueled by the work of scholars and lawyers, their campaign has morphed in recent years from a fringe-group rallying cry into sophisticated, mainstream movement. Most recently, a pair of churches apologized for their part in the slave trade, and one is studying ways to repay black church members.
The overall issue is hardly settled, even among black Americans: Some say that focusing on slavery shouldn't be a top priority or that it doesn't make sense to compensate people generations after a historical wrong.
Yet reparations efforts have led a number of cities and states to approve measures that force businesses to publicize their historical ties to slavery. Several reparations court cases are in progress, and international human rights officials are increasingly spotlighting the issue.
"This matter is growing in significance rather than declining," said Charles Ogletree, a Harvard law professor and a leading reparations activist. "It has more vigor and vitality in the 21st century than it's had in the history of the reparations movement."
posted on
07/09/2006 6:03:18 PM PDT
To: JingoJim
Advocates who say black Americans should be compensated for slavery and its Jim Crow aftermath are quietly chalking up victories and gaining momentum. No, they're not. This is purely wishful thinking, an outright lie. This movement is as dead as the ERA.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:05:56 PM PDT
To: JingoJim
I guess that I would support reparations if we took the money from the places where the slaves were bought, and paid them to the nations where the slaves were shipped.
That way all Americans, of all heritage (Natives, African, Asian, and European) benefit from penalizing the African nations who benefited by sending their kinsmen into bondage.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:08:06 PM PDT
(If the sky don't say "Surrender Dorothy" then my ex wife is out of town.)
To: IronJack
compensate for those that demand reparations with a 1st class one way ticket to Africa
posted on
07/09/2006 6:08:25 PM PDT
(strive on with heedfulness)
To: JingoJim
Yeah, will all those slaves in America please step forward and be counted....uh, you mean they are all dead?? I don't see any you???
It is like me saying to Britain, I want reparations from you because my great, great grandfather was oppressed and repressed by you!!!
Total freakin' liberal insanity, as usual. The hard work of the liberal left continues to MANUAFACTURE ITS NEEDED VICTIMS. Their lifeblood, along with confiscatory taxation and equal spending.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:09:05 PM PDT
To: JingoJim
OK, but lets be fair about it.
FIRST, the Africans need to pay reparations to the Jews for their slavery.
To: JingoJim
This is pure BS and I for one will stop paying taxes if this were to happen.
The slaves were sold into slavery by black, African chieftains. Many American blacks probably wouldn't be alive today if their ancestors hadn't been sold (due to disease and war in their native countries).
Don't get me wrong. I'm against slavery of any kind, but this is despicable!
And while we're on the subject, how about reparations for people who have Cherokee ancestors who were forced off their lands and became part of the Trail of Tears?
posted on
07/09/2006 6:09:52 PM PDT
(Mao said that power comes at the point of a rifle; I say FREEDOM does.)
To: EagleUSA
it's the lawyers , hard at work again....
we shall know no peace until the lawyers hands are pried off of American society's throat
posted on
07/09/2006 6:11:02 PM PDT
(strive on with heedfulness)
To: EagleUSA
Yup. I pay reperations for slavery every single day.
And I'd like all my Cherokee land returned asap. Thanks. :)
posted on
07/09/2006 6:11:53 PM PDT
(3 Purple Hearts in 4 months w/o missing a day of work? He's either John Rambo or a Fraud)
To: JingoJim
Yeah, gaining momentum. Give it another 300 years, and perhaps then it will become reality. Just think of 600 years of interest to what will then be a billion eligible Americans.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:13:42 PM PDT
(Bush SPYED, Terrorists DIED!)
To: JingoJim
I demand reparations for 5 Trillon Dollars in welfare to support blacks. I also demand reparations for bringing them to the greatest nation on earth. They could still be fighting to survive in Rwanda, The Sudan, Somalia.......... The ones that are here now are the lucky ones.
On another note. I refuse to pay one dime. I never owned a slave. No one in my family ever owned a slave. My ancestry had nothing to do with it, so why should I pay?
Another liberal idea that will backfire. You want an increase in racism and racist groups like the KKK, and other White Supremacy groups, force everyone to pay blacks.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:13:51 PM PDT
("If you are not with us, you are against us.")
To: EagleUSA
I think I would have to go back to the 11th century to find any of my ancestors who owned any slaves.
Since I claim Viking blood it's a fair bet they had a few odd slaves now and again. Then again I'd bet most of those slaves would have been from England, Ireland, or mainland Europe.
Not too many Africans would have faired so well in the great cold north.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:14:08 PM PDT
(Weapons are not toys to play with, they are tools to be used.)
To: JingoJim
I don't have any problem with businesses who have had ties to slavery being sued by those who can prove that their ancestors did not receive compensation for work done but I don't support reparations in a general sense. It has long been time to move on. Those that committed the wrongs have turned to dust and those who wait for pay outs to address past wrongs are short changing themselves and their children. People who wish to succeed don't let past wrongs hold them back but instead like many of the first free blacks paid for their freedom many times over and were empowered by their faith in God not the goodwill of governments and men.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:15:27 PM PDT
(If someone screams in an asylum full of lunatics do they make a sound?)
To: MPJackal
How come they don't demand reperations from the arabs. They were the ones who caught and sold them.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:17:29 PM PDT
(We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good. - Hillary Clinton)
To: LeoWindhorse
And no longer allowed to run for public office of any kind!
posted on
07/09/2006 6:20:11 PM PDT
(Mao said that power comes at the point of a rifle; I say FREEDOM does.)
To: Proud_USA_Republican
Not Caught but still catching.
Children can still be had cheap in Sub Saharan Africa.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:20:12 PM PDT
(Weapons are not toys to play with, they are tools to be used.)
To: JingoJim
I think I finally figured out the reparations plan. Liberals are already successful in legislating in the present and future to take our money. Now they are trying to legislate the past and redistribute more money.
posted on
07/09/2006 6:22:24 PM PDT
(Most people stand on the tracks and never even hear the train coming)
To: JingoJim
Ah, it's that time of year again.
The Dog Days of Summer, wherein loopy topics like this are elevated to national prominence while everyone's away on vacation.
To: proudofthesouth
posted on
07/09/2006 6:23:33 PM PDT
(strive on with heedfulness)
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