To: JingoJim
Yeah, will all those slaves in America please step forward and be counted....uh, you mean they are all dead?? I don't see any you???
It is like me saying to Britain, I want reparations from you because my great, great grandfather was oppressed and repressed by you!!!
Total freakin' liberal insanity, as usual. The hard work of the liberal left continues to MANUAFACTURE ITS NEEDED VICTIMS. Their lifeblood, along with confiscatory taxation and equal spending.
5 posted on
07/09/2006 6:09:05 PM PDT by
To: EagleUSA
it's the lawyers , hard at work again....
we shall know no peace until the lawyers hands are pried off of American society's throat
8 posted on
07/09/2006 6:11:02 PM PDT by
(strive on with heedfulness)
To: EagleUSA
Yup. I pay reperations for slavery every single day.
And I'd like all my Cherokee land returned asap. Thanks. :)
9 posted on
07/09/2006 6:11:53 PM PDT by
(3 Purple Hearts in 4 months w/o missing a day of work? He's either John Rambo or a Fraud)
To: EagleUSA
I think I would have to go back to the 11th century to find any of my ancestors who owned any slaves.
Since I claim Viking blood it's a fair bet they had a few odd slaves now and again. Then again I'd bet most of those slaves would have been from England, Ireland, or mainland Europe.
Not too many Africans would have faired so well in the great cold north.
12 posted on
07/09/2006 6:14:08 PM PDT by
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