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To: gopwinsin04
OMG.. NYT's at it again... :|
To: gopwinsin04
He already explained that Bob Dole's luggage somehow got loaded onto his plane!
3 posted on
06/27/2006 10:42:54 AM PDT by
(If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
To: gopwinsin04
I opened my briefcase this morning and saw my daily pill minder of prescription pills I take to work. No, they are not in the bottle. I leave that at home.
I guess if a cop stopped me on the highway and was looking for a reason to give me a hard time, he could.
I sometimes drive one mile over the speed limit as well.
4 posted on
06/27/2006 10:44:19 AM PDT by
To: gopwinsin04
Under the deal reached last month with prosecutors, Limbaugh was not to be arrested for any infraction for 18 months in exchange for authorities deferring a charge of "doctor shopping." Prosecutors had alleged the conservative talk-show host illegally deceived multiple physicians to receive overlapping painkiller prescriptions. Was Rush arrested at the airport?
To: gopwinsin04
Pretty lame investigation. At least Rush is having a good time on his vacations.
6 posted on
06/27/2006 10:44:47 AM PDT by
(Al Qaeda was working in Iraq. They were just undocumented.)
To: gopwinsin04
Limbaugh's doctor had prescribed the Viagra, but it was ''labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes,'' OK....first thing: Is this really illegal? If so, who is really in trouble, Rush, or the physician?
8 posted on
06/27/2006 10:45:00 AM PDT by
(What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly - Thomas Paine, American Crisis)
To: gopwinsin04
He said he told his Doctor that he was worried about the next ELECTION.
9 posted on
06/27/2006 10:45:13 AM PDT by
(California bashers will be called out)
To: gopwinsin04
How is this any different than doctors giving out samples of prescription medications without a prescription?
If he was under a doctors care and the doctor gave him the meds whether it was in the doctors name or not what's the damn difference?
11 posted on
06/27/2006 10:45:37 AM PDT by
(Flood waters rising, heading for more conservative ground. Vote for true conservatives!)
To: gopwinsin04
Why is the NY Times reporting about this? I don't see how it directly aids Al Qaeda terrorists.
12 posted on
06/27/2006 10:45:45 AM PDT by
(No, there are no @!%$&#*! polls on Irey vs. Murtha!)
To: gopwinsin04
God Bless Rush. Evil is trying to ruin him.
To: gopwinsin04
He knows the liberals are out to get him and lets himself get caught with a bottle of viagra. It is kind of sad.
To: gopwinsin04
So does this mean that you can't travel with physician's samples?
19 posted on
06/27/2006 10:49:36 AM PDT by
white trash redneck
(Everything I needed to know about Islam I learned on 9-11-01.)
To: gopwinsin04
This was debunked last night right after it was first reported. He had no illegal prescriptions with him. NYT is taking another opportunity to smear a conservative talk show host, what jerks.
22 posted on
06/27/2006 10:51:18 AM PDT by
(The '86 amnesty put us in the toilet, now the senate wants to flush it!)
To: gopwinsin04
For real laughs some one ought to see what DUmmies are saying!
25 posted on
06/27/2006 10:52:29 AM PDT by
To: gopwinsin04
Sorry in advance to RUSH fans, but after all the BS he went through on the other charges he should have known better. In this case he should have untied the other half of his brain.
To: gopwinsin04
so what's the difference between this and getting free samples of the same stuff from an MD?(also without a name/prescription label on the bottle)
34 posted on
06/27/2006 10:55:32 AM PDT by
(Illegal immigrants are just undocumented friends you haven't met yet!)
To: gopwinsin04
Limbaugh was not to be arrested for any infraction for 18 months in exchange for authorities deferring a charge Gee...the NYTimes really does know everything.....I dind't know Rush was arrested. Idiots.
35 posted on
06/27/2006 10:56:26 AM PDT by
To: gopwinsin04
What a bunch of idiots!
I NEVER travel w my scips in the original container!
They're mixed in w my vitamins.
Who cares and why?
37 posted on
06/27/2006 10:56:44 AM PDT by
G Larry
(Only strict constructionists on the Supreme Court!)
To: gopwinsin04
Just what is he doing with Viagra when he isn't married?
41 posted on
06/27/2006 10:57:56 AM PDT by
(Feminazis the world over can shut up now!)
To: gopwinsin04
43 posted on
06/27/2006 11:01:06 AM PDT by
(Livin' in fear is just another way of dying before your time. - Mike Cooley)
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