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US doctors begin Zarqawi autopsy
| 06/10/06
Posted on 06/10/2006 7:08:02 AM PDT by Pokey78
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To: MizSterious
posted on
06/10/2006 7:30:51 AM PDT
Diana in Wisconsin
(Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
To: MizSterious
posted on
06/10/2006 7:31:45 AM PDT
Diana in Wisconsin
(Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
To: Eric in the Ozarks
How about cutting off his pecker, sew it in his mouth and then carrying his corpse to the nearest Air Base and let the pilots have a "pi$$ for accuracy competition"....with the winner having the honor of covering the evil SOB's face with pig $hit and the remainder with pig guts...
To: veronica
Why do I still have to put "/SARCASM" on posts? See #21 & #22.
posted on
06/10/2006 7:33:52 AM PDT
Diana in Wisconsin
(Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
To: Eric in the Ozarks
That's a thought. Then you could toss the whole thing out into the street and see how many of the demonic and superstitious followers of "allah" would be willing to try to remove those filthy pork parts from around their fallen "martyr". I guess you could also see how many protested that action and, thus, identify themselves as our enemies.
To: Diana in Wisconsin
I knew what you meant. I was being ironic too.
posted on
06/10/2006 7:36:18 AM PDT
("A person needs a sense of mission like the air he breathes...")
To: Pokey78
posted on
06/10/2006 7:38:08 AM PDT
To: Pokey78
"...adding that they would be sensitive to Muslim traditions about dealing with the body." Great!
Will that include dismemberment, burning and hanging from a nearby bridge?
Will that include dragging the naked body through the street?
Will that include hurling the body off a building to land at the feet of the family members?
Will that include feeding the bastard into a tree shredder?
ALL the above and worse - have been practiced by the "sensitive" Muslim lunatics.
To pretend there is any Muslim "sensitivity" that we should be "sensitive" to, regarding this particular sonuvabitch - is insane.
Also - this particular bastard's body should NOT be returned to his family.... He should be buried in the desert in a full and decommissioned Marine latrine.
Semper Fi
posted on
06/10/2006 7:38:20 AM PDT
river rat
(You may turn the other cheek, but I prefer to look into my enemy's vacant dead eyes.)
To: bruoz
A 500 pound bomb double tap courtesy of the USAF will do it every time.<<..Yup!..but from my experiences...after a direct'd need a shovel to put ANY remaining pieces on a strecher.....( I think there's more to this story then meets the eye..but let sleeping dogs lie...
posted on
06/10/2006 7:38:29 AM PDT
(Why is "Greshams Law" a law?)
To: Pokey78
The autopsy is to make sure the Goa'uld inside him is actually dead.
To: Abathar
Hey Joe come look at his head, who knew bomb shrapnel could produce holes precisely 5.56mm in diameter? This is one for the medical journals....Yep, just like the .45 inch diameter hole in Ron Browns head made the medical journals.
posted on
06/10/2006 7:40:46 AM PDT
(Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know.)
To: Eric in the Ozarks
Good idea Eric. Or grind him up with the pork and make sausage "Zarqawi Pork Wieners." Ummmm a breakfast to barf on for all the guys at Guantanamo, Abu Ghrab, etc.
posted on
06/10/2006 7:45:17 AM PDT
To: river rat
"...adding that they would be sensitive to Muslim traditions about dealing with the body." Are they going to truss it up with claymore's wired to a cell phone?
posted on
06/10/2006 7:49:51 AM PDT
(islam is a mutant meme)
To: Ed25
Why do these dumb a@@ journalist believe every moron that opens his mouth if he happens to be anti coalition. Why would a journalist on this day give any credence too, and print the words of a neighbor and probably a support of A Z.
ANSWER: Well you don't really need an answer do you.
posted on
06/10/2006 7:50:40 AM PDT
(I do not separate people, as do the narrow-minded, into Greeks and barbarians.)
To: Pokey78
"Questions have arisen over how Zarqawi died since the Americans revealed he had still been alive following the bombing of a safe house by US planes. " Question from who? Kos/DU/moveon, Michael Moore or the notoriosuly anti-American BBC?
"America is often portrayed as an ignorant, unsophisticated sort of place, full of bible bashers and ruled to a dangerous extent by trashy television, superstition and religious bigotry, a place lacking in respect for evidence based knowledge. I know that is how it is portrayed because I have done my bit to paint that picture..." BBC's Washington correspondent Justin Webb, in a remarkably frank admission of his role in misinforming the British public about America and Americans
posted on
06/10/2006 7:50:40 AM PDT
To: Abathar
Looks to me like the concussive pressure pushed his innards up into his head
posted on
06/10/2006 7:51:01 AM PDT
(A place where anyone can learn anything ... especially that which promotes clear thinking.)
To: Eric in the Ozarks
We can
say we stuffed him in a bag full of pork rinds, without actually doing it, and get the same effect. I can't see actually participating in such a stupid superstition.
As far as his actual corpse, buried in an unmarked grave in an undisclosed location should eliminate any shrines or pilgrimages for this vermin.
To: M-cubed
You know I did a lot of weaponeering and its amazing how close you can be to a 500 pounder (240 lb. of TNT equivilent and live) if you are somehow sheilded. Of course living for a little while isn't the same as surviving.
2000 pounders would have been nice, but then we wouldn't have any body confirmation.
To: I_Like_Spam
As far as his actual corpse, buried in an unmarked grave in an undisclosed location should eliminate any shrines or pilgrimages for this vermin. Just burn it and roast a ham over it.
posted on
06/10/2006 8:04:29 AM PDT
( - You a startup?)
To: Pokey78
Entry: "Gland of Evil found in mid-thoracic region completely enveloping atrophied heart. Appearance: spiky, sinuous, and well-nourished. Color: tarry black. Weight: 6.66 kilograms."
posted on
06/10/2006 8:04:53 AM PDT
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