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Country Singer Follows Family Tradition of Patriotic Support
American Forces Press Service ^ | Linda D. Kozaryn

Posted on 05/29/2006 11:27:09 AM PDT by SandRat

NASHVILLE, Tenn., May 29, 2006 – Darryl Worley did not follow his family tradition of joining the military, but fate led him to another way to support his country -- by supporting those who followed the call to military service.

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Country music singer Darryl Worley entertains the audience at the Grand Ole Opry, in Nashville, Tenn., May 27, during an All-American Salute Signature Show featuring tributes to America's men and women in uniform. Worley, who wrote his hit single "Have You Forgotten" after visiting U.S. servicemembers in Afghanistan, frequently entertains the troops stateside and overseas. Photo by Chris Hollo courtesy of the Grand Ole Opry  

Worley wanted to become a military pilot, but at 6-foot-6 inches, he was too tall. Instead, he became a country music singer and wrote a song called "Have You Forgotten" that's been serving the military ever since.

Worley sang his song during a salute to the military at the Grand Ole Opry, in Nashville, Tenn., May 27. He wrote the song after a United Service Organizations trip to Afghanistan and the Middle East in December 2002.

"I grew up around the military and felt like I had a pretty good handle on what those folks do," Worley said during an interview backstage at the Opry. "But you don't really have a clue until you spend a little time in a war zone. When you see those girls and guys out there doing what they do, it really has an effect on you, and it also makes you want to give something back."

Seeing firsthand that America's troops "literally lay their life on the line every day," he said he vowed to do something big to make sure they aren't forgotten.

"It made me want to shout out, 'Hey, there's a huge nation of people here that love you and appreciate what you do for us every day," he said. "Not just the troops, but the paramedics and the firemen and the police officers and the state troopers, sheriffs and deputies -- all the people who watch over us."

People across the country related to his song and said, "That's how I feel. That's what I'm thinking," he recalled. Today, the song continues to serve as a reminder of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the need to protect the nation's freedoms. "I thank the military every time I have a chance for inspiring me to write the song because it really changed my life, and it changed my career," Worley said.

Worley continues to travel to military bases to entertain the troops. He's played in the Middle East, Korea and Japan. In fact, he said, he got into Nashville just in time to do a sound check for the Opry show after playing for troops the night before in Austin, Texas.

The troops appreciate the entertainers' who come out to play for them, he said, adding that it doesn't take a lot to let them know you're behind them.

"It's good if you and your church group get together and put together boxes to send to the soldiers," he said. "But they don't require that you do that. They just want to know that you understand their mission and that you're behind them, you pray for them, and you want them home safe."

"You don't have to do a whole lot," Worley said. "If you just say, 'I support you.'"

"But if you're out here toting a sign that's speaking against them when they're over there fighting for your freedoms," the towering country star warned, "then you better watch out, because I'm just like them, and I would want to kick your butt. That's how I feel about that."

Related Article:

Country Music's Grand Ole Opry Kicks Off Summer Salute

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; US: Tennessee
KEYWORDS: country; countrymusic; darrylworley; family; patriotic; singer; support; tradition

1 posted on 05/29/2006 11:27:12 AM PDT by SandRat
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To: 2LT Radix jr; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; 80 Square Miles; A Ruckus of Dogs; acad1228; AirForceMom; ..

Country Music supports the Troops

2 posted on 05/29/2006 11:27:39 AM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: SandRat


3 posted on 05/29/2006 11:36:58 AM PDT by E.G.C.
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To: SandRat

4 posted on 05/29/2006 11:46:38 AM PDT by JulieRNR21 (Katherine Harris is 'In It to Win It' .....Go here:
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To: JulieRNR21

The Twin-Towers still stand and the spirit of those who passed from this veil still live on in the spirit of our fighting men and women.

5 posted on 05/29/2006 11:50:06 AM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: SandRat
Well, hell, Darryl can come to our FReep anytime soon! I'm sure he will give Mark Haim some hell! LOL

Awesome that Darryl gets it!

6 posted on 05/29/2006 11:51:52 AM PDT by GulfWar1Vet (Each day is Memorial Day for the U.S. Armed Forces.)
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To: SandRat

Indeed.......we must always remember September 11 and our fallen heroes and those who serve our country!

7 posted on 05/29/2006 12:02:38 PM PDT by JulieRNR21 (Katherine Harris is 'In It to Win It' .....Go here:
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To: SandRat
Lyrics to Have You Forgotten

Have You Forgotten

Darryl Worley
Written by Darryl Worley and Wynn Varble


Darryl Worley Have You Forgotten
Have You Forgotten

bullet Pickin on Darryl Worley Various Artists

Other Albums

Darryl Worley I Miss My Friend
I Miss My Friend

Daryl Worley's Hard Rain Don't Last
Hard Rain Don't Last

bullet When You Need My Love / Who's Gonna Get Me Over [CD-SINGLE]

bullet More Darryl Worley CDs

Sheet Music for Darryl Worley songsDarryl Worley Sheet Music

DOWNLOAD Have You Forgotten?

American Flag Wallpaper
Patriotic Wallpaper

I hear people saying we don't need this war
I say there's some things worth fighting for
What about our freedom and this piece of ground?
We didn't get to keep 'em by backing down
They say we don't realize the mess we're getting in
Before you start preaching
Let me ask you this my friend

Have you forgotten how it felt that day
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away?
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside
Going through a living hell
And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

They took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbing for you and me
It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it every day
Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
After 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right

Have you forgotten how it felt that day
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away?
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside
Going through a living hell
And we vowed to get the ones behind Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

I've been there with the soldiers
Who've gone away to war
And you can bet that they remember
Just what they're fighting for

Have you forgotten all the people killed?
Yes, some went down like heroes in that Pennsylvania field
Have you forgotten about our Pentagon?
All the loved ones that we lost
And those left to carry on
Don't you tell me not to worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten?
Have you forgotten?

C 2003 EMI April Music Inc./Pittsburg Landing Songs (ASCAP)

bullet Visit Darryl Worley's site!

Thanks to Angela for telling me about this great song!

8 posted on 05/29/2006 12:49:36 PM PDT by Syncro
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To: GulfWar1Vet

Ditto everything you said!

9 posted on 05/29/2006 1:16:58 PM PDT by Prov3456
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To: SandRat

I'm not a country music fan, but I'm a huge Darryl Worley fan. God bless him and our brave troops.

10 posted on 05/29/2006 2:01:30 PM PDT by Fudd Fan (DemocRATs- the CULTURE OF TREASON!)
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To: Fudd Fan
I'm a huge Darryl Worley fan.

Overweight for Darryl Worley!

11 posted on 05/29/2006 2:06:32 PM PDT by Revolting cat! ("In the end, nothing explains anything.")
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To: SandRat

Except for the Dixie Chicks......Oops, they support their country too. Whichever the hell country that is. All they have revealed to us so far, is that it ain't our's.

12 posted on 05/29/2006 2:11:35 PM PDT by F.J. Mitchell (Dear US Senators, Reps. and Mr. President: Why are y'all abetting the destruction of our culture?)
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To: lysie; MozartLover; Jemian


13 posted on 05/29/2006 2:16:09 PM PDT by kayak (Praying for MozartLover's son, Jemian's son, all our military, and our President every day!)
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To: Syncro
I have not forgotten , nor will I ever.....

what a contrast this American patriot is to the
low life, traitorous ditsy s#i+s...
14 posted on 05/29/2006 2:23:34 PM PDT by LeoWindhorse
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To: LeoWindhorse
Amen, there are a few good ones.

Lee Greenwood

Toby Keith

The Right Brothers


15 posted on 05/29/2006 2:41:04 PM PDT by Syncro
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To: Syncro

don't forget old John Conlee and brother Charlie Daniels

16 posted on 05/29/2006 3:10:54 PM PDT by LeoWindhorse
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