To: Sir Gawain
Would I be the first to suggest Bush II may go out as meekly and ineffectual as his father?
29 posted on
05/25/2006 12:23:34 PM PDT by
(Somebody important make The Call.....pitchforks and lanterns.!)
To: samadams2000
Would I be the first to suggest Bush II may go out as meekly and ineffectual as his father? You actually think that's an original thought on FR?
To: samadams2000
Would I be the first to suggest Bush II may go out as meekly and ineffectual as his father?I twice voted for him but don't intend to let him slither away. He should leave to hoots of derision. He had a Mexican maid who wiped his little boy tears and his snot and taught him a few words of Spanish. So he is ready to merge with Mexico. He is a fool.
84 posted on
05/25/2006 12:31:26 PM PDT by
To: samadams2000
Would I be the first to suggest Bush II may go out as meekly and ineffectual as his father?Nope.
Some of us have been fearing that it would happen for years.
102 posted on
05/25/2006 12:33:46 PM PDT by
(Proud to announce the birth of little Highball, Junior - Feb. 7, 2006!)
To: samadams2000
I don't know whether you'd be first, or not, but you'd be wrong.
I Bush II's ONLY lasting success turns out to be his influence on the Supreme Court, THAT will be more than Bush I accomplished.
237 posted on
05/25/2006 1:03:50 PM PDT by
(We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well, and live.)
To: samadams2000
Would I be the first to suggest Bush II may go out as meekly and ineffectual as his father? You wouldn't be the first, but you would still be just as wrong.
To: samadams2000
I knew that was a possibility when I voted Republican in 2000 and 2004. But as bad as he's become lately, he is STILL better than any Albert Gore, Hanoi John Kerry, or Hillery Klinton (or ANY DemRat).
"Would I be the first to suggest Bush II may go out as meekly and ineffectual as his father?"
491 posted on
05/25/2006 4:06:00 PM PDT by
To: samadams2000
Would I be the first to suggest Bush II may go out as meekly and ineffectual as his father?Well aren't you special? They are posting and cheering your remark over at DU.
559 posted on
05/25/2006 9:38:45 PM PDT by
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