Posted on 05/06/2006 9:51:50 AM PDT by Sonora
Current poll:
"A time for choosing: It appears that a significant number of our members are so disgusted with the GOP's failure to secure our borders against illegal aliens that they are willing to risk all by voting them out of office, even if it means Pelosi, Reid, Hillary, et al, are allowed to take charge. Is this the best course of action or should we be working harder than ever to hold the line and actually try to make a difference by getting more constitutionally-minded conservatives elected? Are you willing to give it all up or are you more determined than ever to keep the Marxists out of power?" _____
So far, 13% of members and 18%+ of participants in this poll say - turn it over to the rats. What's with that? I cannot believe that 13% of those posting here are so stupid or angry with what is happening that they would turn to the rats for the way back to perfect. Now, 13% will result in a winning vote, in a lot of cases.
Anyway, I guess that there is no compromising for some people - just dig a hole and live there while the rats are in charge. I'm so disappointed.
"You people are all or nothing"
Which side is saying "Vote John McCain if you have to, otherwise we're all screwed?"
Well then you have nothing to worry about.
I will vote for the most conservative candidate according to their track record (or claims of stance which are not contradicted by previous votes or statements of position).
The litmus tests are basic, but first and foremost on the list is the RKBA. Without that, there might be no next vote.
Active pursuit of those who would subject our country to further terrorist depredations is a must. This includes the GWOT, surveillance of foreign nationals on our soil, eviction (at a minimum) of those here illegally, and border security; there is no way to stop terrorist acts if the border is permeable to anyone who wades across the river.
Reduction of the size and scope of the Federal Government to within its Constitutional mandates. This would reduce the fiscal requirements of the Federal Government as well.
An energy package which would foster an environment conducive to the development of domestic resources and the infrastructure to process, and deliver those resources while maintaining or reducing the level of direct government involvement in that production. Let the free market handle the rest, just get out of the way.
A cessation of passing legislation which, in effect, complies with UN treaty protocols which we have not ratified.
The appointment of Conservative judges.
The elimination of the free market murder of babies in the womb for reasons of inconvenience.
The end of the Department of Education, except to monitor the results of standardized tests to provide a benchmark by which parents and State and local school districts can assess the results of their educational programs.
An end to the Kelo decision by legisaltive mandate or Constitutional amendment, if necessary, coupled with other property rights issues, including gutting or repealing the anti-property owner provisions of the ESA.
The list goes on, but these are some of the basics.
And I want a candidate who has stones enough to break ranks and vote the issue, not the Party line, if necessary.
That last may rankle some here, but tough, it is my vote. Most of the problem we have is that the current Republican Majority in Congress checked their testicles somewhere between the Beltway and the door to the Capitol, and have failed to lead except in situations where they do the bipartisan compromise, for the most part. To the Liberal opposition, compromise is victory, for Conservatives, it represents just another loss.
As for the election, I have a better chance of winning the Powerball jackpot and being crowned King of England in the same day than finding a Democrat who will espouse the points I have raised above in a meaningful way (not just campaign crap) which I will regard as favorable. The odds of finding a Republican who will do so are only slightly better.
However, the place for protest is during the primaries, not the General elections. Giving the Liberals the election because I am not happy with the performance of alleged Conservatives would be stuck on stupid.
As I said before .. McCain will never make it out of the primaries .. he is the most hated man in the republican party
Besides .. he is the least of our problems at the moment
Why are you surprised? Conservatives are blind followers. They are principled. They have values. They aren't about to be blackmailed either.
If these idiots can't find the grapes, with ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT in their control to pass a conservative agenda, then they should be fired and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe they are more effective in the minority.
Don't run as a republican then contribute to the downfall of civilization and then try to apologize for it. Specter, for me, was the last straw. W backed the man most ideally matching his own political orientation.
They want to run as a conservatives, then go native, they should go back to practicing law. As lawyers those fine moral distinctions aren't the impingement they seem to be in elected office.
This Congress is neither hot, nor cold, so we spit them from our mouths . . .
Havent we learnt anything from Vietnam?
Furthermore, the republicans continue to be on the defensive about the issue rather than go on the offensive. The Bush White House also continues to give the left the ammo.
I would have thought twice about sending in ground forces if we knew for sure that Saddam had WMD. It was NOT the main purpose for going to Iraq. The WMD issue only helped us determine WHEN we should go into Iraq to take care of Saddam's terrorist ativities against Israel, his connections to Al Qaeda and his refusal to abide by the cease-fire agreement.
We decided it was better to go in now (sooner rather than later) and NOT wait for Saddam to have WMD and be able to use them to blackmail the world. Pre-Iraq War Bush once said that if we allowed Saddam to continue his plans of having WMD he could very well change the geo-politics of the region.
We did NOT go to Iraq because of WMD. The WMD issue was to determine that we should go sooner NOT later.
So, who is at fault? The democrats for lying? Or the Bush White House for dropping the ball and actually going on the "defensive" and quoting past democrats on WMD instead of insisting that Saddam's connection to terrorists, his terrorist activities and his failure to abide by the cease-fire agreement were the reasons we went to Iraq.
How can we defend the WH when it does not defend itself?
It IS an obsession on Free Republic lately...every single thread, even if it has nothing to do with immigration has post after post about securing our borders..
Dang...WE KNOW there are freepers that have one track minds...but, can't ya'll stay off of threads that aren't about your ONE thought???
The whole idea of telling people how scary it will be (and I agree it is scary) if the Dems win will not generate votes in the ballot box. All it is doing is showing that the GOP leadership knows there will be a voter backlash and they aren't willing to change course with policies people want. Instead, they are trying to scare people into supporting them because they intend no change in current policies.
I don't want power to go to the Rats. But, being out of the MAJORITY as political party won't be the end of the world SO LONG AS CONSERVATIVES stay strong.
We've seen that the Dim leaders[sic] still seem to run things on Capitol Hill and their leadership is a minority of a minority!
McCain/Lott/Snowe/Spector do not deserve our support because they actually ease the way for victory by the the enemy. A strong conservative minority that could be counted on not to break at the first media blast, could protect our rights just as well as a weak RINO led bunch of country club repulicrats.
Don't you just love it when the party hacks tell you are not allowed to dislike both parties only one?
You people are all or nothing
IIRC .. Last time you people got nothing
I was more of the opinion that right now we have nothing, realizing that the GOP is in charge of everything.
Back in the day (those heady days of 1992), some of us were left with the feeling that at least we did not vote for someone who was trying to put the country into the crapper.
It doesn't have to be McCain. I'm just using him as an example (of a RINO).
I just want a conservative in power, that's all.
"It IS an obsession on Free Republic lately..."
Not just here, it's the same everywhere.
I don't want power to go to the Rats. But, being out of the MAJORITY as political party won't be the end of the world SO LONG AS CONSERVATIVES stay strong
Oh...and I am in Texas...and I AM upset about the borders, and I would go down tomorrow and start building a fence myself...and I am angry with President Bush about it...
BUT, I also know that there are some things that ARE important that he is doing the WOT..and DON'T discount that because of the border..
The great Reagan caused the majority of this problem by signing the amnesty bill..and then no enforcing the employer laws that were in it...then, because of some disgruntled conservatives..
Clinton was elected....and Bush inherited quite a mess didn't he????
He has been a WEE bit busy since 2001...don't you think??
So he hasn't had time to make the "perfect world" that some so desperately act like they need on this thread...get over it.
I don't see where he has disappointed then, based on those things you posted, he said.
He has provided funding (but of course the fiscal conservatives are screaming bloody murder because he HAS spent the money)...
He recognizes it is a serious thing...and has upped the security with drones and more guards...
And, he knows it is a security problem...and is working on it...but, again, the money that is spent is b!tched about as much as the LACK of funding..
He wins/he loses....either way with some people.
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