Posted on 05/06/2006 9:51:50 AM PDT by Sonora
Current poll:
"A time for choosing: It appears that a significant number of our members are so disgusted with the GOP's failure to secure our borders against illegal aliens that they are willing to risk all by voting them out of office, even if it means Pelosi, Reid, Hillary, et al, are allowed to take charge. Is this the best course of action or should we be working harder than ever to hold the line and actually try to make a difference by getting more constitutionally-minded conservatives elected? Are you willing to give it all up or are you more determined than ever to keep the Marxists out of power?" _____
So far, 13% of members and 18%+ of participants in this poll say - turn it over to the rats. What's with that? I cannot believe that 13% of those posting here are so stupid or angry with what is happening that they would turn to the rats for the way back to perfect. Now, 13% will result in a winning vote, in a lot of cases.
Anyway, I guess that there is no compromising for some people - just dig a hole and live there while the rats are in charge. I'm so disappointed.
Hey, that's the best thing that could happen. Then we could have Civil War II.
Well, at least certain people think that way.
"Acting like spoiled brats and splitting the Republican party by saying you'll vote third party or not at all is not the solution, that's just playing right into the hands of the evil left and giving them what they want and the ones who will suffer most are our troops."
what tripe, you think America is the GOP party, hardly.
America is the citizens of this great land, often over looked , often underestimated..but this free land has protection from above and I am not fearful for the USA if the GOP goes extinct, not one bit.
It's a bogus poll. I am not participating this time.
Not to mention Conyers heading judiciary
OK genius .. how about if the Dems regain control .. they will go back to treating the terrorists and the WOT like Clinton did
And who knows what other secrets the libs will sell to China .. or the highest bidder
If the 3rd party crackpots help put the liberals back in control ... they will help the liberals sign the death certificates of our children
I and many many many others WILL NEVER FORGET if you crackpots do that!
Yes FR is often ahead of the curve, but there still are naysayers.
In my town the illegal alien influence didn't become evident until the last year or so, that's when it hit home with me. With you, it will probably take longer.
"I know how giddy we get here when someone posts a thread from DU that has them griping about one of their own."
I sure do not consider McStain, Chafee, Spectre, etc. to be my own. I do not have the lack of sense and sensibility that is required to be a Democrat. And to me that means one thing - my party right or wrong - is not acceptable.
I don't think it's that complicated. I think we elect folks from Reps to Potus and they cater to their base to get elected and they get to the power they want and their true colrs shine through.
Anyone who had taken the time to study Bush would have known he was an unusual conservative.
Better than anything the Dems have to offer but Conservative-lite.
Folks here confuse his War hawk and faith in God as sure signs he is a real conservative. He's just not....he's a few notches above his daddy but same tree same apple.
which still beats the Left...but it also stinks sometimes
Or Charlie Rangle heading appropriations.
Wanting something as simple as secure borders is now labeled an obsession?
I'm not. We've always had a sizeable contingent of Republican-haters here. The number is far larger than 130, but they either haven't seen the poll are too dumb to know how to vote.
The percentage here at FR of these disaffected types is far higher than in the voting public. Look at all those who claim they're going to vote Constitution Party. It's a bunch of BS, since the CP won't even manage to field candidates for any office, federal, state or local in the overwhelming number of political races.
It's a way of claiming conservative superiority through chestpounding, but it's a bunch of hot air.
They can pretend to be relevant on FR, but they're totally irrelevant when it comes to actually voting.
You can get one of those t-shirts that said, "Don't blame me, I voted for Perot."
People actually wore those around.... in public.
Totally oblivious to the fact that what they really did was vote for Clinton.
Maybe you'll get a chance to elect another Clinton...
In 1999, he also campaigned on funding for enforcement of the border. While campaigning in 2004, he agreed that illegals coming through the border is a "serious problem" and a "security issue."
Casey is a dimbulb hillary(i.e dimbulb phony). He is for homosexual marriage.
Now there is a scary thought
The number is up to 19.1% now to "turn it over to the Democrats.
The poll below, though, is more informative:;results=1
In it, over 50% of the 11,000+ voters voted in some other way than to vote for the Republicans, no matter what. More options were offered in that poll, and FReepers responded by voting in the poll.
That poll should give everyone pause. If you haven't looked at it for a while, it's time to have another look.
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