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Current Poll - 13% of members will turn it over to the rats????
Posted on 05/06/2006 9:51:50 AM PDT by Sonora
Current poll:
"A time for choosing: It appears that a significant number of our members are so disgusted with the GOP's failure to secure our borders against illegal aliens that they are willing to risk all by voting them out of office, even if it means Pelosi, Reid, Hillary, et al, are allowed to take charge. Is this the best course of action or should we be working harder than ever to hold the line and actually try to make a difference by getting more constitutionally-minded conservatives elected? Are you willing to give it all up or are you more determined than ever to keep the Marxists out of power?" _____
So far, 13% of members and 18%+ of participants in this poll say - turn it over to the rats. What's with that? I cannot believe that 13% of those posting here are so stupid or angry with what is happening that they would turn to the rats for the way back to perfect. Now, 13% will result in a winning vote, in a lot of cases.
Anyway, I guess that there is no compromising for some people - just dig a hole and live there while the rats are in charge. I'm so disappointed.
TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 13dummietrolls; beeber; bordertrolls; breakingnews; hugh; moosebitsister; openborderbots; pushpolls; savage; savagesux; series; singleissuevoters; stuned; weinerbots
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To: Txsleuth
Could you please tell me if this "close the borders" obsession has been going on since 9/11, here on FR???With a teeny tiny few; but in general, no.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:45:32 AM PDT
To: Sonora
Republicans are much better when not in power. Let's not forget who has controlled the congress for many years, and the President for 5 years, yet look at the crap we are in. Does anyone really believe the current President/Congress will suddenly wake up and do what we elected them to do? If you believe that then.... I will never vote for a Dim, but I can "not" vote unless we have credible Republican candidates willing to do the will of the people.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:45:50 AM PDT
(The truth, not politics, is right for our beautiful America.)
To: jdm
I said I would not vote for Zell Miller. I did not say I would vote for John McCain.
To: jdm
I'll take a Zell (D) any day over a McCain (R). One is a conservative, the other just says he is.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:46:19 AM PDT
(Bush is the Best President Ever. Rah. Rah.)
To: Txsleuth
"What DEMOCRAT has EARNED your vote??"
Zell Miller
posted on
05/06/2006 11:46:37 AM PDT
To: AmericanDave
May be, but half the battles being fought now are remnants of the last time the dims were in power. Can we afford another round?
posted on
05/06/2006 11:47:40 AM PDT
(Viva la Migra)
To: Willgamer
Whining doesn't win are quite right.
BUT, one think whining does give the dem lurkers a lot of HOPE, when they see the constant sniping and threats to vote dem.
I know how giddy we get here when someone posts a thread from DU that has them griping about one of their own.
To: eskimo
"Who decides who will run in the primaries?"
I think that you have nailed it. I would not venture to guess who decides. But whoever it is, is very good.
A stink-bomb has been thrown into the middle of the conservative camp (actually several stink-bombs, but they all seem to emanate from the same source). If George Bush !jr.! is a GOP leader then I will soon be out trying to shoot flying pigs.
Comment #229 Removed by Moderator
To: Howlin
>The very first thing the Democrats are going to do is
dismantle the Electoral CollegeRiiiiiight. And the first thing
Clinton did second term was
confiscate our guns . . .
To: Howlin
"If the DNC regains power, we won't see Republican control of ANYTHING in our lifetime."
Hysterical scaremongering.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:49:05 AM PDT
To: al_again
I've no BS to post. It's just that giving up is not the answer - I've no answers, other than to participate whereever possibly, vote even Republicans out - for new Republican blood - but, turning it over to the rats like so many freepers want to do is silly and stupid, at best. Perhaps the whole bunch are actually democrats? Hmmmmm....
Anyway, I'm not trying to start an agruement with anyone, I'm just so very disappointed to see the rat vote percentage here - this is my first thread and a vanity thread, but I just had to say something as we all know that compromises need to be made at all levels of life and, yes, it's hard to understand some of the latest compromises that Republicans have made, but to let it all go to the rats is insanity.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:49:14 AM PDT
To: wardaddy
"Never in my life have I seen so much political capital wasted nor an elected majority so intent on defying those who put them in power."
are you familar with the term "shadow Government"? -
both parties are puppets put up for show and to distract attention of the creep of Government power- in last year we lost private prop rights, in last 4yrs we lost political free speech, while the borders are kept open and we drop our tariffs to world goods and the rest of the world have ave tariffs on our goods of 20%+
call me paranoid or tin foil hat crowd, but too many strange things are happening in Washington DC and at some point the SHADOW GOVERNMENT view becomes very possible. shush don't tell anyone, ignore this post, it will be better for your health.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:49:47 AM PDT
(if a sucker is born every minute, what are the voters?)
To: Sonora
Would someone please point me in the direction of the perfect world so many who threaten to vote third party think they grew up in.
No matter who it was, as long as anyone who won the presidential election had a 'R' after their name they would have come up against the same barriers from the evil left that GWB has. The commie/socialist/democRATs are dividing and ruining this country and as long as they're allowed to continue on this path there's no chance for recovery, and as long as there are Republicans who insist on wearing blinders and refuse to see what evil the left is up too and they think their only recourse is to vote for a third party, the Republican party has no hopes of winning any more elections. These deserters will be handing victory to the evil left on a silver platter and they'll only have themselves to blame, and the rest of us will be forced to suffer from their folly.
If GWB had 'line item veto' ability I really think you'd see a change but the loonie lefties are determined not to give him that power. At the risk of sounding like Pelosi "We must stop them" any way we can. Don't just email, fax, telephone your reps, go to their local offices and make your feelings how they should represent you be known verbally.
Acting like spoiled brats and splitting the Republican party by saying you'll vote third party or not at all is not the solution, that's just playing right into the hands of the evil left and giving them what they want and the ones who will suffer most are our troops.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:49:50 AM PDT
To: Howlin
If the DNC regains power, we won't see Republican control of ANYTHING in our lifetime. LOL! Hard to believe political party hacks are still trying to scare people with ploys that ridiculous.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:50:05 AM PDT
(Political groupies - rabid defenders of the indefensible.)
To: Txsleuth
Could you please tell me if this "close the borders" obsession has been going on since 9/11, here on FR??? No .. but the Bush Bashing from the usuals have been
posted on
05/06/2006 11:50:12 AM PDT
To: Sonora
posted on
05/06/2006 11:50:47 AM PDT
("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" Ronald Reagan, 1987)
To: FreeAtlanta
Part of your problem is you are upset at a POTUS who never promised to be the things you want him to be...
He campaigned as a "compassionate conservative"..and with his tax cuts he IS fiscally conserative is some areas...
He also campaigned as wanting a "guest worker" program with Mexico...
To: Howlin
"we won't see Republican control of ANYTHING in our lifetime."
This is a Conservative forum, I could not care less about the the name of the political party that forwards the cause.
When Republicans sell out on Conservative causes they should expect that support to go elsewhere.
To: BW2221
"Or Alan Specter ... or Lincoln Chaffee ... or Olympia Snow?"
Those "Republicans" won't be running for Prez.
posted on
05/06/2006 11:51:50 AM PDT
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