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BREAKING: Chavez threatens to expel US Ambassador from Venezuela (Fox News)
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Posted on 04/09/2006 1:06:27 PM PDT by MikefromOhio
Just on Fox News - Hugo Chavez threatened to expel the US Ambassador
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: bananarepublic; castro; commies; communists; cuba; foreignaid; gongsound; hugochavez; hugoping; jimmahcahtah; marxism; marxist; socialism; usembassy; venezuela
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To: MikefromOhio
posted on
04/10/2006 3:12:26 AM PDT
(wWBBD: What would Brian Boitano do?)
To: AScreenNameForOnePost
All Chavez is doing is beating his chest and bashing America to order to maintain his domestic standing in Venezuela. He must placate the poor in his country (his political base) as often as he can with anti-American rhetoric, i.e. their poverty and the "country's poverty" are the result of the "greedy imperialist evil yankee power to the north," in order to stay in power. His days are numbered, and I think he knows it.
posted on
04/10/2006 3:44:17 AM PDT
(You Can Run But You Can't Hide!)
To: CondorFlight
And Venezuela would be a nice base for either Iran or N. Korea to threaten to hit the US from. Iran's missiles, which can reach Europe from Iran, could reach the USA from Venezuela.
And Venezeula is not an island, so a "Cuban Missile Crisis" style blockade would be problematic.
posted on
04/10/2006 3:54:08 AM PDT
Don Joe
(We've traded the Rule of Law for the Law of Rule.)
To: Lunatic Fringe
Wait until the summer driving season kicks in. We'll see nationwide average gasoline prices in excess of $4.00 If Iran fires up the shitfan, we'll be lucky to get by at $5/gal.
posted on
04/10/2006 3:55:41 AM PDT
Don Joe
(We've traded the Rule of Law for the Law of Rule.)
To: Sam Cree
If everyone in your neighborhood stops buying from the local supermarket, do they have the right to send the cops down and force everyone to hand over some cash? If we have the right to stop buying Venezuelan products, they have the right to stop buying ours. That's it. Also, remember *we* are not buying Venezuelan oil - privately owned oil companies are, in hopes of selling it to *us* at a profit.
Plus, oil is fungible.
If we stop buying it, someone else will start. It's a worldwide market. There will be shortage of other willing buyers.
posted on
04/10/2006 3:59:46 AM PDT
Don Joe
(We've traded the Rule of Law for the Law of Rule.)
To: operation clinton cleanup
"Start packing your bags Mister, if you keep on provoking us, start packing you bags, because I'll kick you out of here," Chavez said on his regular Sunday television program.Wow, he's got his own Sunday "talk" show? I'll be damned.
posted on
04/10/2006 3:59:49 AM PDT
(There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity.)
To: TexasTransplant
The very Ill one from North Korea could referee and pass the chairs, or act as Chuckies tag team partner Or Ill can be ringside interference, and Jimmy Carter can be Chavez' valet.
posted on
04/10/2006 4:04:14 AM PDT
(There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity.)
To: operation clinton cleanup
What flaming? I don't think they have the right to invade if we choose not to buy their oil (as ludicrous as the thought is). Do we have the right to invade if they stop selling to us? Like OPEC did in the 1970's? Actually, I read something a while back (as in 15-20 years ago, can't recall the source, but do recall considering it reliable/credible) to the effect that we do indeed have that as "policy", i.e., should something happen to put the middle eastern oil in jeopardy, we would consider it our right to step in and take over, because our national interest (in fact, our continued survival) depends on that supply of oil.
I don't know that we'd actually do that, but frankly I hope we would. It would be so refreshing if for once we'd do what's in OUR best interest. (I still have burning in my ears the words "promising" the country that the Iraqi oil would pay for the war, so not to worry. Since that LIE, we have pissed away how many billions of OUR dollars supporting and protecting people who despise us? And that is not even to mention the BLOOD we have spilled, with a price far beyond mere dollars.)
Maybe I should change my tagline to, "Yes, as a matter of fact I am bitter!"
posted on
04/10/2006 4:18:00 AM PDT
Don Joe
(We've traded the Rule of Law for the Law of Rule.)
To: operation clinton cleanup
Suicide troll... was hoping to keep it around for awhile to play with. I thought we were supposed to call them "homicide trolls"?
posted on
04/10/2006 4:20:42 AM PDT
Don Joe
(We've traded the Rule of Law for the Law of Rule.)
To: DoughtyOne
Does it really need a caption? I can think of quite a few, none suitable for mixed audience viewing.
posted on
04/10/2006 4:22:04 AM PDT
Don Joe
(We've traded the Rule of Law for the Law of Rule.)
To: SkyPilot
You know, I think Pineapple face needs some company.
To: MikefromOhio
I thought it was related to voter fraud related to the use of Venezuelan vote-counters. Heard a tiny bit of news on this this morning and didn't catch which states used these people.
To: MikefromOhio
what exactly is his prolem with the USA? He was elected, so we are nto going after him- he may be a socialist- but so is france and we are not going after him...
why is he constantly ranting at the USA lately? Are we doing to annoy him?
If we stopped buying his oil his country would be in hugh trouble
posted on
04/10/2006 7:11:44 AM PDT
Mr. K
(Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help...)
To: stboz
Speculators add about 33% to the price of a barrel of crude....or so I've heard. Damnation is too good for them. huh? All it is is representative of a built in risk premium of global uncertainty.. you can't wish away the market forces of pricing in risk, as much as socialists have continutally tried and failed to do.
posted on
04/10/2006 8:04:55 AM PDT
Rodney King
(No, we can't all just get along.)
To: MikefromOhio
I have a growing media company serving higher education colleges. It's white hot, but I am starting a business plan this summer to begin aggregating billion dollar investor types for ethanol/synth oil company. Theirs some real money for someone to come along and begin pulling in companies and people that have already built some of the infrastructure for ethanol/synth. A couple of master plants should be built in the midwest, powered by a nuclear plant. The excess power not being used for the conversion of raw materials needs to be sold-off to a major metro, so probably the best physical location is Illinois.
To: XR7
The Kingdom of Heaven according to Jimmy Carter, Madeleine Albright, Jim Wright, and the Democratic Party of the USA
Carter warmly greets US enemy that he allowed to ascend--communuist dictator Daniel Ortega.
North Korea shakes at Carter's presence. Promises full disarmament and ending nuclear development ar day's end.
"United States President Jimmy Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev sign Salt II, the first arms-reduction treaty between the two super powers...It froze the deployment of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles and banned the construction of any new submarine-based missiles...While Salt II deals largely with the limitation of nuclear weapon launchers, Mr Carter has also outlined plans for wide-ranging arms reduction negotiations over the next decade. Mr Brezhnev appears more concerned with reaching agreement on European troop cuts..."(Source: BBC--On This Day)
posted on
04/10/2006 10:09:49 AM PDT
(wWBBD: What would Brian Boitano do?)
To: DoughtyOne
LOL, "A picture is worth a thousand words!"
posted on
04/10/2006 10:24:52 AM PDT
(A liberal's 'generosity' is limited to the funds available in someone else's account.)
To: proud_yank
posted on
04/10/2006 11:04:05 AM PDT
(If you don't want to be lumped in with those who commit violence in your name, take steps to end it.)
To: MikefromOhio
That's quite a threat. Having to leave a third world country with a tyrannical leader. Poor Ambassador
posted on
04/10/2006 12:11:23 PM PDT
To: jw777
Venezuela isn't 3rd world.
To Iraqis it would probably look like paradise.
While Venezuela isn't nearly as well off as the US is, it's no where near a true 3rd world country.
Maybe 2nd world?
posted on
04/10/2006 1:06:42 PM PDT
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