Posted on 04/09/2006 1:06:27 PM PDT by MikefromOhio
Just on Fox News - Hugo Chavez threatened to expel the US Ambassador
LMAO, yeah, good ole Barney, ambassador to Venezuela, what a hoot that would be! Would he be taking his live in lover with him, LOL! Is there a Bay Village in Venezuela?
I doubt it.
Nice Stinger magnet.
Who has time for this little dumbass?
that's just wrong.
May Crude could make new highs this week...after the warmest Jan ever.
Wait till summer driving.
Telling my clients $85.00 a barrel by July 4th
it's very possible.
Either that or the bubble dries up and it steadies in the Mid-50s :)
Chavez is little more than an arrogant little boy-Red, a Castro-clone whose only diversion from the gameplan set down by the Cuban madman over 40 years ago is that he chooses a beret rather than a cammo hat as his wardrobe of choice. As a threat to the U.S. (and despite his best attempts at rattling our cages) he ranks somewhere between his impotent old boss and OPEC/Exxon/Mobil/Texaco, and he's far, far less dangerous to us than the border control situation or the Islamic extremists.
He's a joke, and we don't even really need an ambassador anymore over there to tell him what we think of him...just a "Radio Free Venuzuela" thing and the CIA actually DOING it's duty for a change instead of sitting on it's hands and playing nicey-nicey.
Hehe. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who knows Emo around here.
Full article on post 83, ping.
Well said.
We should cut all ties with Venezuela, and stop doing business with them. I am well aware that he has oil, but we still shouldn't let him treat us like that, just because he has oil.
But when I thought about that, I wondered if the USA really did cut ties with Venezuela, and stopped buying his oil, if that would be considered an act of war committed by the US, and Venezuela would then have the right to invade our country, to force us to start buying his oil again.
Thoughts ? If the US stops buying oil, from any country for that matter, does that country have the right to invade us ? The fact is, alot of their economy is dependent upon us buying oil from them, so if we stopped buying their oil, hurting their economy, then that seems like an act of war.
I used the word right, not ability. Our military strength isn't what gives us these rights. Otherwise, we would go around invading countries just based on the fact that our military strength is stronger.
But I'm sincerely asking a question on whether or not they would have the right to invade us, if we stopped buying their oil.
No... next question? You picked an appropriate screen name, I'll give you that much credit.
I've reported your post. Please stop flaming.
If everyone in your neighborhood stops buying from the local supermarket, do they have the right to send the cops down and force everyone to hand over some cash?
If we have the right to stop buying Venezuelan products, they have the right to stop buying ours. That's it. Also, remember *we* are not buying Venezuelan oil - privately owned oil companies are, in hopes of selling it to *us* at a profit.
Hey Hector, there's a spider hole with your name on it. Anyone still question whether Robertson was right??
Pray for W and Our Freedom Fighters
What flaming? I don't think they have the right to invade if we choose not to buy their oil (as ludicrous as the thought is). Do we have the right to invade if they stop selling to us? Like OPEC did in the 1970's?
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Backfire. LOL
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