Posted on 04/01/2006 12:23:48 AM PST by JohnHuang2
The girl holding the sign was wearing a ski mask. All around her were people chanting "today we march, tomorrow we vote." Up the street and around the corner from where she is, a group of boys are burning an American flag.
Is this a scene out of some bizarre new action film? No! It is a half million criminals demanding the right to break the law a bit more and to not be punished. And it's not on the street of some banana republic, its Los Angeles, Calif.
This last week has been a difficult one to stomach for many reasons. But the attitudes ignited by those who lawlessly and recklessly left school classrooms, crossed interstate highways, and burned American flags were just the tip of the iceberg.
This last week, the American people were reminded by the headlines that our unsecured borders are our biggest threat to our own safety. On Tuesday, we reported the successful attempt by government agents to smuggle nuclear materials across our borders. They successfully penetrated our border with more than enough raw materials to create two nuclear dirty bombs. Barely a word of this was seen on the nightly newscasts. And if they were able to get enough materials through for two nuclear weapons, how easy is it for people to cross the border with each of them carrying a backpack of never-yet-inspected goods? Those agents are now scheduled to testify before Sen. Norm Coleman's committee. Which is a good thing. Sen. Coleman is one of very few senators who seem to be taking our security issue seriously.
We also had to sit through the plethora of stories presented on the nightly newscasts that were designed to bring sympathy to those who have broken our laws and live here illegally. We in the MuscleHead Revolution make a big deal about this all the time, but "words mean things." I for one was offended to repeatedly hear those who whipped up the demonstrations this week referred to as "immigrant advocates." Yet it appeared in nearly every news story covering the events. They are not true advocates for real immigration and to label them as such defies honesty in their motives and grants them cover to allow them to continue their underground operations of human traffic.
This week, we also saw for the first time how much one sparsely populated state spends toward the services given to those who have no right to be here. Colorado is not a population, financial or cultural capital, yet even by their modest standards Colorado taxpayers will be coughing up an additional $ 1 billion dollars in aid. How long can a state like Colorado hemorrhage that kind of loss and not end up affecting services needed by citizens who have the right to expect services?
Then came the pictures. Flying the American flag in submission to the Mexican flag on taxpayer-funded public-school flagpoles seems to have become a new hobby.
Add to all this madness the fact that Arlen Specter and the Senate judiciary committee thought it was more important to provide continuing guest-worker status to those who have no right to be here, rather than to actually seal the border and the frustration only multiplied.
Chris Simcox of the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps told me this week that the Border Patrol has detained more than 700 persons of Middle Eastern origin in the last two years. Fifty of these persons had official ties to al-Qaida. And a reminder for those who have already forgotten 9-11 took only 19 persons.
It was encouraging to finally see some good poll numbers on the matter by Wednesday of this last week. Seventy-five percent of the American public does not believe that our government is doing enough to secure the borders. Ninety percent of the American people deem the illegal immigrant crisis "serious," and 57 percent of the American people deem it "very serious."
The question is: Why doesn't the U.S. Senate?
And to those of you who still think that McCain-Kennedy and a guest-worker program is going to solve the whole problem, let me pose a simple question: Why do the lawmakers in Washington, D.C., believe that those who refused to obey the laws that were already on the books will do anything, or be in any way motivated to obey new laws that are written to accommodate their presence here?
It's an good question.
And I would like a good answer.
Kevin is heard daily in New York City, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware and New Jersey on WMCA 570/970 from 2-5 p.m., and he blogs at
Well, what do you expect from the selfsame numbnutted nitwits who seem to think that gun control laws will stop criminals from shooting people?
Why don't we enforce the immigration laws we already have on the books?? Why do we have to write new laws?? Assuming that these protest marches consist mainly of illegal aliens, where is the INS?? They should be showing up at these marches, and arresting anyone there who is an illegal. I thought it was very considerate of the illegals to congregating together in one place!!
As an aside, this reminds me of the hippie demonstrations in the streets during the Vietnam War. I wonder if that is intentional at some level?
Also, it really, really ticks me off to see American flags being banned at schools, etc. This is our country, our flag belongs here. They can d@mned well take theirs and go home.
The abject stupidity of this "diversity" crap amazes me.
I sure don't understand what is happening in this country. 80% of Americans want these illegals stopped, and Congress does just the opposite.
The marches do resemble the hippy marches of the 60's. Same basic left-wing communist tactics, just a different set of useful idiots carrying out their bidding.
This is nuts. We can't even rely on the Republicans in Congress anymore!!
"Thunder on the Border,"
( PS- my personal prediction? That picture will become one of the most widely distributed, and most hated, pictures on the internet. The Illegal Invader lobby could not have done more damage to themselves with that "Mexican Flag Superior, America in Distress" photgraph if they had tried... )
And Then:
What a lot of posters on FR don't realize is that probably 90% of the HS student protestors are US citizens ie they were born here (most likely to Reagan era amnesty beneficiaries).
That should be the wake-up call.
The wake-up call began when Clinton visited Mexico and sent his apparatus-'niks' such as Carville there in the last few months of his Presidency.
Recently the coordination call was the film 'Walk-out' that had scenes of student demonstrations with Hispanics holding LaRaza and Atzlan signage pretending as if these were 1960's issues. The film then portrayed unjustified beating of students by violence hungry authoritarian police. The film as a whole appeared to be a propaganda piece to mobilize discontent within the Hispanic community, focusing first upon teenage youth, then photo-op senior citizen Hispanics as an appeal to respect for age, authority and wisdom.
The present movements are obvious socialist agendas to build a political base from Central America and migrate into the US and threaten the US from within.
The solution isn't revolution, nor is it criminalizing immigration, but rather exporting the basis of private property rights, legitimate freedom, respect for legitimate authority and capitalism into Mexico from the North st the same grass roots level.
Use the same socialist operations in reverse against their appeal to the masses. Make capitalism, private property rights and freedom more available to the masses of Central America.
This short-lived Texas republic sought U.S. protection against Mexico and possible interference from the British or other European powers.
At the urging of President James K. Polk, Congress approved the annexation of Texas on March 1, 1845. Polk also sent representatives to Mexico to negotiate the purchase of what are today New Mexico and California, but the Mexicans refused and both sides sent troops to the Texas-Mexico border. U.S. forces, led by future President Zachary Taylor, provoked an incident with the Mexican army, and Polk quickly obtained a declaration of war from Congress on May 13, 1846. In August 1847, after 15 months of fighting, the Mexican Government accepted a temporary armistice and began to negotiate a permanent peace settlement with Polk's personal representative, Chief Clerk of the Department of State Nicholas P. Trist. After the Mexican delegation rejected U.S. proposals for a settlement, the armistice was terminated on September 7. The war was won decisively by the United States, culminating with the capture of Mexico City about 1 week later.
Although ordered by Polk to return to Washington, Trist remained in Mexico and carried out unauthorized talks with Mexican representatives in late 1847. These meetings formed the basis for the final peace treaty, also negotiated by Trist. Although Polk refused to acknowledge or compensate Trist, he grudgingly accepted the agreement and submitted it to the Senate for ratification. The February 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (named for a town outside Mexico City) signaled Mexico's surrender and finalized the purchase of New Mexico and California for $15 million.
learn some history, you damn idiots
Here is a good site to get your blood going:
It is worse than that... a lot of these people are turning this into an ethnic struggle.
Just as it is with other issues, it is o.k. to demonize the caucasians (in this case Anglos).
Mexican is a nationality. Hispanic is an ethnicity primarily from Europe, as is the Latin based Spanish language from Europe. Latino is an ethnicity from Europe. Latins are people from the regions of the Northern Mediterranean. Catholicism is from Europe.
What these bozos don't realize is that blacks are sick of their crap as well... Most of the black people I know are sick of being called miata by these LaRaza/MeCha racists and want them to go back to Mexico if they think it is such a great nation.
Real North American Natives are sick of it too. I know, I lived with the Indians for years... heard about it often.
I also know a number of U.S. citizens of Mexican ancestry who hate wetbacks, and they ain't afraid to say so.
Now, I work with a few Mexicans and their attitudes have changed recently. I have always treated them well. Now all of the sudden I am discriminating against them if I criticize anything... and I do know what they are saying in Spanish... they actually see Osama Bin Laden as a hero!... and I am a pendaho Americano!
As far as I am concerned, they had better just go back to Oaxaca before this big ugly cowboy takes off his hat and boots, puts on war paint and calls his Indian brave friends (formerly U.S. military) for a scalping party...
Just what I was saying in #12...
"Why don't we enforce the immigration laws we already have on the books?? Why do we have to write new laws??"
I agree with you. The problem isn't the legislators' domain - it's a job of Administration (Mr. Bush) to apply the laws we already have.
"I sure don't understand what is happening in this country. 80% of Americans want these illegals stopped, and Congress does just the opposite. "
The reason is that "our" government has followed the main stream media which has followed the elitists into ignoring what the "common rabble" want because "they don't know as much as we do".
The word "Revolution" looms larger and larger, but not the one the illegals are screaming about; rather, the one that will boot them into a trajectory whose far terminus is Popocatepatal.
Rush is seeing this in terms of future votes. When I listened to Mayor Bloomberg, yesterday, I realized that to him it is probably about money. Almost all federal revenue sharing is based on population head counts, and I think this is a reason state and local politicos want their illegal populations legalized. Follow the money.
I predict that we will have to play some serious run and gun in the streets with these "people".Within 5 years.
"Too bad Osama bin Laden didn't have a hydrogen bomb to drop on that Jewish $H1thole called Manhattan?"
That this guy is still walking on both of his legs after making such a public comment attests to how bad the problem is.
This treasonous filth doesnt deserve to touch old glory. The day is coming where we will have to show them whos in control and by any means possible. Treason from within will not be tolerated.
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