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Georgia takes a stand
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ^
| 3-31-06
| Dimitri Vassilaros
Posted on 03/31/2006 9:29:40 PM PST by smoothsailing
Georgia takes a stand
By Dimitri Vassilaros
Friday, March 31, 2006
God bless Georgia.
Its state government is ready, willing and able to do about illegal immigration what the federal government is not ready, not willing and probably not capable of doing -- defending America and rejecting an unconditional surrender to Mexico.
Both chambers of Georgia's General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a bill that attacks illegal immigration and hopefully inspires 49 other states to do likewise. It needs only the governor's signature to make it official, no doubt before the inevitable court challenges that, for all we know, might be paid for by the Mexican government.
The illegals in Georgia -- maybe there are 250,000 or maybe 800,000 or maybe more, maybe much more, whatever -- will be prohibited from using many taxpayer-funded services.
Those wanting to feed at the public trough will have to prove they are Americans or in this country legally. But illegals still will have access to emergency health care, prenatal care and K-12 and higher education. That's too generous by half. But at least it's a step in the right direction. (That would be southwest to Mexico.)
Companies hoping for government contracts will be forced to verify the legal status of everyone on the payroll.
Business owners who hire illegals will not get income tax write-offs for illegal workers who are paid more than $600 annually.
The bill also increases penalties for human trafficking, requires law enforcement to verify the legal status of arrested suspects and makes life more challenging for people claiming to be lawyers who supposedly can get the proper documents for illegals so they can be hired legally.
And it demands that businesses withhold a 6 percent income tax from contract workers who do not have a taxpayer identification number or Social..
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Georgia; War on Terror
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To: smoothsailing
posted on
03/31/2006 9:32:49 PM PST
(Legal Resident Since 2004)
To: smoothsailing
posted on
03/31/2006 9:33:50 PM PST
(Dead terrorists smell like victory)
To: smoothsailing
Georgia is showing the way.
posted on
03/31/2006 9:33:57 PM PST
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: smoothsailing
Of course it doesn't mention that the first stages of this bill won't go into effect for a year or that the huge hispanic contingent is planning suits that will undoubtedly tie this up in the courts for years.
posted on
03/31/2006 9:34:12 PM PST
( (free speech is only good until someone else doesn't like what you say))
To: smoothsailing
We finally did something right. If this stands, it should more than make up for Idiot McKinney.
posted on
03/31/2006 9:35:56 PM PST
(A Scout is T, L, H, F, C, K, O, C, T, B, C, and R.)
To: smoothsailing
posted on
03/31/2006 9:36:22 PM PST
(Excuse me Helen, I'm answering your first accusation. - President Bush)
To: smoothsailing; eeevil conservative
God bless my great state.
posted on
03/31/2006 9:36:29 PM PST
(Secure our borders, no amnesty.)
To: smoothsailing
The elites won't like this...better stay in line!
posted on
03/31/2006 9:42:21 PM PST
(Far right, elitist, sexist, cynical religious bigot and looter)
To: smoothsailing
I don't see anything there that makes this look like a serious plan to tackle the problem. I didn't realize employers were getting tax write offs for illegal aliens now they can't...hurray.
They even talk about prenatal help, taxpayers being charged to bring the anchor babies into this world instead of sending them back before delivery.
posted on
03/31/2006 10:08:33 PM PST
(Massive immigration is a modern day slave trade with the poorest citizens feeling the whip)
To: freeangel
There is mention of the (your words)
hispanic contingent that is planning suits that will undoubtedly tie this up in the courts for years. It needs only the governor's signature to make it official, no doubt before the inevitable court challenges that, for all we know, might be paid for by the Mexican government.
Be that as it may, even with all the positive and common sense elements of this legislation, I was surprised at the power the "education" lobby must have in Georgia.
posted on
03/31/2006 10:10:12 PM PST
(FIRE MURTHA-Support Diana Irey--
To: smoothsailing
posted on
03/31/2006 10:12:49 PM PST
To: smoothsailing
posted on
03/31/2006 10:13:53 PM PST
(El Chupacabra spotted near U.S./Mexican border feeding on illegal immigrants. Pass it on..)
To: aliquando
If this stands, it should more than make up for Idiot McKinney.<<< Thats a tall order!!
To: aliquando
You've got McKinney and Atlanta.
Here in Pennsylvania we've got Murtha and Philadelphia.
posted on
03/31/2006 10:19:04 PM PST
(FIRE MURTHA-Support Diana Irey--
To: smoothsailing
Ask any Viet Nam Era Vet
what they think of the "plan" to reward
illegal "guest workers"
with a "path" to citizenship.
It was Viet Nam Era Vet's who saved America
from having to say "president hanoi kerry"
Karl Rove nailed it exactly
Rove Credits Swiftvets With 'Energizing' Bush Vote (Thank You Karl Rove!)
'08 Bumper Sticker
"ANYBODY except a RINO or hitlery!"
Sessions and Tancredo '08 Monday, March 27, 2006 The American people are counting on us to secure our borders and restore the rule of law to our immigration system. The Senate Judiciary Committee today let the American people down by passing out a blanket amnesty bill. We've been down this path several times before, and it proved a failure.
There was a real opportunity to take the steps necessary to fix our failed immigration enforcement system and while progress was made, we did not get there. The proper approach is to first fix the enforcement system and then to undertake a national discussion about immigration, considering how to justly handle those here illegally and what rules should govern future immigration levels. We also have not effectively dealt with the national security issues.
I voted against the committee passed legislation because it rewards illegal behavior, will be considered amnesty by the people and will not restore respect for law. Fortunately, the House of Representatives has passed a solid bill, and there will be an opportunity to improve the Senate version in the days to come. "In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Real Conservatives FINALLY
have a winning ticket in '08
Time for the real conservatives on FR,
be it Republicans, Independents or Democrats
(like Zell Miller and John O'Neill) to band together
and oust the looney left and RINO's
The "Politically Correct RINO's" on FR are the same group
who "swore"
klintoon, hitlery, hanoi kerry, sanbdi ber(bur)glar, al bore, jane beno,
would be prosecuted for
pardongate, chinagate, the bribes in upstate NY in the 2000 NY Senate race, waco, etc, etc,
"when" the "time was right".
NOW the The "Politically Correct RINO's" on FR
want YOU to actually support the "plan" to reward illegal "guest workers"
with a "path" to citizenship.
How could an illegal be a "guest" of anything?
What part of criminal don't RINO's understand?
posted on
03/31/2006 10:26:36 PM PST
(How could an illegal be a "guest" of anything? What part of criminal don't RINO's understand?)
Comment #17 Removed by Moderator
Comment #18 Removed by Moderator
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
I don't know about you, Tonk, but this whole thing about Viet Nam "Era" Vets is a bunch of crap in my book.
It's like me saying I'm an American "Era" citizen.
It reminds me of all the dumbass hyphenated names, like Italian-American or the liberal women who have last names like Smith-Jones.
posted on
03/31/2006 10:41:06 PM PST
(FIRE MURTHA-Support Diana Irey--
To: TonyRo76
No, but I'll trade you Murtha and Philadelphia for the Mudhens and Tony Packo's! :-)
posted on
03/31/2006 10:44:47 PM PST
(FIRE MURTHA-Support Diana Irey--
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