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To: Behind Liberal Lines; Miss Marple; an amused spectator; netmilsmom; Diogenesis; YaYa123; MEG33; ...
Hardball/NewsBusters ping to the Today show ping list.
2 posted on
02/13/2006 5:25:09 PM PST by
(Watching the Today Show Since 2002 So You Don't Have To.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Lets just call Ron "Rectal thermometer "
3 posted on
02/13/2006 5:25:35 PM PST by
al baby
(Father of the Beeber)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
To: governsleastgovernsbest
This is a little off-topic, but isn't it interesting how the Dems tried to grab some of the RWR spotlight by having Ronnie speak, and it did nothing for them, while Zell Miller appearing at the Republican National Convention was a hit?
Maybe it has something to do with Miller being a MAN.
Or maybe it has something to do with Ron Jr. possessing NONE of the qualities that made his father great?
5 posted on
02/13/2006 5:26:02 PM PST by
(An agnostic for religious freedom, not Islamofascistic multiculti PC secularism)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Oh my God, I got showered by bird shot... how weak.
6 posted on
02/13/2006 5:26:58 PM PST by
(They took our jobs!!! Der dook er jibs!!! Deer took er jabs!!!)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
"You just did [suggest something]. Are you crazy? You just threw that out there. There's no reason to believe this is anything but an accident and you know it."
Chris Matthews actually didn't agree with that!?! I'm impressed. He's usually the idiot making those kinds of remarks.
7 posted on
02/13/2006 5:27:04 PM PST by
( -- Go Speak Your Mind.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Ron "One Hot Rod" Reagan?
8 posted on
02/13/2006 5:27:16 PM PST by
(One should hope Global Dumbing is reversible.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
a paid MSM analyst has suggested that the Vice-President of the United States might have intentionally shot an innocent man.I have seen Hissy's program get pretty hysterical, but this one clearly takes the cake. He spent at least 45 minutes on this non-story, but I must say that the segment with Alan Simpson was refreshing. Hissy had to state for the record that he was not crazy.
9 posted on
02/13/2006 5:27:20 PM PST by
(An admitted Snow Flake and a member of Sam's Club)
To: All
Ron Reagan, CSI Corpus Christi.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Law enforcement is entitled to investigate this case, to find out what happened, to find out if he had anything against Mr. WhittingtonNaw, but if Cheney ever offers to go hunting with Howie Dean or the Leakey Leahey, ....
It's not as if Cheney offered to drive Whittington home from a party or anything.
13 posted on
02/13/2006 5:28:16 PM PST by
(He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep, in order to gain what he cannot lose. -Jim Elliot)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
I'll bet L'il Ronnie's had something against lots of men....
14 posted on
02/13/2006 5:28:30 PM PST by
(If you don't support the mission you don't support the troops. Period.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
This is precisely why these blabber shows are a waste of time. They feel they need to sensationalize and spin every story and yell at each other, instead of honest debate. I hope, one day, these types of shows and reality shows fall into the dustbin of shame TV
16 posted on
02/13/2006 5:28:50 PM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Cheney must be a really bad shot if he intentionally tried to shoot him in the face and only hit him with a couple bb's
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Matthews' other guest, notorious Bush antagonist Patrick Buchanan, was only too happy to pour inflammable liquid on the fire: "Why didn't Cheney invite the sheriff in so the sheriff could find out what happened?"
Pat is officially senile.
20 posted on
02/13/2006 5:30:00 PM PST by
Dog Gone
To: governsleastgovernsbest
WP's Dana Milbank on Olbermann.......
I was asleep at the switch and missed Milbank wearing a matching orange wool cap.
Olbermann, distressed at the fact that no video or still photos were available of the incident, made his own............
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Call me crazy, but I'd still be honored to be invited along on a hunting trip with the VP.
Of course, I wouldn't go sneaking up on him, either :-)
23 posted on
02/13/2006 5:31:36 PM PST by
(ad hominem arguments are for stupid people)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
30 posted on
02/13/2006 5:34:29 PM PST by
("There is no way...that you came from my loins."--Ronald Reagan to Skipper.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
The Lib goobers are NOT going to get any traction with this; they may even lose those few conservative Dems that they DO have left.
32 posted on
02/13/2006 5:35:32 PM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
It wasn't even 13 hours; that show is on at 5:00 p.m. EST.
The shooting happened at 5:50 p.m. CST.
36 posted on
02/13/2006 5:36:27 PM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
So there it is. Approximately 13 hours after the story broke on national news, a paid MSM analyst has suggested that the Vice-President of the United States might have intentionally shot an innocent man.Holy cow. The MSM is starting to resemble the dinosaurs in the tar pits...the more they struggle, the more they dig their own graves.
Clearly, members of the MSM have never been hunting.
I made a post on another thread a few minutes ago describing circumstances where I suddenly realized that I was in a position where my husband could have shot me. And we were hunting for birds (I was only on a look-out position, I didn't have a gun and don't know how to use one). However I have taken classes in awareness and wilderness survival, and I'd heard/seen the bird and wanted to point it out to my husband. I used all my training to walk super-quietly, even on the dry leaves. But when I realized that I couldn't see my husband anymore, though we were both wearing orange vests, I stopped moving until I saw his face and he saw mine and we waved at each other.
Accidents can happen, very easily, while hunting. I've never hunted in my life but I've tagged along enough to know that the combination of adrenaline, trying to hide from the animals (but not from your hunting partner), and the foiliage, etc., can be extremely dangerous.
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