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Live from CPAC! ^ | Feb 9, 2006 | Taxrelief, et al.

Posted on 02/09/2006 3:11:52 PM PST by TaxRelief

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TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; US: Connecticut; US: District of Columbia; US: Maryland; US: North Carolina; US: Virginia
KEYWORDS: bobbarr; cpac; dcchapter; georgeallen; mikepence
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To: Gipper08

Pence gets Presidential reception

Rep. Mike Pence (R.-Ind.), the HUMAN EVENTS Man of the Year, delivered the best speech at CPAC. We were fortunate enough to have Pence join us afterward for a special HUMAN EVENTS discussion at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.

Pence spoke to about 40 die-hard activists and conservative bloggers at CPAC. He received a standing ovation upon entering the room and took time out of his morning schedule to answer all the questions that were posed to him.

Among the highlights:

On Reform of the United Nations: Carroll Andrew Morse of the blog Anchor Rising asked Pence the likelihood of immigration reform. Pence said he remains intent to see his UN reform bill, co-sponsored by International Relations Chairman Henry Hyde (R.-Ill.), through to passage. The bill is so tough on the UN that it has run into some trouble with UN Ambassador John Bolton.

On Conservatives in Washington: That’s Washington State, not Washington, D.C. Pence was asked by Bob Williams, president of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, how he could have bigger impact in the Evergreen State. Pence said someone should invite him. He went on to praise Rep. Cathy McMorris (R.-Wash.), one of the rising stars in the GOP.

On Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, I-69 and running for President in 2008: One of Pence’s fans from Indiana asked an interesting assortment of questions that ranged from his view on Interstate 69 to a presidential run in 2008. On the first two questions -- about Daniels’ budget-cutting efforts and construction of I-69 as a toll road -- Pence gave a thumbs-up. But he openly dodged the third question about Sen. Evan Bayh’s (R.-Ind.) potential presidential candidacy in 2008 and whether Pence would throw his hat in the ring. “Probably one Hoosier running from Indiana is enough in 2008,” Pence said.

On new Majority Leader John Boehner (R.-Ohio) and ethics reform: Although Pence was an influential supporter of Rep. John Shadegg (R.-Ariz.), he said Boehner gives the GOP a solid leader who has a record as a reformer. But Pence warned that just changing the rules as they apply to lobbyists won’t get the job done. He said Congress needs to do a much better job with taxpayers’ money.

UPDATE -- 12:24 p.m.: More coverage of Pence’s post-speech meeting is available on the American Spectator’s blog. David Holman questions why CPAC scheduled Pence to speak at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.

101 posted on 02/12/2006 6:38:54 PM PST by Gipper08 (Mike Pence in 2008)
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To: Gipper08

Two years ago, when I presented the keynote address here at CPAC 2004, I likened the state of the Republican movement to a tall ship at sea -- a ship that had drifted off-course from essential conservative principles.

I said we had lost our way. But I believed we could get back on course - would get back on course. We could make the corrections. We needed only to keep our eye on True North -- our core principles of limited government and traditional moral values.

I believed that we were off course not because we'd abandoned these principles, or forgotten the shining city on the hill. We'd simply made honest, but flawed calculations on how to get there.

I no longer believe that.

It's one thing to drift off course...

It's quite another thing to continue that course when half the crew and passengers are pointing out that nothing looks familiar ... not to mention the tens of millions of Americans lining the shoreline screaming, "You're going the wrong way!"

In short, we're no longer adrift. We might've been when we started but now "off course" is the accepted course.

The evidence for this is overwhelming ... while President Bush has called for increases in non-defense spending of 4 percent for the last five years, Congress has delivered budgets spending more than twice that each year ... Congress has spent $380 billion more than the President requested under Republican control.

Whether it's called "compassionate conservatism" or "big government republicanism," after years of record increases in federal spending, more government is now the accepted Republican philosophy in Washington.

We are in danger of becoming the party of Big Government. And for the sake of our party and for the sake of the nation we must say, here and now, to all who would lead us in this new century, "the era of big Republican government is over!"

When I think of the state of our movement in Washington ... it reminds me of a story:

There was this construction worker, Mac, who'd bring his neatly and lovingly packed lunch to work each day. Mac would sit down with his buddies, open the brown paper sack and pull out a cheeseburger, chocolate cake and peanut butter cookies. Without fail, he'd look at his fellow workers and complain, "I can't believe it! A cheeseburger, cake and cookies again! How am I ever going to lose weight?!"

After about a month of hearing him complain about the burger, cake and cookies, one of his buddies finally said, "Come on Mac! If you're so concerned about your weight, just ask your wife to send you off with something different."

To which the Mac replied, "What you talkin' about? I pack my own lunch!"

Remind you of anybody we know?

The key question to remember is: who's in control here?

Congress might ask itself the same question. We control the spending and the process ... and we wonder how the things got to such a state?

And it's not like we haven't made important course corrections in many significant areas. There can be no diminishing those accomplishments.

Think about it, under Republican control:

We've dismantled and scattered the network of terrorists within our United States.

We've liberated nations from oppressive, murderous regimes and the American soldier has brought the promise of democracy and freedom to millions who have never known it.

We've cut taxes again and again.

President Bush has put the brakes on leftist, activist courts with his sound appointments, including two strict constructionist justices to the Supreme Court of the United States.

We've stopped the horror of partial-birth abortions.

But what of those other promises central to our nation's values and liberty? The promises that said, "We'll cut spending. We'll rein in big government. We'll restore ethics and honesty to government."

On these promises? All sizzle and no steak. The ship's galley just keeps sending up giant pu-pu platters of pork, platitudes, promises and never-ending pleas for patience to the passengers on the deck.

"We're working on it," Congress tells them. "But in the meantime, we've got to get re-elected so that we can get this ship back on course to cut spending, rein in big government, and restore ethics and honesty. We can't do it without a majority."

Former Majority Leader Dick Armey said it best, "we do the things we ought not do, so we can be reelected to do the things we ought to do and never get around to doing"

We are not, as a party, bereft of ideas - we are bereft of will -- the will to even consider ideas that might touch on the sacred cows of federal spending...

Too little discipline. Too many compromises. Too little resolve.

Americans have a right to be scratching their heads.

And for the past six years, we have had no excuse for the outrageous growth in the size and scope of government.

Six years is enough.

If we are still on the wrong course, it is because we choose to be-either because we truly do not see the urgency of course correction or we lack the will to bring it about.

And the American people get it. It's the politicians who don't.

The American people see a disconnect between what we've been saying and what we've been doing.

Far too many of those things we said we'd do if we got control remain undone.

There is no escaping the fact that many of the things we have done look more like the work of a Democrat majority. Like:

l The first new entitlement in 40 years;
l National testing and a 50 percent increase in the federal department of education;
l Record deficits, and;
l An $8 trillion national debt

Not to mention a pork barrel culture that saw more than 15,000 earmarks, including public funding for an indoor rainforest in Iowa, a weather center for Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog, and, of course, a Bridge to Nowhere.

Our ship is running out of fuel, our crew is running out of patience, and we are running out of time.

Every day, we sail further into the dangerous waters of Big Government Republicanism ... perilous straits for a society built on personal responsibility and freedom. We risk finding ourselves past the point of no return on the Road to Serfdom.

If we must look over our shoulder to see that shining city on a hill, we are sailing in the wrong direction.
And I know some of you want to abandon ship, head for the lifeboats and let the ship hit the unforgiving reef of the midterm elections.

But anyone who thinks that a Democrat Congress would do any better has (as we say in Indiana) "another think comin!"

In my five years in Congress, despite all their talk about deficits and the national debt, I have never seen the Democrats bring a bill to the floor that wasn't a lot bigger and a lot more intrusive than what we Republicans were selling.

So the answer is not mutiny.

It's not time to abandon ship.

It's time for a major course correction!

We need to stop, set anchor, and reset our heading based on what we know to be true about the nature of government:

Conservatives know:
l That government that governs least, governs best;
l That as government expands, freedom contracts;
l That government should never do for a man what he can and should do for himself;
l That societies are judged by their treatment of the most vulnerable: the aged, the infirm, and the unborn.

But it's not enough to know these truths. We need to choose to put them into practice.

Therefore, we have come to another time for choosing.

Our party and many of you -- its rising generation of new leaders face an age-old choice:

A choice between the belief in limited government and tradition -- and the siren song of the central planner, who says that big government is good government if it's our government.

The conservative movement is at a crossroads. Are we committed to the ideals of limited government, fiscal discipline and traditional moral values or not?

If we are, we must act accordingly. It is why voters gave us a governing majority.

And make no mistake about it -- the time for choosing is at the crossroads.

We once walked the path with heads held high -- with energy, hope and determination.

Remember when America walked it together? Twenty-five years ago, when another son of the heartland came east with the ideals of our founders, we walked into our future of liberty, prosperity, security, and values.

It is as if Ronald Reagan's 1975 address to CPAC was meant for us today. He said, "A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers."

He said in that speech over 30 years ago, "I do not believe I have proposed anything that is contrary to what has been considered Republican principle. It is at the same time the very basis of conservatism. It is time to reassert that principle and raise it to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."

President Reagan described the path that led to morning, the shining city on the hill and a national majority.

And it will still lead us there.

We will find our way to Morning in America. But first, we must go back to the future-back to doing the hard thing because it's the right thing

And there are signs that we are doing just that ... signs that our party is beginning to rekindle our commitment to limited government and reform.

Let me tell you how:

2005 will be remembered as a year of good intentions, bad disasters and promises kept. Congress, early last year, adopted the toughest budget since the Reagan years and under the leadership of the Appropriations Committee reported one bill after another on time and on budget.

And then came Katrina ... 90,000 square miles of our Gulf Coast destroyed and $60 billion appropriated in just six days.

Now back in Indiana, when a tree falls on your house...first you tend to the wounded, then you start the cleanup, then you sit down and figure out how you are going to pay for it ... but not in Washington D.C.!

After the storm, many in Congress thought that fiscal discipline was the last thing that Congress should be thinking about ... preferring to raise taxes or increase the national debt instead of making tough choices.

But not House conservatives.

Seeing that a catastrophe of nature could become a catastrophe of debt, dozens of conservative leaders in Congress challenged our colleagues to offset the cost of Hurricane Katrina with budget cuts. We called it "Operation Offset" ... And I will always believe that our efforts sparked a national debate that galvanized into fiscal discipline.

The American people wanted Washington to pay for Katrina with budget cuts, and Washington got the message.

In direct response to the call for cuts, Speaker Dennis Hastert unveiled a plan which would cut spending in every area of the federal budget.

And just last Wednesday, I joined the President at the White House as he signed the first Deficit Reduction Act since 1997, saving taxpayers nearly 40 billion dollars.

A real vote with real results.

Suddenly, we didn't just say the hard things, but for the first time in a long time we did them ... and it really wasn't even all that hard.

You see, the conventional wisdom - which is a Washington term; back in Indiana they use the term "excuse" - the conventional wisdom is that these things are just so complex, just so involved, that nothing can simply "just get done."

Yes, a lot of these issues are complex. Yes, they're involved. But so is electricity. You don't have to be Thomas Edison to turn out the light at night. Anyone with a lick of common sense and initiative can pull a plug.

And you don't have to be a genius to turn out the lights on big government or to pull the plug on wasteful government spending!

This is just a start -- a small step down the road toward fiscal discipline. But for Americans troubled by a rising tide of red ink here in Washington D.C., 2006 begins with reason for optimism, as this Congress begins to make tough choices in tough times to put our fiscal house in order.

There's also reason for optimism as we see this Congress rekindle our commitment to honest and open government in Washington DC

The headlines announcing one scandal after another have eroded public confidence in our commitment to government of the highest moral caliber.

I am here to tell you that even as we speak, Congress is preparing to fight for ethics reform, not because such scandals hurt our party, but because they hurt the nation. The Bible says "Righteousness exalts a nation," so the converse must also be true. The scandals, which have beset our national government in recent days have grieved the heart of the American people.

And while we must reform the rules, install more, tighten the process, understand this: such tinkering does not substitute for genuine restoration of honesty and integrity to our halls of leadership.

There is a legitimate role in deterrence.

But compelled ethics is an oxymoron and a poor substitute for real integrity.

True servants of the people do not need to be compelled to keep their hand out of the cookie jar.

For all others, we can only make it harder to play the system and easier to catch them.

But as we reform our rules of ethics, we will do so with the understanding that these are but symptoms of the core problem.

The real scandal in Washington D.C. is runaway government spending.

Fiscal integrity and moral integrity are inseparable issues. You can't complain about the sharks while you're holding a bucket of chum.

So it's not enough to change the way lobbyists spend their money. We must change the way Congress spends the people's money.

Only by marrying budget reform and ethical reform can we restore the confidence of the American people in the fiscal and moral integrity of our national government.

So on fiscal responsibility and reform, there are signs that our ship is turning.

And while fiscal and ethical renewal will not be easy, I'm puzzled by those who say it will take courage to make these changes.

Perhaps they confuse courage with will. It takes no courage to cast a vote or speak from the well of the House of Representatives. There are no grenade launchers or snipers in the visitors' balcony.

Let me tell you about courage. Twice I had the privilege of visiting Iraq with our brave American soldiers - men and women who chose to leave the comforts of their home, put their lives on hold and on the line, in the fight for liberty.

Sadly, there are faces I was never privileged to see. Men and women from my district whose hands I will never have the honor of shaking on this side of eternity.

Let me tell you about one of them.

Raymond White grew up in Elwood Indiana, a small town in my district. This red-headed Boy Scout "always had a smile on his face," was upbeat and a young man of faith ... he carried pocket-sized King James Bible everywhere he went and had what his folks called an "others first" attitude from early on.

Ray was still in his teens when our nation was attacked on 9-11.

As the nation watched in horror the images on TV, and as smoke billowed from the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, there came for this 6'4" Hoosier a personal time for choosing.

Ray told his father, "Dad, I have a higher calling, and I've got to go serve my country." He joined the Army, and was eventually deployed to Baghdad.

Ray did have a higher calling.

On November 12, 2004, there came for Ray another time for choosing. His convoy came under fire in an ambush. There was no time to think. No time to weigh options. In an instant, in a single moment of decision, Ray chose life. Not his own, but his friends'.

Instead of taking cover, he provided it for his fellow soldiers to evacuate to the trenches. He stood at the gun turret mounted on his Humvee and returned fire, fending off the assault until everyone was safe. His Dad, Hank described it this way, "In the final few moments of his life, the best of him came out. He had a job to do and he did it to the very bitter end."

Raymond White was 22 when the Lord called him home. Because of his heroism, there were no other casualties. "No greater love hath man than this, that he should lay down his life for his friends."

If it ever crosses my mind to think my job is hard ... when I'm tired and weary of the battle on Capitol Hill, this is what sets me straight.

Most of our men and women in the armed forces are less than half the age of most members of Congress, yet possessed of a timeless wisdom, strength, and commitment to freedom that shall survive to inspire generations.

They fight and die for the cause of liberty. Surely we can muster the will to cast a vote for it.

Their courage is not shaken by the whine of a bullet. Shall Republicans cower at the whine of liberal democrats or special interests?

Surely we can face mere objection and bureaucracy in the cause of liberty. I believe we can ... and I believe we will.

Plutarch said millennia ago, "The real destroyer of the liberties of the people, is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits."

The destroyers of liberty, whether they are butchers and tyrants, or the false prophets of socialism, do not fall meekly. They cling to power as stubbornly as Saddam's statue clung to its base in the square of Baghdad.

But I am confident, for they are no match for the spirit of liberty, for the will of the American people, and the resolve of millions with their eye on True North. People like you, here at CPAC, the future of our country, whose passion for freedom strengthens our will to right the course of our party's wayward ship.

It is you who will steer our ship toward Morning in America and to that shining city on the hill.

If there were not cause for hope, you would not be here today. Each of you has chosen to stay and fight for this country's future, its course, and its place in history, as a defender of freedom and a beacon to all nations.

You have chosen to stand against the defeatists and the preachers of inevitability. Each of you is armed with unique strengths, talents and skills, but most of all, conviction -- the strength of knowing that our cause is just and our cause is right. And that the American cause is mankind's cause for it is in the hearts of all people to be free.

Thank you for your love of liberty, your love for this country and your evident love of our God who watches over this nation that He placed on these, our wilderness shores.

Our founders understood, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty."

Let us appeal to the Author and Finisher of our faith that He might grant us wisdom in the choices to come. And may He bless us with energy, optimism, hope and resolve as we once again set sail to a renewed era of limited government and liberty ... as we set sail to morning in America.

May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

102 posted on 02/12/2006 6:40:01 PM PST by Gipper08 (Mike Pence in 2008)
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To: Gipper08

Pence in the Morning - Saturday, February 11, 2006 @ 11:02:49 AM

Somehow, Congressman Mike Pence was relegated to 8:30 Saturday morning at CPAC. What a cryin' shame. His address was a rousing call to action. He argued that not only is the Republican movement off course, but that wrong heading is accepted. The party in D.C. accepts more government as the accepted philosophy of government. "We control the spending and the process and we wonder how things got to such a state." Pence has posted his prepared remarks on his campaign website. Read it all. It's vastly different from the tunnel vision offered by so many of the party leaders these days, especially those in Washington.

Speaking of Washington, at a bloggers' reception hosted by Human Events after his address, a man from Washington State asked how he can get Rep. Pence to visit and rally the troops there. He answered that he just needed to be invited, but offered a few thoughts on the two Washingtons: "You're the Washington that I like. You're sitting in 30 square miles surrounded by a place called reality. That's a Washington where they produce things." Indeed.

This is a man who has fun discussing political philosophy at 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning. He's a man of ideas. He's friendly, genuine, humble, has gravitas, and loves his wife, Karen. When he entered the room, he made sure he located her and had her seated at his side before he began. This is a man who is still calling for the abolition of the Department of Education (remember that, Republicans?) and said that if U.N. reform fails, the U.S. "should seriously consider the formation of a new world body of free peoples." He's rightly suspicious of the establishment, joking that his daughter wasn't impressed by his award of Human Events Man of the Year. "If Dad's ever Time magazine Man of the Year, it's time to lock him up."

Even though Pence is a rising star among the conservative movement and, to a lesser extent, within the party, he's still underestimated. He's got the right stuff, and he's speaking at 8:30 Saturday morning.

103 posted on 02/12/2006 6:48:23 PM PST by Gipper08 (Mike Pence in 2008)
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To: TaxRelief
Why not just have judges, aka LAWYERS, choose our leaders?

Need I remind you that some people insist that has already happened, in 2000?

104 posted on 02/12/2006 10:10:15 PM PST by logician2u
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To: WatchingInAmazement
I notice this group is listed as a speaker at CPAC. Ryan Ellis, Alliance for Worker Freedom. This is another Norquist group,along with his Islamic Institute. Soros was recently a speaker at Norquists Wed. morning meetings.

Meaning to carry no water for Mr. Norquist, but your attempt to link Soros to the Alliance for Worker Freedom is a bit weak.

Most conservatives take a dim view of corrupt labor unions. It's only natural that the AWF would have a representative speak at CPAC. Or would you maybe expect someone from the NEA?

A paragraph from the page you linked to:

President Bush, Secretary Chao and her team at the Department of Labor deserve enormous credit for stepping up enforcement of the nation's anti-corruption laws in the field of organized labor. We have observed a dramatic increase in enforcement action -- to the benefit of honest union members, consumers, and business owners -- during the last five years.

Seems reasonable to me. And you?

105 posted on 02/12/2006 10:20:40 PM PST by logician2u
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To: TaxRelief

Thanks to your buddies cpac we know have given up Homeland security, to the Saudi's.

This country is going to the dogs.

By Sher Zieve – The United Arab Emirates, a country that has been named in the 9/11 attacks on the United States, has been chosen to manage a number of US shipping ports. The UAE is said to have ties to the Islamic hijackers who affected the 9/11/2001 attacks.
The ports that the UAE will manage include New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. The $6.8B deal is expected to be approved on Monday.

Ops4 God Bless America!

106 posted on 02/12/2006 10:38:06 PM PST by OPS4 (worth repeating)
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To: Gipper08

As much as I want to like Pence, your enthusiastic support of him at the expense of all other potential candidates is hurting him. I am not just referring to this thread.

I know you mean well, but frankly, your support style is too "in your face", and is doing more harm than good. It's just too overbearing.

It would be helpful too if you could give Mike some feedback. His slogan: "A Christian first, a conservative second and a Republican last" is exciting initially, but it quickly gets old. All of his stumping is exciting at first, but also quickly gets old.

Think about it.

107 posted on 02/13/2006 6:19:05 AM PST by TaxRelief (Wal-Mart: Keeping my family on-budget since 1993.)
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To: TaxRelief

Thanks but NO THANKS!
God Bless

108 posted on 02/13/2006 6:19:50 AM PST by Gipper08 (Mike Pence in 2008)
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To: cf_river_rat

Velvet revolution, and I have any other info you want concerning this vehicle.

109 posted on 02/13/2006 6:58:58 AM PST by TaxRelief (Wal-Mart: Keeping my family on-budget since 1993.)
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To: TaxRelief
Newt Gingrich stole the show. Hands down.

Wish I'd been able to hear him.....

110 posted on 02/13/2006 7:16:19 AM PST by Rummyfan
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To: logician2u
Need I remind you that some people insist that has already happened, in 2000?

Why should it ever have gone to the courts in the first place?

111 posted on 02/13/2006 7:29:25 AM PST by TaxRelief (Wal-Mart: Keeping my family on-budget since 1993.)
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To: Rummyfan

Hit his website. Lots of audio going on there.

112 posted on 02/13/2006 10:20:34 AM PST by Registered (There's nothing progressive about being liberal)
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To: Gipper08

Now that speech by Congressman Pence is the sort of thing that I haven't heard since Pat Buchanan or Ronald Reagan. I like the sound of "the Pence Administration."

113 posted on 02/13/2006 11:51:27 AM PST by Old_Mil ( - Forging a Rebirth of Freedom.)
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To: Gipper08

My guess it that you weren't there. Pence's speech ranked about 8th.

114 posted on 02/13/2006 3:55:23 PM PST by Huber (Direct threats require decisive action. - Dick Cheney)
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To: All

Pence gets Presidential reception

Rep. Mike Pence (R.-Ind.), the HUMAN EVENTS Man of the Year, delivered the best speech at CPAC......

115 posted on 02/13/2006 4:24:25 PM PST by Gipper08 (Mike Pence in 2008)
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To: Huber; TaxRelief
Ran into Eternal Vigilance at the DC Chapter booth on Thursday, and into BadRay at the bar after returning from Walter Reed this evening. Nutmeg and Zelig - Where are you?

Oh sure. You missed me volunteering at the FairTax booth for 3 days. You missed me helping a fellow FReeper carry her bags to the DC Chapter booth. You missed me lighting the fires of liberty, but you saw me in the bar. LOL

It was great seeing you and your family once again. I can't believe how quickly the girls have become young ladies, but I am not surprised that they have. They have a great role model.

116 posted on 02/13/2006 6:22:45 PM PST by Badray (In the hands of bureaucrat, a clip board is as deadly as a gun.)
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To: Gipper08

Great speech.

I didn't get to listen to any of the speeches and I don't know that this was the best, but this is what I want to hear and see from the Republican Party.

117 posted on 02/13/2006 6:47:22 PM PST by Badray (In the hands of bureaucrat, a clip board is as deadly as a gun.)
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To: Badray

Why didn't you get to listen to any of the speeches? Why else would you GO to CPAC?

118 posted on 02/13/2006 9:32:41 PM PST by TaxRelief (Wal-Mart: Keeping my family on-budget since 1993.)
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To: TaxRelief

Its funny there's always some big snowstorm when CPAC happens.

119 posted on 02/13/2006 10:07:06 PM PST by BlueSky194
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To: TaxRelief




I really only listened to the speeches on my first CPAC. Since then I have talked to the grassroots people there and to the groups represented there. Only rarely do I find a speaker worthwhile. Not that they aren't good, but that they have nothing new to say. It's the same thing over and over that I can here on FOX or my local VRWC radio station, but at CPAC I can talk to the people on the street. I learn more about attitude and opinions and what passes for conservatism these days.

Frankly, this year I came away with very mixed emotions. There is a lot to be happy about -- seemed to be more young people than in the past and a HUGE increase in the number of Blacks in attendence. Both are important for the future. Sadly, there is also much to be disturbed about -- so many people like the power of government to enforce their values, their will, and their vision on the rest of us.

As I get older, I find myself getting more libertarian and more distrustful of government. I don't want the government to have the power that these people are willing to cede to it. The government big enough to give you everything that you want is big enought to take anything that they want.

120 posted on 02/14/2006 2:18:40 AM PST by Badray (In the hands of bureaucrat, a clip board is as deadly as a gun.)
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