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Michelle Malkin ^
| 2/7/06
| Michelle Malkin
Posted on 02/07/2006 8:14:09 PM PST by bnelson44
Well, it's done. I appeared tonight on Fox News Channel's Hannity and Colmes for an all-too-brief segment on the Muhammad Cartoons. Before I drove to the Washington, D.C., studio, I stopped by a Kinko's store, printed out the cartoons, and pasted them onto a piece of poster board. I then used my short time on the airwaves to do what no one wants to do on American TV:
I tried to show viewers all 12 cartoons to give viewers the full context of the Jyllands-Posten's decision to publish the artwork.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: cartoons; foxnews; hannity; malkin; muhammadcartoons
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To: bnelson44
"It seems to me a certainty that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of the Arab women are the outstanding causes for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have been developing."
General George S. Patton
posted on
02/07/2006 9:56:36 PM PST
Patriot Hooligan
("God have mercy on my enemies because I won't." General George S. Patton)
To: coffee260
I can't understand what exactly it is that you are trying to say, because you can't spell. (quite)?
posted on
02/07/2006 10:16:30 PM PST
de Buillion
(Democrats and their death doctors murdered 3,534 babies DAILY in the US, 2002.)
To: bayourant
"Primarly the Heresy of Iconclasim and then the Calvanist rampage against all images in the Churches of Europe esp in England." Yes, the Church has been beset and divided by Satan and his minions ever since Christ founded it 2,000 years ago. Jesus told us to expect this, "beware wolves in sheep's clothing..", "a house divided against itself..", "false prophets will arise..", etc. But bear in mind it wasn't the CHURCH (God's spotless bride) that caused these divisions and troubles, it was Satan working in the minds of weak individuals within the Church. We must always be on guard against this.
But islam is another case altogether. It's founder was a lecher, a liar and a murderer, there was no spirituality in any of his messages, as they pertained mostly to worldly events. Even their 'paradise' is founded on lust and eternal pleasures of the flesh.
The bitter hearts and brutal behavior of mohammed's present-day followers is the inheritance of islam, as is their stagnant, medieval lifestyle. Fourteen hundred years of history show mohammed and his cult to have contributed nothing to the world except bloodshed, terror and faith based insanity. Even the advanced math that some falsely attribute to early islam had already been established centuries, perhaps millenia, earlier by the Egyptians.
They've done nada with their lives, even the oil that lies beneath their feet had to be extracted by foreignors. They hate the Jews, they hate the Christians, they hate the Hindus, they hate the Bhuddists, they even hate each other. They are hate.
posted on
02/07/2006 10:17:30 PM PST
("The frenzy of the mohammedans has devastated the Churches of God" Pope Urban II ~ 1097A.D.)
To: cyborg
"I don't advocate the lampooning of anyone's religious icon. If this was Jesus, I'd not want all this parade of cartoons going on. Why is it okay for Malkin to do it?"
I'm late to the thread, so forgive me if my points are already covered.
I watching the evening news yesterday with my pre-teen daughter. Embassy torchings are the lead story. She looks at me and asked me "Have you seen these cartoons?". I replied that I had and she continued, "So, what did they say that made these people so mad?"
I had to verbally describe what I had seen and she asked, "Why aren't they showing them on the news if they aren't so bad?"
This is a good question. I told her that the Muslims have intimidated the media and they are scared to show them as they fear more violence and the producers probably fear being killed.
Her next question is a knockout. Ready?
She asked me, "Can I see them on the FreeRepublic website?"
I'm not making this up. She has seen me surf here and knows that knowledge of her enemies is important. I bought a Koran on Sept. 13, 2001 after the one I had been reading online for 2 days was "sanitized" so I could understand my enemy. My young daughter knows that it is important to know her enemy. It is important that we all know our enemy and what we should expect in the future. We are at war... and we didn't start it. I will not be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand in fear of offending... my enemy.
posted on
02/07/2006 10:17:45 PM PST
To: cyborg
Many of us take pleasure in demoralizing those that would take our heads for not worshipping their pet child molestor.
posted on
02/07/2006 10:19:47 PM PST
(Where did they get those ref's, the WWE?)
To: de Buillion
"I can't understand what exactly it is that you are trying to say, because you can't spell. (quite)?"
Have you always been annoying?
posted on
02/07/2006 10:20:15 PM PST
Steve Van Doorn
(*in my best Eric cartman voice* “I love you guys”)
To: bnelson44
Oh Well, At least if it is taboo to show any image of Mohammed, I guess we will be spared any pain of having to watch any slanted Hollywood movies on the subject!
Maybe there is a tiny silver lining to all of this.
posted on
02/07/2006 10:27:46 PM PST
("Those who follow wise men shall become wise, ......those who follow fools shall be destroyed !!!")
To: bnelson44
The radical left wing press in this country (such as the NYT) supported, as free speech, an alleged artist's right to exhibit a depiction of Christ in a jar of urine. Not only did they show this vile exhibit repeated line on TV and in print they were also in favor of your tax dollars funding it.(endowment for the arts)
Now they can't even bring themselves to print some lame comics because it might offend Muslims.
They are once again exposed as the Hypocrites they are.
PS - I also support this kind of free speech, but I'm not a Hypocrite. I support free speech regardless of who it offends, even when it shows my savior in a jar of urine. I find it sick, vile and repulsive but it's their right.
posted on
02/07/2006 10:30:14 PM PST
(The UN did such a great job with Oil for Food in Iraq, let's let them run the whole country)
To: Steve Van Doorn
I was just trying to get you to clarify your nonsensical post. Oh, well.
posted on
02/07/2006 10:39:09 PM PST
de Buillion
(Democrats and their death doctors murdered 3,534 babies DAILY in the US, 2002.)
To: bayourant
Unfort most people are forgetting our own Chirstian History as to this that resulted in riots deaths destruction also.Welcome to the 21st century.
We left medieval times long ago.
To: TheCrusader
Yeah I see your point. I guess I havent quite got my view of Islam straight in my own mind yet. For some reason If I remember right, Bellioc I believed classifyed Islam as a heresy and not a seperate religion. I will have to dig that book back up and re read that portion. I guess my position is that we have gone throug periods of peaceful coexistance with Islam before. Of course that was after a bloody war that destroyed Christianity even in the lands of Chrisitian North africa. I suppose I am investing alot in this experiment we are doing in Iraq and hoping against hope that Democracy will temper some of Islams bad tendencies. Otherwise I guess I might need to consult our Eastern Orthodox breathen and find out how one can be a Christian under Islamic rule since they have some experience at it.
To: bayourant
"'Lord what work was here! What clattering of glasses! What beating down of walls! What tearing up of monuments! What pulling down of seats! What wresting out of irons and brass from the windows! What defacing of arms" Your comparative analysis of Christians and mohammedans here is unbalanced through lack of context. None of the above was the work of Christ's teachings. Nor was it the work of His Church, which Scripture calls Christ's holy Bride, (Ephesians 5 / Rev. 21:2). The divisions and violence you refer to are the work of the devil and those whom he infected with theological error. Just as Satan managed to snatch away Paradise from Adam and Eve, and take one of Christ's Apostles, Judas, and make him his own, he has managed to infiltrate and divide the Church. All of this was forwarned by the Prophets, by the gospel writers, and by Jesus Christ Himself.
Pointing to divisions and troubles amongst the people who make up Christ's Church means little to the informed person who understands that these things fly in the face of Church teaching. They in fact serve to illustrate what happens when Christ's teachings are ignored or lost to human Pride.
Islam, on the other hand, is violent by its own teachings. Christianity teaches forgiveness, love, mercy, honesty, repentence and peace. Islam teaches death to its enemies, beheadings, subjugation of 'infidels', brutality to women, and it is unrepentent in its perpetual cruelty. ISLAM sanctions lying when it's 'for the sake of islam'. It spreads itself through conquest and blood, while Christianity spread itself over the earth by teaching the gospels.
Today's worldwide violence by muslims is a direct result of the original, orthodox islamic teachings and beliefs. Islam cannot moderate itself because it contains no teaching guides to peace. It's an evil cult, period.
posted on
02/07/2006 10:58:03 PM PST
("The frenzy of the mohammedans has devastated the Churches of God" Pope Urban II ~ 1097A.D.)
To: TheCrusader
OK the point I was trying to make was this. That in our past "Christians" have misinterpreted verses related to graven images and the like. It appears to me that there are various threads of viewpoints on this in the Islamic
world as to graven images idolaltry etc. My main concern is that by over reaction we might strengthen this extreme voices in Islam. Is Islam a cult in the traditional sense of the word. That I dont know. It seems the Catechism is a little gray on that area prob because of various sensibilities. There is no doubt in my mind that this was pretty much made up because certain passages in the Koran tend to identify a certain heresy that made the Virgin Mary a diety that was prevelant in Arabia around the time the Koran was written. My main reason for posting those thoughts as to the Protestant actions was to try to tone down the rethoric some and get people to think. With about every thread containing references to "bombing mecca" it seemed a good idea to try to tone it down and get people to think a little about what is occuring. Again my theory is that the majority of Muslims dont really care nor do they endorse what we have been seeing in the streets.
To: bayourant
"Bellioc I believed classifyed Islam as a heresy" I may be wrong, but I believe that Belloc only related that some of the early Christians classified islam as a 'heresy'. Of course this is because they claimed to believe in Jesus Christ, though only as a man, a human prophet, not a diety... so that was the 'heresy' they spoke of.
I was thinking how islam and homosexuals have someting in common today. I had no problem with either until they decided to rear their ugly heads and force their way into everyone's lives. This stuff is no coincidence. The last 35 - 40 years have been a 'coming out party' for Satan; the legalization of abortion, the coming out of the closet of homosexuals, the banishment of public religious expression, sexual license, women ruling over men, the destruction of the family.
Satan has released all of his demons onto the earth at once. There's a bonafide spiritual battle royale going on out there between the forces of good and evil. The worst thing about it is that so many people have been secularized and lulled into thinking it's just politics or purely human affairs. There's more involved to winning these battles than just electing the right candidate and developing the biggest guns, it's a battle for souls as well. People need to pray for victory over these evils.
posted on
02/07/2006 11:15:32 PM PST
("The frenzy of the mohammedans has devastated the Churches of God" Pope Urban II ~ 1097A.D.)
To: cyborg
"Maybe you take pleasure in demoralising people but I don't."
Hey, maybe a little pep talk for Islamic Jihad is in order.
You know, you wouldn't want them to get sad or anything.
posted on
02/07/2006 11:16:21 PM PST
(The Moonbats Need an Enema)
To: TheCrusader
Also I didnt elaborate on the theology behind this though I posted too much ,because I wasnt in a mood to have a debate about Catholics worshiping statues etc. I already had a fruitless debate with a fundamentalist on that topic today lol
To: de Buillion
Oh, my bad.
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posted on
02/07/2006 11:22:02 PM PST
To: TheCrusader
Well your right on that. Catholics know the true cost of Islam and ignoring it. Its amazing when I read the African Church fathers that a World that was so Christian was so swept away. In fact, reading those fathers is what makes me concerned about radical Islam the most. I have heard at times that what caused this was a particular militant Islam that rears its head time to time. I do not know if it goes dormant for some times or not as to it place in History. MY knowledge of Islamic History is pretty hazy after we expelled the Moslems from Spain
To: bayourant
"It seems the Catechism is a little gray on that area prob because of various sensibilities.-- My main reason for posting those thoughts as to the Protestant actions was to try to tone down the rethoric some and get people to think." I had a sense that your posts were well intended, that's why I held back my usual grumpiness. As for that new catechism, toss it in waste bucket and pick up the Catechism of Trent, (aka 'the Roman Catechism). Or even the Baltimore catechism will do. Saint Pius X also wrote a good one. That latest one written by Pope JPII in the early 90's contains a lot of his personal philosophies, and he tends to muddle Catholic doctrine and teachings with his European liberalism and intellectualism. He was a brilliant man, but I also think he had a lot of attachments to the world which tended to divert his attention away from orthodoxy.
Anyway, the thing about islam is that the more you read about it, the more evil it becomes. I just don't know what their redeeming qualities are, there doesn't seem to be any.
posted on
02/07/2006 11:25:41 PM PST
("The frenzy of the mohammedans has devastated the Churches of God" Pope Urban II ~ 1097A.D.)
To: coffee260
I was too harsh, and I apologise for that. I could have questioned you in a friendlier manner.
posted on
02/07/2006 11:38:31 PM PST
de Buillion
(Democrats and their death doctors murdered 3,534 babies DAILY in the US, 2002.)
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