Maybe it is a man thing. Because if you are secure in your masculinity, why is it so threatening to be ogled by another dude? Its not going to cause you to turn (like some kind of vampire).
My wife disagrees with me, too. She's a nurse. She works with homosexuals all the time (as the article indicates, the health profession is rife with them).
She thinks like you do, "if they do their job, who cares?". She, like you, female and (at least in the case of my wife) have never served, can't possibly understand the situation.
You argue from a position of ignorance.
Cool, so can we all come over and ogle you undressing? I mean, you are secure in your femininity aren't you?
The above is rhetorical, but do you get the point?
I played women's basketball in college and there were a few lesbians on the team. It is VERY gross to be ogled in a shower by someone, let alone a homosexual, I know this from experience. At practice we were all fine, but if we all ate at dinner, there were 2 different tables, and the groups didn't socialize together either. 2 lesbians would terrorize freshman on road trips when we had to share rooms. If you don't think that is bad for morale, then I have some real nice property in the ninth ward New Orleans to sell ya.
It didn't affect judgement during a game, but in a war, the stakes are much higher...