Posted on 01/20/2006 8:53:11 PM PST by M. Espinola
Their cash will be worthless. Also counterfiet operations will make it very, very much more worthless.
Yes, I believe you could very well be correct, plus the fact they pull this stunt on a Friday as the globe's currency markets are technical closing until night trading picks again for the U.S. & London, Sunday evening. When currency trading resumes the market should continue reflecting its concerns. Currency market keeps wary eye on Iran asset move
Another news item:
Jan. 19, 2006: "FDI has learned from sources in Iran that the high command of the Revolutionary Guards Air Force have issued new orders to Shahab-3 missile units, effective since Tuesday, Jan. 16, ordering them to move mobile missile launchers every 24 hours in view of a potential pre-emptive strike by the U.S. or Israel. FDI's source says the launchers move only at night, and have been instructed to change their postions "in a radius of 30 to 35 kilometers." Before the new orders, the Shahab-3 units changed position on a weekly basis. Advance Shahab-3 units have been positioned in Kermanshah and Hamadan province, within striking distance of Israel. Reserve mobile launchers have bee moved to Esfahan and Fars province."
Freeze all of their assets immediately!
I wonder how this will affect the Iranian Oil Bourse.
Plus Iran's extended grisly family of bankrolled jihadist proxies.
As the mullahs are grabasstic, their use of rouge comes as no surprise..
Anyone have any ideas about where this money will go? I wouldn't be investing much in Iran these days.
We are not spread thin. There are only 150K forces in Iraq out of 2.3 million. Supported by another 3 million civilians. And a fast industrial ramp-up of 5-10 million here. And on the right side of Iran there are some very silent bases:):) While they make noise on their left side.
I don't think we want to be in too many places at once.
Us pulling out of Germany was getting ready for something else as well IMO.
Iranians need to receive a message like the one that should have been sent to the German people in 1939: You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem. You must take care of this government before we/others have to. When the missles fire and the tanks role it will be too late to discriminate between those in Iran who supported the regime and those who opposed it.
There are relatively few, but some do exist.
If anything it has become more radicalized.
A guy in our church is from Iran and he says there are many pro-western ordinary people over there. They dont like the dictatorship and long for freedom. There are also many underground Christian churches over there. We need to enlist the support of the countrymen if at all feasible logistically.
Question....what happens to the US economy if Arab/Muslim countries pull out of our markets????? Are there any that are likely to do so if we strike Iran? It seems like they only have China and Russia on their side, not the Arab world (maybe it's the old Persian bias...even though theyre Muslims, theyre not Arabs.
Actually, IMO, Iran has forced what would have been a sketchy conventional war for the Coalition of the Willing to win quickly (for numerous reasons) into a certain War of Iran's Total Obliteration by leaving no option but rapid escalation.
Iran is gambling on the pressure of the World Communists inside and outside of America to cause America to back down from doing what Bush unequivocally said: "Iran will not be allowed to have nukes".
I believed President Bush then re: NO NUCLEAR IRAN! and I have no reason to doubt him now.
And dont you know that N Korea is watching every move the rest of the world makes....if we deal w/ Iran effectively we might eliminate N Korea as a threat.
Who was that "Axis of Evil" again? Current events have and still center on the Axis.
However, IMO, the Chinese run through the entire Axis.
Actually, China and Russia stand to gain the most from all of this now, in the end.
Just wait till China and Russia sign a joint defense pact.
Oh. I guess they already have one.
I see you trade. Sunday afternoon should be interesting.
Funny thing, that REFCOFX collapse last fall. Hmm.
I have said and will continue to appeal that all out efforts on radio to the decent Iranian people be made day and night from Iraq and Afghanistan to understand that time is short and failure is not an option.
The costs will be high, but not nearly as high as they will be if they don't.
The really un-nerving part is how much of our Treasury is owned by the Chinese. When the yuan is cut loose and if the dollar fails, they still stand to make out like bandits.
I'm quickly turning into an isolationist. We have bankrolled our federal spending with foreign dollars to the point that they could collapse our economy in a day. I'm not usually an alarmist but I've had a cold and am pumped full of antihistamine and killer cough syrup so my nerves are kinds fried anyway :)
Just remember Ps 91....
and He will keep in perfect peace him whose eyes are steasdfast on the Lord....
and I look unto the hills from where my help comes from, my help comes from the Lord....
ok, I'm better now.
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