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FReep 37 of Code Pink at Walter Reed, Dec 30 (Heavy graphics, Join us Jan 6!)
DC Chapter ^ | Jan 4, 2006 | BillF with photos and help of others

Posted on 01/04/2006 9:42:24 PM PST by BillF

On Dec 30, the eve of New Year's eve, we had a great turnout of FReepers from the DC Chapter and beyond. As was true last week, the weather was quite mild for this time of year. This was FReep #37 as FReepers have countered the anti-troop hate group Code Pink at their weekly obscene anti-war blood dance outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center for 9 months now. FReepers brought New Year's noise-makers and party hats to celebrate the last FReep of 2005. We verbally-thrashed the Pinkos with  First-Amendment-protected shouts and chants. We also occasionally used our noise-makers. As the Pinkos were leaving, a police officer told us that we had to keep it quiet, thus leading to this thread: POLICE ORDER D.C. CHAPTER'S PRO-TROOPS WALTER REED DEMONSTRATION SILENCED.

Code Pink is truly stuck in a quagmire as FReepers severely hinder the Pinkos' cruel attempts to manipulate severely wounded soldiers and relatives in hopes of finding those who will join the anti-war movement and break faith with the troops still fighting a ruthless enemy. Code Pink seems to be phasing out most of their participation in the protest and turning it over to other groups as the number of Code Pink women has diminished considerably. 

Please join us this Friday, Jan. 6, at 6:30 pm per details below. Please also bump this thread to keep it on top. Stand up against the Pinkos who've endorsed "the Iraqi resistance" (as they call our enemy, see here and here), given money to the other side in Fallujah, and called our troops "killers" (search for the word "mothers" to get to the right location).  Then, the Pinkos demonstrate at the hospital and pretend that they support our troops.

Your new year will not be complete until you FReep the Pinkos at Walter Reed. Make a New Year's Resolution to join us soon.

You don't need expensive gym equipment or a gym membership to keep the resolution. Just a couple hours on a Friday night. Be there for our troops, who faced snipers, IEDs, suicide bombers, and other dangers defending America in the War on Terror. The Pinkos may resolve to be even more despicable in 2006, but we can and will be there to counter their anti-troops, defeatist agenda.

We had coffee, hot chocolate, and various snacks on site.

The honor roll of those in attendance (lurkers are marked with an asterisk*):

Al from MD*, Albion Wilde, Apple Blossom, beandog, bmwcyle and daughter*, BufordP, Chef*, Coop, daughterofTGSL, Doctor Raoul, Dustin10thMountain, Jack Deth, Jimmy Valentine’s brother, Joan from MD* and son Gavin*, Justanobody, kristinn, Landry Fan, Mary from MD*, Paul*, PleaDeal, Sisku Hanne, SonOfTGSL, tgslTakoma, Tom the Redhunter, trooprally [Mr. and Mrs.], and BillF.

The event was so large that I can only present that part of the story that I saw. If you were there, please describe your own experiences at the FReep. Also, let me know if I publish your photo without your name or, worse, I mislabel you in a photo.

[CLICK ON A PHOTO TO OPEN A LARGER VERSION IN A NEW WINDOW if it has a border around it. If a photo doesn't have a border, it is not hyperlinked to a larger version.  Click on another hyperlinked photo and its larger version should open in the same window that the first enlarged photo did. Or you can simply close the window with the enlarged photo and click on another photo in the report to open a new window with an enlarged photo. Note that some of the wider photos may open in a window wider than your screen and you can use a horizontal scroll bar to see parts. Photos will be interspersed in the report.

Photos were taken by bmwcyle (click here for his full outstanding collection of photos), PleaDeal (click here for her account and full outstanding collection of photos on her great blog), tgslTakoma (click here for her full outstanding collection of photos), and I.  The photographer can be determined from the name of the photo. You can see that on hyperlinked photos (i.e., borders at edge) by running your mouse over them. On other photos, right click on the photo and click properties. The key is this: photos taken by bmwcyle begin with "Dbmw," photos taken by PleaDeal begin with "Dplea," photos taken by tgslTakoma begin with "Dtgsl,"  and photos of mine begin with "DSCN." I have cropped some of the photos of others.]

See also the great blogs of some of our regulars:  Landry Fan (click here for her account of the FReep),  tgslTakoma (click here) and Tom the Redhunter (click here); although neither of the last two have published an account of Friday's fun FReep.]

Opposed to our 29 patriots, the Pinkos managed to get at most 14 America-hating traitors and their well-meaning, but incredibly-misguided, dupes. The dupes do not realize that their Pinko organizers, who claim to support our troops,  called our troops "killers" (search for the word "mothers" to get to the right location), endorse "the Iraqi resistance" (those killing and wounding our troops, see here and here), and  have given money to "the other side" in Fallujah.

Our mood was elevated by our pride in the amazing accomplishments of our troops, overcoming great odds and making tremendous personal sacrifices to free the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, and establish the beginnings of representative governments in those long-oppressed countries. The Pinkos are ashamed of our troops and their successes. Indeed, the Pinkos hope for an American defeat in Iraq as indicated by their endorsement of "the Iraqi resistance" (Pinkos' term for our enemy, see here and here).

A view of the MOAB (Mother-of-all-Banners), with bmwcyle's daughter holding a sparkler at left.

FReep line under the MOAB.

FReepers on secondary corner on right and MOAB at primary corner on left.

Apple Blossom, bmwcyle (one of our great photographers),
 and Jimmy Valentine's brother

tgslTakoma and PleaDeal are two of our great

Another view of the secondary corner, MOAB at left and
BufordP with his giant sign at right

Justanobody and Sisku Hanne

Al, Mary, and beandog

Joan, Apple Blossom, and daughterofTGSL

Joan with her Army Mom sign as Landry Fan thanks

Doctor Raoul and Tom the Redhunter holding a sparkler

We were joined by two young man Paul and Chef, who happened upon the event and wanted to join in. One of them is finishing at West Point in the spring and plans on going into Army Aviation as does Joan's Army son, Gavin, who attended the FReep. The West Pointer chatted with Gavin, who will graduate with an ROTC officer's commission in the spring.

At least one soldier currently in Iraq has thanked Landry Fan by mentioning her blog and her FReeps at Walter Reed (see the soldier's great blog here). Kudos to the soldier Phil and all our brave troops for the great job they are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Congrats to Landry Fan for her blog being so recognized. On another occasion, she was recently thanked by a patient in Walter Reed. He said that he could see the MOAB looking out his hospital window.

In the past, we've been told by medics who work at Walter Reed and by other patients that patients look out the windows for the MOAB, American flags, and FReepers. They are cheered by our presence. One medic told us that there are patients who are too badly injured to go to the windows, but they are encouraged when told by other patients and staff that the FReepers are out there thanking them for their sacrifice.

Lifting the spirits of our war-wounded heroes is what we aim to do. If you live in the area, please join us. If you really can't join us due to work, family, or medical reasons or you don't live in the area, you can help in other ways by contacting Landry Fan, PleaDeal, or Coop by FReepmail for ideas.

Mr. trooprally and concretebob are performing synchronized
cigar ash-flicking as Dustin10thMountain stands to the


kristinn and Albion Wilde

Landry Fan toots the eve of New Year's eve.  A leftist
 and candles are visible diagonally across the street.

We had some fun using the First Amendment rights given us, at great cost and personal sacrifice, by the brave troops at Walter Reed and elsewhere around the world and by the veterans who preceded them. We used those First Amendment rights to peacefully and lawfully taunt the leftists who gather weekly to rub salt in the wounds of our war-wounded heroes.

Looking across at leftists from FReepers' secondary
corner. Walter Reed hospital behind the leftists.

You must hear the sound files below to appreciate why the Pinkos don't enjoy our presence and, as will be discussed below, likely called the police on us yet again. These are WAV format files.

CLICK TO HEAR SOUND FILE (or right click to "save as" to your hard drive for later listening) (6 sec,  68 Kb): Doctor Raoul leading a chant, GEEZER ROCK as Pinko Perry Guitar Guy strums his guitar. The guitar cannot be heard in the sound file, but a New Year's horn being tooted by FReepers is audible in the sound file.

CLICK TO HEAR SOUND FILE (24 sec,  270 Kb): As Pinko Perry plays his guitar, Landry Fan shouts "Let the cat go" and Doctor Raoul and her go back and forth with Raoul saying "Stop the torture, let the cat go" and "no more Abu Meow."

CLICK TO HEAR SOUND FILE (4 sec,   52 Kb): Chant led by Doctor Raoul: "Gael, you failed, give yourself a pink slip."

Flotsam and jetsam assemble to torment war-wounded heroes, even though their own website has an article condemning war protests
at hospitals. Pinko Princess at far left was wearing his skirt again.

The mentioned article on Code Pink's website that condemns war protests at a military hospital (click here for the thread on FR) was written by an anti-war Vietnam Veteran, who was severely injured in Vietnam. That article included the following:

Rule 3: forget your moral questions about the war. Morality is for those who support the war and for those who oppose the war, not for those in the war. Those seriously wounded are still fighting the war so clam up about the immorality of this stupid war.

A corollary to this rule is never protest against a war in front of a military facility, especially a military hospital. That is a no-brainer. You demonstrate against those who made the policy to go to war, not against those who are sworn to carry out the order to go to war.

Talk about the Pinkos being stuck on stupid. They demonstrate for months at a hospital. They put up an article on their own website condemning such demonstrations. tgslTakoma posts about it in late October. Despite the fact that the Pinkos read our posts, they keep their self-condemning article on their website for months. As Pinko Perry might get his cat to scream, "When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?"

Pinko Perry struck a new low note on his guitar. He led the Pinkos in singing "Knocking on Heaven's Door," the Bob Dylan song in which a lawman sings to his mother of his impending death from gunshot wounds. These Pinko scum sing this outside a hospital where some troops are fighting for their lives after suffering gunshot wounds. And they still pretend that they are not conducting psychological warfare against war-wounded heroes. And the Pinkos have the nerve to say that they support the troops.

Another view of the troop-hating group, whose hatred runs so deep that they wage psych-ops against
injured troops in a hospital, as the troops are fighting for their lives in many cases and working to heal.

DC Chief Pinko Gael Murphy came in a disguise, wearing black at right, instead of her usual pink. Meanwhile, she brings a double
for her (at left). What is that about? Did she think that after our months of peacefully countering them, we would suddenly unleash the
Halliburton turbo-spitball thrower at her? No, Murph and her body double remain safe from us, except for our pointed verbal barbs.
Did Gael Murphy learn about using body doubles from her friend Saddam?

Another view of the evil Murph, pretending to support troops
as she torments them at a hospital.

The Whiny Weasel stands alone

Stuck on stupid Crazy Backpack Arse Wipe Guy continues
using a sign that's illegible unless using telephoto lens.
Here Arse Matthew talks with Allison Yorra.

Pinko stands next to Comrade Bruce Wolf

Pinko Perry Guitar Guy sings in front of Quiet Zone sign.

Every week the Pinkos provide yet another example of unintended irony, beyond the absurd irony of them pretending to support troops that they viciously wage psychological warfare against.

Last week Crazy Arse Wipe Guy held a sign saying "support the troops, bring them home" even as he hatefully ranted disgusting  libels about our troops routinely murdering innocents, raping, and torturing. Right, he supports the troops, just like the rest of the traitorous Pinkos.

This week Pinko Perry made the usual irony of his singing in a Pinko-designated Quiet Zone even more explicit. As shown in the photo above, he sang right in front of the sign.

DC Pinko Chief apparently called the police.
 "Wah, wah, the FReepers are saying mean
things about me and my group. They start yelling,
'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name

Police car showed up as Pinkos were preparing to flee
the scene of their latest treason

As the Pinkos were packing to leave, Gael Murphy made a phone call (photo above), apparently calling in the police.

The officer (see car at left) was professional and courteous as almost all DC officers are. However, he told us to not yell or chant at the Pinkos, but it was unclear whether he likewise told them not to sing. He talked to them after talking with us.

It is unclear how we will vindicate our First Amendment rights to use peaceful and lawful expressions of disgust to the Pinkos, but we will vindicate our rights, lawfully and maintaining our respect for the police.

More details about the police matter are on this thread:  POLICE ORDER D.C. CHAPTER'S PRO-TROOPS WALTER REED DEMONSTRATION SILENCED

Without our brave troops, we could never be free. They've never let us down. We will never let them down and abandon them to the Pinko obscene blood-dancers.

There was no bus of wounded troops returning from free meals at Fran O'Brien's because of the holiday season.

Let's help our wounded heroes maintain a positive attitude.  We absolutely must keep the pressure on Code Pink and keep showing the wounded troops at Walter Reed that Code Pink doesn't speak for the nation. If you live in the DC area and haven't yet come out for one of these FReeps, please do so this next Friday. Injured Walter Reed patients, including amputees, and their families have repeatedly told us how important it is for us to be there to counter Code Pink and their ugly anti-troops agenda.

If we can sufficiently outnumber the leftists often enough, embarrassment may cause the leftists to stop these outrageous morale-damaging ("Maimed for a lie" was one of their commonly-used signs) demonstrations at the hospital. If some are immune to embarrassment, and, at the very least, we can hinder their psychological warfare operation against the wounded troops. What about you? Can you spare a few hours on a Friday night?  

Can you give up next Friday night at the movies to support troops who've given up limbs for your freedoms? Will you?

This FReep is rewarding, fun, and important for our troops and our nation.

Thanks to Landry Fan for editorial assistance, great suggestions, and error-checking. Any remaining errors were probably added by me after her review.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: aar; antiwar; codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; freepcodepink; infinitefreep; rally; supportourtroops; troopsupport; walterreed
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To: Coop; Landry Fan; PleaDeal

Re Coop's comment, I'll try to put that request to contact you guys more prominently in the next report. Maybe that will generate more help for the Rovian projects?

141 posted on 01/06/2006 10:20:28 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: Coop
The leftist dude with the skirt is bad enough.

Is it really a skirt, or is it a Scotsman disgracing his heritage? I'm not sure I've ever been there at the same time as he, but my vision's getting worse all the time so I might just have not seen him.

I have MY camera to document any surprises tonight.

142 posted on 01/06/2006 10:29:49 AM PST by nina0113
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To: nina0113

On Princess, it's a skirt.

143 posted on 01/06/2006 10:30:36 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: All

Any of you freepers who plan on attending CPAC in Feb, try to set aside Friday Feb 10th, for a freep at Walter Reed.

144 posted on 01/06/2006 10:33:35 AM PST by mware (everyone that doesn't like what America and President Bush has done for Iraq can all go to HELL.")
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To: Coop

I'm in for tonight, so you'll have to point him out. If I ever have seen him, I probably thought he was just a very homely woman.

145 posted on 01/06/2006 10:37:43 AM PST by nina0113
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To: nina0113

Like all the rest of them over there.

146 posted on 01/06/2006 10:43:27 AM PST by Albion Wilde (America will not run, and we will not forget our responsibilities. – George W. Bush)
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To: nina0113
I probably thought he was just a very homely woman.

Unfortunately I'd have to say he's prettier than most of the women on their side - except for Eye Candy.

147 posted on 01/06/2006 10:44:12 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: Trteamer
Medea has come out to Walter Reed at least once. I think that she may have been there another time in Sept when I was alway for a family medical emergency.

Here is the link followed by part of the report for May 7, 2005:

FReepers vs. Code Pink at Walter Reed (round IV w/ Medea & Murphy coming to our side) May 7, 2005

Some time after Murphy left, Medea Benjamin came out of  the hospital, went back to the other Pinkos, and then walked over to our group carrying the only American flag that the Pinkos had.

SOUND FILE (44 sec, 481 K): Benjamin discusses the death of her protégé. (Marla Ruzicka, former activist with Code Pink's parent organization, Global Exchange, was killed by a car bomb in Iraq several weeks ago as Ruzicka was surveying American-caused civilian deaths and injuries.) kristinn points out that Medea set Marla on the path that got her killed by terrorists who are supported by Code Pink.

SOUND FILE (41 sec, 440 K): kristinn points out the CP reference to our military as "killers." Benjamin discusses her "heavenly" time in Cuba, claiming that she was disillusioned after living there for 4 years. (Later she claimed that she wanted Castro out.)

SOUND FILE (99 sec, 1 M): Benjamin discusses how much better it is that Cuba sends doctors abroad, instead of bullets and bombs. BillF points out that sending bullets and bombs was necessary to beat the Nazis and liberate Afghanistan. BufordP, Always Free, and kristinn discuss matters.

SOUND FILE (36 sec, 385 K): Benjamin wants  illegal combatants to be given Geneva POW status, contrary to the provisions of the Geneva Conventions. BufordP and BillF disagree.


Chief Code Pinko Medea Benjamin walks up to kristinn and our side.

SOUND FILE (64 sec, 481 K): Benjamin discusses Afghanistan and infiltration with BillF, BufordP, and Always Free.  After Buford mentions Muslim FBI translators who refuse to blow the whistle on fellow Muslims, Medea says that maybe our country is infiltrated. "You're an infiltrator in this country, too," is what I said to Medea.

SOUND FILE (74 sec, 690 K): Benjamin tries to explain the contradiction between her alleged friendship with military members and the Code Pink view of our military as "killers."

SOUND FILE (28 sec, 310 K): kristinn applauds no terrorist attacks in the U.S. after Sept 11, but Benjamin decries an increase around the world. BillF says the increase is caused by her friends.

SOUND FILE (100 sec, 1.1 M): Benjamin talks about working with ANSWER.  She describes ANSWER as Stalinists who are "nasty, angry."

SOUND FILE (50 sec, 1.1 M): Benjamin says that neither of our respective sides is as bad as the other says, but kristinn disagrees with respect to them not being as bad as we think they are. BufordP corrects Medea when she accidentally lets the flag touch the ground. Medea says "I like you guys. I love your Mother of All Banners."

SOUND FILE (55 sec, 592 K): Benjamin won't back Hillary in '08, but she says that she normally backs a candidate who finishes in third place or below.

SOUND FILE (46 sec, 506 K): Benjamin explains her choice of "Medea" as a first name. She claims that Medea really did not kill her children.


148 posted on 01/06/2006 10:58:15 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: nina0113

Happy New Year, Nina!

It will be good to see you tonight.

149 posted on 01/06/2006 11:20:12 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF


150 posted on 01/06/2006 11:21:05 AM PST by Landry Fan (Happy 2006!)
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To: BillF

Quit that! YOU FReepers are too kind. Now quit arguing with me!

: )

151 posted on 01/06/2006 11:23:29 AM PST by freema (Proud Marine Mom-I love the DC FReepers)
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To: Trteamer

Wrong caption on the photo. That was BufordP posing with Medea.

152 posted on 01/06/2006 11:40:30 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: feefee

How 'bout them Skins bump?

153 posted on 01/06/2006 11:43:06 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: tgslTakoma

Oh I wish I were an D. C. FReeper.
That is what I'd truly like to be.
'Cause if I were a D. C. FReeper,
Ev'ryone would be in love with me.

My bologna has a first name, it's C-O-D--E.
My bologna has a second name, it's P-I-N--K.
Oh, I love to eat it everyday, and if you ask me why, I'll say,
"'Cause D. C. FReepers have a way with C-O-D-E PUNK imean PINK.

154 posted on 01/06/2006 11:50:26 AM PST by freema (Proud Marine Mom-I love the DC FReepers)
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To: Coop; DollyCali; boxerblues; WVNan

Three's company, just swing by and pick me up???

155 posted on 01/06/2006 11:55:07 AM PST by freema (Proud Marine Mom-I love the DC FReepers)
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To: BillF

Yes, Bill. Put me on the DC ping list!

156 posted on 01/06/2006 12:00:58 PM PST by Just Lori (The road to hell is paved by liberals.)
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To: Coop

You forgot to tell her about the connection fee, plus the monthly service charge.

No problem there, Coop. The check's in the mail!

157 posted on 01/06/2006 12:01:49 PM PST by Just Lori (The road to hell is paved by liberals.)
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To: trooprally
Those sound bites are the sounds of us biting into the anti-troop hate group Pinkos' psych-op against our troops.

We're using verbal bites only and holding our right- wing attack dogs and cats in reserve in case the Pinkos attack us :)

My dog Fergie. Not named after royalty.

Upchuck's dog Snoopy

Landry Fan's cats Gipper and Landry

158 posted on 01/06/2006 12:15:49 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: Coop; Landry Fan

That line was Landry Fan's suggestion and I do think that it was best line in the whole article.

(At the risk of being immodest, I did like my own Halliburton turbo-spitball thrower.)

159 posted on 01/06/2006 12:22:44 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF


What a rookie - couldn't even get Landry Fan's cats up! Up on the post, not get them up

160 posted on 01/06/2006 12:25:15 PM PST by trooprally (Never Give Up - Never Give In - Remember Our Troops)
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