In other news, the BBC is just reporting that Jean-Jacques Le Chenadec has died. More soon.
1 posted on
11/07/2005 4:38:52 AM PST by
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To: alnitak
Yeah, I remember 20 years ago like it was yesterday. For two weeks, I had nothing to eat but split pea soup. It made me feel like burning up cars. /sarc
2 posted on
11/07/2005 4:40:15 AM PST by
Arthur Wildfire! March
("Every time the court veers left, the people are overwhelmingly opposed." [Laura Ingraham])
To: alnitak
Soon the world we know what we've all long suspected; a group of uneducated, untrained heathens could defeat the french militarily with ease.
3 posted on
11/07/2005 4:41:19 AM PST by
To: alnitak
FNC: One of the men beaten in France has died.
4 posted on
11/07/2005 4:41:53 AM PST by
(The Dems enabled Able Danger. 3,000 Americans died.)
To: alnitak; All
Is Paris Burning? ( Religion of Peace® Alert )
Click the picture:
5 posted on
11/07/2005 4:41:58 AM PST by
(Anyone recall "A Clockwork Orange?")
To: alnitak
"It is strictly forbidden for any Muslim... to take part in any action that strikes blindly at private or public property or that could threaten the lives of others," Well, isn't that special. I guess if these groups specifically target the property, the persons, then this is just fine . . .
6 posted on
11/07/2005 4:42:03 AM PST by
(Here's my strategy on the War against Terrorism: We win, they lose. - with apologies to R.R.)
To: whoever
' "The law must have the last word," Mr Chirac told reporters in his first public address on the violence on Sunday. '
Like Food-for-Oil? Like the Baath Party of Iraq? Tell me another, Chi-rat.
8 posted on
11/07/2005 4:42:32 AM PST by
Arthur Wildfire! March
("Every time the court veers left, the people are overwhelmingly opposed." [Laura Ingraham])
To: alnitak
French media report that a man in a coma after an attack on Friday could be the first fatality of the unrest. . . . His widow has been received by Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. His widow? Jumping the gun, it appears.
To: alnitak
"'It is strictly forbidden for any Muslim... to take part in any action that strikes blindly at private or public property or that could threaten the lives of others,' the fatwa by the Union of Islamic Organisations in France said."
There is always double-talk in any muslim "condemnation" of the actions of muslims: They are not striking blindly!
We will be seeing the same rioting here if we do not snuff out this terrorist organization that masquerades as a religion.
11 posted on
11/07/2005 4:46:00 AM PST by
(Islam is a slower moving, more deadly "Nazism".....but the results are the same.)
To: alnitak
It is strictly forbidden for any Muslim... to take part in any action that strikes blindly at private or public property or that could threaten the lives of othersLOL, that's a good one!
12 posted on
11/07/2005 4:46:02 AM PST by
(Legality does not dictate morality... Lavin)
To: alnitak
Hey, frogsters, could you help us barbaric Americans with our racism?
13 posted on
11/07/2005 4:46:06 AM PST by
To: alnitak
To: alnitak
Dear France,
It is obvious to terrorists that since you did not
join the War On Terror, they have found a new home.
Your country.
To: All
Last night on Drudge the Washington Times reports the rioters may have access to heavy arms now including grenades. Here's an excerpt:
PARIS -- Police officers, exhausted and dispirited after 11 nights of street battles, say their mainly young African and Arab adversaries have access to sophisticated weapons including grenades and could soon begin using them.
To: alnitak
In other news, the BBC is just reporting that Jean-Jacques Le Chenadec has died. More soon. OK, now she is his widow.
To: alnitak
President Jacques Chirac has said restoring order is his top priority.Well, that's the ticket. Should solve everything!
I'm at a total loss to understand the French government's response to this. No curfew. No police-on-every-corner. The only thing I see them doing is showing up after the fact to put out the fires. In an ironic twist of history, they've gone from "Let them eat cake" to "Let them wear themselves out". Whatta bunch of wusses.
21 posted on
11/07/2005 4:48:47 AM PST by
To: alnitak
The article actually used the word "muslims". A similar article in my local paper did not once refer to mulims.
22 posted on
11/07/2005 4:49:31 AM PST by
To: alnitak
Jean-Jacques Le Chenadec, 61, was reportedly struck by a hooded man in the street after he and ...Can someone in Paris please inform us what this phrase "hooded man" means in this context?
Do they really mean hooded or are they avoiding using the word masked?
23 posted on
11/07/2005 4:49:37 AM PST by
(Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
To: alnitak
Dayum, pretty soon there won't be any cars left in france to burn. Anybody know the gand total since this intafada started?
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last. Sir Winston Churchill - 1874 - 1965)
To: alnitak
Where are the French authorities' snipers taking out specifically "hooded" rioters? The probable leadership of the national rot?
26 posted on
11/07/2005 4:51:27 AM PST by
(Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
To: alnitak
President Jacques Chirac has said restoring order is his top priority. I heard this morning that he's considering actually doing something. I hope he doesn't act too rashly though.
27 posted on
11/07/2005 4:51:34 AM PST by
(Isaiah 22:22, Rev 3:7, Mat 16:19)
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