To: alnitak
"It is strictly forbidden for any Muslim... to take part in any action that strikes blindly at private or public property or that could threaten the lives of others," Well, isn't that special. I guess if these groups specifically target the property, the persons, then this is just fine . . .
6 posted on
11/07/2005 4:42:03 AM PST by
(Here's my strategy on the War against Terrorism: We win, they lose. - with apologies to R.R.)
To: An.American.Expatriate
It's all how you phrase your fatwa, I guess.
9 posted on
11/07/2005 4:43:47 AM PST by
To: An.American.Expatriate
You beat me to it! I picked that out instantly. These scum need to be shipped back home now!
17 posted on
11/07/2005 4:47:52 AM PST by
("Make the other guy die for his country" - George S. Patton)
To: An.American.Expatriate
Yes, I noted that line too. So, this would/could mean if a muslim youth ever had a run in with say this person or's all justified.
34 posted on
11/07/2005 4:53:57 AM PST by
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