I'll take a quick stab at this. More people, more houses. Does that about describe it?
3,600 Americans die in abortions everyday. In 2000 more than 35,000 abortions were performed in Penna, about the student population of Penn State University's main campus. In 1997, 1.3 million abortions were performed, close to the population of Phila.
A government of the people, by the people and for the people?
Where the laws are written by congress, signed by the president, and upheld by the courts?
Where laws that do not exist, because they were not conceived when the constitution were written, and are therefore not subject to the constitution, are addressed through an amendment to the constitution rather than 9 black-robed dictators deciding what the constitution SHOULD have said?
Abortion Law should be decided by the states, or by the people respectively.
Go back to late 1960s and early 1970s, before Roe became the most controversial Court decision since Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896. Numerous state legislatures had relaxed their hitherto absolute bans on abortion, making it easier for a woman whose health was endangered to obtain one.
This is a tough subject for me to listen to on any talk radio program and I usually shut it off as soon as it comes on. the left will argue that we do not know when a life begins in the womb. I have found a pretty good answer to that. Since we do know when life ends, anyone?
Life ends when the human heart stops beating, therefore we can fight for a human life once we hear a heartbeat.
On the other hand, since the democrap party are the ones in favor of it I say we abort them.
At this time, even IF Roe was defeated, the states would step right up and create their own mini Roes to appease the noisy left in their own territory. This wouldn't necessarily be a success in the end.
The 'rats have a big reason to fear the end of Roe/Wade. They would lose a lot of the young female vote if this issue disappeared.
The big difference is that the issue would have been decided democratically rather than by judicial fiat.
The GOP would have a heck of a lot more trouble winning elections because the Democrats have aborted themselves out of power.
Every male should have a vasectomy before they reach the age of sexual maturity. If we have the medical ability it should be done right after they are born. Then, later on in life, if the man wishes to have children they operation could be reversed. In the meanwhile, he could have all the meaningless sex he wanted and youd never have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy. No child would ever die in an abortion again.
See? Problem solved.
If liberals could figure out how to count fetus votes in their column, abortion would be illegal in the twinkling of an eye.
I am amazed that Roe v Wade has become the cornerstone of the left's America. The bottom line of democracy and freedom. Described as a fundamental Constitutional right, the essential right to privacy, a crucial womens' health issue, the fundamental qualification for judges, the line which must not be crossed. Almost anything else is negotiable, real Constitutional rights are disposable, but if abortion is threatened, look out.
...any time before January,1973.....that's how the world looked.
I remember a kinda, gentler era.....I remember when life wasn't so cheap.
There'd probably be nearly the same amount of people because of fewer pregnancies. Without abortion as an option, women would find alternate means of birth control, like not getting pregnant in the first place.