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DeLay's prosecutors lack a key document ^
| 14 October 2005
Posted on 10/14/2005 9:14:31 PM PDT by Colonial Warrior
They don't have list of candidates at the heart of the laundering case, just a 'similar' one
AUSTIN - Travis County prosecutors admitted Friday they lack physical proof of a list of Republican candidates that is at the heart of money-laundering indictments against U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay and two of his associates.
The list is key to prosecutors being able to prove that corporate money that could not be legally spent on Texas candidates was specifically exchanged at the national level for donations that legally could be spent on Republican candidates for the Texas House.
Indictments against DeLay, Jim Ellis and John Colyandro state that Ellis gave "a document that contained the names of several candidates for the Texas House" to a Republican National Committee official in 2002 in a scheme to swap $190,000 in restricted corporate money for the same amount of money from individuals that could be legally used by Texas candidates.
But prosecutors said Friday in court that they only had a "similar" list and not the one allegedly received by then-RNC Deputy Director Terry Nelson.
A lawyer for Ellis said prosecutors' inability to produce the list mentioned in the indictments is on par with the tactics used by U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the communist witch hunts of the 1950s.
"I'll tell you what I think about this list. In the 1950s, a man named McCarthy claimed to have a list of 200 communists in the State Department, and he didn't," said J.D. Pauerstein, a lawyer for Jim Ellis, the director of DeLay's Americans for a Republican Majority. "They (prosecutors) don't know what list they're talking about, even though they specify it in their indictment."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: delay; demodirtyschemes; earle; fakebutaccurate; hammer; lol; prosecutormisconduct; ronnieearle
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Oh, the tangled webs we weave When we practice to deceive. Sir Walter Scott, "Marmion" Scottish author & novelist (1771 - 1832)
Who trusts zealot lawyers?
To: Colonial Warrior
It may be a forgery, but the info is essentially true. Bwawawawwawawawa!
To: Colonial Warrior; flattorney; Dog Gone
Earle is sooooo busted.
posted on
10/14/2005 9:19:14 PM PDT
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: Colonial Warrior
:-D )))
What an absolute goatscrew.
posted on
10/14/2005 9:20:07 PM PDT
(The Travis County District Attorney's office...the posse that couldn't shoot straight.)
To: Colonial Warrior
Hmmmm....I wonder if we check the history of this DA, he may have got his tutelage as a young sage working with CBS....naaahhhh!
posted on
10/14/2005 9:20:39 PM PDT
Colonial Warrior
("I've entered the snapdragon part of my life....Part of me has snapped...the rest is draggin'.")
To: Jim Robinson
This could get interesting if it ever got "face time", which it won't....except for right here.
Just damn.
posted on
10/14/2005 9:20:53 PM PDT
(Like a midget at a urinal - stay on your toes...)
To: Jim Robinson
Maybe Mary Mapes has them.
To: Colonial Warrior
subpoenaing cell phone records of Jim Ellis' 17-year-old daughter From when she was 12? ROFLMAO
posted on
10/14/2005 9:21:31 PM PDT
(Dead terrorists smell like victory)
To: Colonial Warrior
But prosecutors said Friday in court that they only had a "similar" list and not the one allegedly received by then-RNC Deputy Director Terry NelsonIsn't this the sort of tactic that brought Dan Rather down?
posted on
10/14/2005 9:22:18 PM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
Get a rope! Delay must go down, regardless of the expense to the taxpayers!
posted on
10/14/2005 9:22:49 PM PDT
(Rush Limbaugh walks in the footsteps of giants: George Washington, Thomas Paine and Ronald Reagan.)
To: Colonial Warrior
You have to love this.
I have Microsoft Word, I'll forge one for them.
posted on
10/14/2005 9:23:40 PM PDT
Jean S
To: Southack
posted on
10/14/2005 9:24:20 PM PDT
Tulsa Ramjet
(If not now, when?)
To: Colonial Warrior
No problem - they should be able to gin up any document they might need.
After all, if it didn't happen, it should have - because Delay is an EEEE-vil Republican and we're well-intentioned champions of the little people.
posted on
10/14/2005 9:25:09 PM PDT
Let's Roll
( "Congressmen who ... undermine the military ... should be arrested, exiled or hanged" - A. Lincoln)
To: JCEccles
Don't look to close...but Earle's makeup is running....wait...underneath...its...its....Dan..Blather!!
posted on
10/14/2005 9:25:22 PM PDT
Colonial Warrior
("I've entered the snapdragon part of my life....Part of me has snapped...the rest is draggin'.")
To: Southack
HA! Notice that this news came out on a Friday night so by Monday am it'll be "old news."
Time for DeLay to file a defamation of character suit against Earle's sorry ass.
To: Jim Robinson
It may be a forgery, but the info is essentially true. Thats what they all say
posted on
10/14/2005 9:25:53 PM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior; lawdude
Would this be cause for dismisal?
posted on
10/14/2005 9:26:59 PM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
"...McCarthy claimed to have a list of 200 communists..."
Doncha love it when the Pubbies use the Left's flimsy arguments against them...Oooh it feels good.
posted on
10/14/2005 9:27:04 PM PDT
('Thou hast conquered, O Galilean!' (Julian the Apostate))
To: thoughtomator
posted on
10/14/2005 9:27:05 PM PDT
To: ncountylee
subpoenaing cell phone records of Jim Ellis' 17-year-old daughter "Like, these, like, gross Democrats keep, like, harassing me, totally."
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