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DC Chapter, Free Republic | October 6, 2005 | Albion Wilde

Posted on 10/06/2005 7:42:08 PM PDT by Albion Wilde

Edited on 10/26/2005 9:47:43 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]

Please note: to view the stunning photos by TgslTakoma and BMWcyle that illustrate this story, click the italic photo captions.

WASHINGTON, DC, September 30, 2005—After twenty-four Friday nights of schlepping the Mother of All Banners, scores of pro-troops signs and dozens of American flags to Georgia Avenue at Elder Street – and don't forget the icewater, soda chests, hot pizzas and lawn chairs – it gets old.

Across the street, the same old Code Pink and "Veterans for Peace" leftists reliving their glory days of the 60s. Only now, darkness comes earlier than it did throughout the summer, more like it was in March, when Code Pink's disingenuous "peace vigil" every Friday night outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center began.

True, we are the DC Chapter of, otherwise known as FReepers, and we can have fun anytime there's an anti-American protest to be countered, especially here in the nation's capital against such taste-free opponents, whose cheesey "vigil" at an army hospital in wartime is as cloyingly artificial as the scent of their candles-in-a-jar from Bed Bath and Beyond. Code Pink's adolescent, long-running political pout was beginning to bore us as well as them, in spite of the many fresh FReeper faces who've been showing up every week, saying that they heard or read about our counter-demonstrations at Walter Reed and wanted to stand with us in support of our wounded troops.

The MOAB, and "Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Army Navy Air Force Marines" banner. Photo by TgslTakoma

We've also leveraged pressure on Code Pink to make them stow most of their blatantly anti-war signs – yet their remaining messages clearly intend to demoralize the wounded and their families – make them feel victimized by military higher-ups, hopeless about their mission and ashamed of their service – in short, to kindle insecurities they are sure the troops are too dumb to cultivate on their own, without their generous Marxist tutelage.

Code pink starts forming up, with newer, disingenuously "tamer" signs. Photo by TgslTakoma

Last year Code Pink, having struck the fashionably privileged-class pose that the United States is the most morally corrupt among nations, gave $600,000 to "the other side" – families of the insurgents blowing up our troops – in Fallujah, one of the bloodiest strongholds in the Iraq War. Now, having possibly contributed to shattering the bodies of troops like those inside Walter Reed, they pose outside with hypocritical sentiments like "Up Veteran Benefits" scrawled on bilious pink flimsyboard.

Children, don't let your grannies grow up to be tools of the international collectivist conspiracy. Photo by TgslTakoma

Then there is Code Pink's endorsement of the World Tribunal on Iraq, a scurrilous anti-American screed signed onto by anarchists and socialists from around the globe, that calls for victory by the Iraqi insurgency, the defeat of Coalition objectives and rejection of the developing Iraqi constitution – all this; and the mainstream media ignores Code Pink's shady complicity. It's been enough to keep FReepers coming back to face their twisted psychodrama, to watch them play the part of people who care about the troops. Tonight, we find out how deep Code Pink's caring about our troops really runs.

About an hour into the Same Old Same Old, a suddenly gathering roar with overtones of metal on metal escalated towards the dusk-darkened entrance gates of Walter Reed. The Pinkos visibly shrank behind their Marxist signboards as 18 bikers and biker chicks from the Rolling Thunder veteran's organization arrived, on eleven magnificent two- and three-wheel motorcycles with illuminated hubs and chassis.

A Rolling Thunder veteran at the gates of Walter Reed. Photo by TgslTakoma

While the Pinkos' guts clenched on the west side of Georgia Avenue, FReepers facing them from the east side greeted the arriving bikers with whoops and cheers. The battle-hardened Rolling Thunder members, veterans of the Vietnam, Gulf and Iraq Wars, cruised up, braked smartly, parked in a row and dismounted – directly in front of the Code Pink protest line, blocking them from view – setting off a flurry of efforts to hold their signs over the heads of the bikers.

Code Pink claimed their permit to both westerly corners. The biker vets claimed they could stand on the sidewalk of Walter Reed wherever they wanted, having served their country for the privilege.

Veterans arrive and park. Squeegee Boy strikes a Richard Nixon pose, holding his vee-signs over the heads of visiting veterans. Photo by TgslTakoma

"If I go to jail," said one of the bikers, reacting to Code Pink's hysterical attempts to boss the police into arresting the veterans they care so much about, "the tall skinny one's going with me." Code Pink's own Blue Ponytail Guy wrote a dramatic litany of fabrications about the event, asserting that renowned pro-veteran activist Ted Sampley assaulted one of them (wrong), that he is called "Squeegee" (wrong – that's the DC Chapters' pet name for the Code Pink guy who wades into six-lane Georgia Avenue traffic to wave the vee-sign at cars), and that Sampley suddenly made the other Rolling Thunder cyclists appear, in direct response to Code Pink's fulminations.


The Rolling Thunder men and their ladies had started out hours before, cycling to DC from the far corners of Winchester, Virginia, Illinois and North Carolina to join Free Republic against Code Pink at Walter Reed.

Suffering from the John Kerry syndrome, Code Pink's sneering report on their web site then claimed that the DC Police were "rookie officers who sincerely tried to do their best but were clearly out of their depth... outnumbered..." Bemoaning the "powerlessness of the DC police", Code Pink's report reeks of self-importance, going on to reveal their political motivations and communist sympathies.

Police negotiations ensue between Code Pink and Rolling Thunder. Photo by BMWcyle

The police did their jobs, not Code Pink's bidding. As they well know, free speech is also the counter-protesters' right. Negotiations ensued, and Rolling Thunder soon moved their bikes to the Free Republic side of the street.

The American spirit of compromise brought Rolling Thunder hogs to the FReepers' side of the street.

Cycles rest up behind FReeper lines. Photos by BMWcyle

Pinko Anti-Veteran, Anti-Dog-Walker Diatribe Doesn't Let Up

"[A] dog walker purporting to be a local resident...threatened to complain to the police about us and have us shut down," Code Pink's report whined, casting doubt on the truthfulness of the very neighbors they claim are on their side. (FReepers have listened to this neighbor woman's understandable complaints about any demonstration in a residential neighborhood – several times.) "This brings us," Code Pink's report solemnly intoned, "to the lessons learned on this vigil night." (We had been wondering when Code Pink would get around to seeing why their selfish pantomime is so offensive, but after half a year, light has only just begun to dawn.)

"Clearly, the Vigil before Walter Reed Medical Center has touched...a couple of nerves. One is the broad issue of the exercise of freedom of speech. The second is the issue of the war," their screed concluded, baring the core emotion of their "vigil" – that Code Pink's losing-side resentment of the 2004 election should outweigh their fundamental indecency in exploiting the wounded to stir political rancor.

Recognized veteran's activist and publisher of US Veteran Dispatch, Ted Sampley of North Carolina (right) is joined by Rolling Thunder members from Illinois, Virginia and Maryland in protesting Code Pink's presence at Walter Reed. Photo by BMWcyle

Perhaps because thousands of the unwashed had poured into Washington with Cindy Sheehan the week before, hoping to use the Iraq War to resurrect 60s' fervor for mayhem and destruction, average citizens and the media mostly yawned; but veterans got the message loud and clear. During the past week, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) organization issued a statement condemning irresponsibility towards our troops through protests such as this one at Walter Reed hospital.

Jim from Winchester, Virginia, a Bible-quoting biker and veteran who served from '63 to '67, understood very well that the military won the Vietnam War on the ground but lost it in the media. "When my two brothers-in-law returned from duty in Vietnam, they were met at the airport by war protesters who pelted them with rotten eggs and spoiled tomatoes.

"I made up my mind right then," said the muscular grandfather in black leather and a black do-rag. "Never again would any soldiers or their family members be spit on in America."

Tonight, Jim was doing something about the leftists' stomach-turning political opportunism: he strode not only in front of our lines, but across and along the Code Pink lines, passionately declaiming,

"Bring the troops home? Hah!

"Guys with prosthetic legs in there say they want to go back! They want to rejoin their units!

"Their service is honorable!

"They are doing their job and completing their mission!

"Leave 'em alone!"

The son of Jim's best friend had left just that morning for duty in Iraq. Blurred by night action, veteran Jim (center) strides Georgia Avenue waving colors. A new FReeper stands at right. Photo by BMWcyle

Another biker, a marine veteran, told his story. "We came back on the USS Coral Sea," he said, referring to an aircraft carrier with a flat runway deck, where ranks of marines standing in orderly formation were plainly visible from shore as they prepared to disembark into an ambush of 60's anti-war protesters. "We were wearing parade dress uniforms," he continued. "The [bleeps] poured garbage on us. They spit on us. Nobody would talk to us," he recalled. "Not even the hookers."

FReepers display the true meaning of the "Vee-sign": Victory! Photo by TgslTakoma

Today's protesters aren't just grassroots students and housewives; studies show that current leftist agitators ally themselves with international socialist and communist organizations pitted against this nation, and hire costly marketing and PR firms such as Fenton Communications, which managed many of Code Pink's involvements with Cindy Sheehan. To contemporary subversives, undermining the United States, claiming that a war approved by Congress is illegal, calling our troops "killers" and having the same handful of operatives show up at demonstrations around the country is managed in businesslike fashion by professionals with corporate instincts – and funding. Judging by the results, however, the Walter Reed "vigil" needs a better business model, such as shifting its venue to the offices of Senators and Congressmen.

Code Pink regular Laura Costas (backpack, left) and leader Gael Murphy (square jaw, right) confer with Pinko transients, angry that their 60s agitation techniques aren't cutting it four decades later at Walter Reed. Photo by TgslTakoma

Mutt and Jeff: Even Squeegee Guy and comrade look discouraged. Photo by TgslTakoma

It was time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Inspired by a FReeper sign, "Got Freedom? Kiss a VET", a group of Rolling Thunder veterans launched a strategic mission that would test Code Pink's recently professed caring and concern for veterans. As FReepers chanted, "Hug! A! Vet! – Hug! A! Vet!", intrepid patrols of hug-seeking biker vets crossed Georgia Avenue to the cold pink heart of the opposition, only to be turned away, utterly unhugged. After three separate forays worthy of the flower-power days of Haight Ashbury '69, they returned, proud veterans still; but clearly unloved by Code Pink. Mission accomplished: unmasking the enemy.

FReeper Landry Fan (left). Rolling Thunder cyclist and veteran (right) and other biker vets sought hugs from the caring and concerned Code Pinkos, only to be rebuffed by Pinko ladies. Photo by TgslTakoma

Northeast corner: FReeper line and MOAB: the Mother of All Banners. Photo by TgslTakoma

Southeast corner: PleaDeal and TgslTakoma amid FReepers and Rolling Thunder vets in motion. Photo by BMWcyle

So Hot, We're Radioactive

While Code Pink malcontents continued to puzzle the mysteries of living in a parallel universe, joyful FReepers spent the evening cheering any and all personnel who drove in and out of Walter Reed and the vast majority of passing vehicles that beeped, waved, woo-hooed or air-horned in support not only of the troops, but also of their mission and Commander-in-Chief.

The surprise visit from veteran elders, described even in Code Pink's wistful phrase as "a bunch of muscle bound heroic figures with square jaws and windswept hair," demonstrated anew the brotherhood of veterans to the troops and their solidarity with the wounded. The "vigil's" false piety about veterans was exposed. And so was the leftists' contempt for Free Republic's speech rights, for the neighbors' true feelings about their having sparked this confrontation at the gates of a medical sanctuary, and for the Metro police.

Metro police are under constant assault from criminals, traffic, and the heightened security risks in the nation's capital. Tightly bound by activist judicial restraints, DC police deal with protesters of all stripes competently and courteously, as one of them did tonight when something on the FReep line set off the radiation detector he wore on his belt.

"Did one of you have an X-ray today?" the officer inquired, without throwing anyone to the ground in a headlock. He moved around our line until he found the sources of radioactivity – two "hot" FReepers who had individually undergone medical radiation treatments. The DC Chapter of Free Republic is constantly grateful for the Metro Police's professionalism.

Mission accomplished. Biker veterans take off, in a blaze of bone-strumming sound and back-lit color. Photo by TgslTakoma

Demoralized pinkos huddle. Will they develop one-scintillionth of the courage of our troops and move their pseudo-"vigil" to a more effective location, like Congress? Photo by TgslTakoma

This week's turnout from Code Pink: twenty, tops, at the height of their activities. FReepers totaled 48 to 50. FReepers included TroopRally and Mrs Troop Rally, 3-D Joy, tgslTakoma, sonoftgslTakoma, Second Class Citizen, PleaDeal, Maica, Landry Fan, Kristinn, Lurker Joan, Justanobody, Jimmy Valentine's Brother, Jack Deth, a FReeper child, Fraxinus, Concretebob, Christopher Lincoln, Cathie_221, BufordP, BMWcyle, BillF, Beandog, Appleblossom and Albion Wilde, and guests Bill from Maryland, Phil from Olney, Eric Hawkins USA Ret., Ted Sampley and Jan Barwick of US Veterans Dispatch, John from Virginia and wife Mary Bell (their son is a Marine in Iraq), Jesse from Maryland, plus 15 to 18 associates of Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally.

Time to break down the MOAB. Photo by TgslTakoma

Join us this week as we continue to meet Code Pink on First Amendment grounds. We hold out hope that they will learn the only mantra that truly worked in the 60s, "Work within the system." Having the right to do something doesn't mean it will work when you do it and decent people are revolted by it, such as anti-war demonstrating at a military hospital. We urge them to use the rights our troops have fought for to make this a win-win, and move their protest to a more appropriate location.

Additional links:

All of BMWcyle's photos of the event.

All of TgslTakoma's photos of the event.

Code Pink's ludicrously inaccurate wishful thinking "report" of the event (barf alert).

Earlier thread: Gael Murphy's (Code Pink) Blood Pressure Hits a New High

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Government; News/Current Events; US: Delaware; US: District of Columbia; US: Maryland; US: New Jersey; US: Virginia; US: West Virginia
KEYWORDS: antiwarprotest; codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; freeping; moonbats; protest; rollingthunder; veterans; walterreed; wounded
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To: concretebob

Thanks for the ping!

81 posted on 10/07/2005 7:08:37 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Jimmy Valentine's brother; tgslTakoma
The pinkos wouldn't give hugs a chance. bttt
82 posted on 10/07/2005 7:19:14 AM PDT by Landry Fan (How can you support the troops if you tell them to cut and run? [you can't])
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To: Albion Wilde; King Prout; concretebob

83 posted on 10/07/2005 8:26:25 AM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Troll Consumption)
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To: RaceBannon

Do you know this person?

84 posted on 10/07/2005 8:40:44 AM PDT by bmwcyle (We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
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To: Gadsdenman

I'm going to be able to make it but the wife has the camera in IL.

85 posted on 10/07/2005 8:41:45 AM PDT by bmwcyle (We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
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To: Lady Jag

Lady J-
Will you re-post the pic of Osama in the pink cowboy hat?

86 posted on 10/07/2005 8:55:23 AM PDT by Landry Fan (How can you support the troops if you tell them to cut and run? [you can't])
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To: Albion Wilde
Graybeard recently posted this editorial from the Waterbury, CT Republican-American:

Virulent vigils

Monday, September 5, 2005

Once a week, members of Code Pink Women for Peace stand at the entrance of Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., to demonstrate against the war in Iraq. As the loved ones of soldiers wounded in battle enter the grounds, the Pinkos are in their faces with hateful anti-war signs and chants.

Before there was Camp Casey, there were the Code Pink "vigils." But they're getting more attention from the news media now because of the spectacle outside of President Bush's ranch in Texas. But the vigils also are drawing the ire of some conservatives and veterans groups. They want the government to forbid protests outside military hospitals. We would rather see more protests because these are self-discrediting.

We don't dispute that the Code Pink vigils are distasteful and shameless. At Walter Reed, hundreds of American heroes are recuperating from wounds suffered in the defense of freedom and in retribution for 9/11. They've lost limbs and eyes; some will never walk again; all will carry the emotional scars of war to their graves. Instead of the admiration and adulation they deserve, however, the wounded are rebuked by the hate-America crowd gathered at the gate.

Unquestionably, the news media are giving the protesters more attention than is warranted, only because they're soul mates. Each shares the fleeting wish that Iraq still might be America's next Vietnam, with the attending political and military consequences. Each believes the way to bring freedom to Iraq is for the coalition to withdraw immediately, thereby plunging the nation into a savage civil war and ultimately into the tyranny of Islamic fundamentalism. Each believes it should be left to diplomats to appease Islamic terrorists, but in trying to turn the clock back to 1968, they would overshoot to 1938.

Camp Casey, however, wouldn't be a pimple on the backside of a typical 1960s sit-in at Berkeley; it doesn't even rise to the level of John Kerry throwing someone else's military medals over the White House fence. More people attend a typical youth soccer game than Code Pink's vigils. This month, with Mrs. Sheehan in their rearview mirror, the media will latch onto Hanoi Jane Fonda's cross-country, Crisco-powered bus tour against the war and do their best to ignore the sparse crowds it will attract.

Rather than outlawing these demonstrations, Americans should encourage the Pinkos and their ilk to stage all the protests they can in as many inappropriate venues as possible. Because with every sound bite and video clip they spawn, they discredit themselves and their causes, and expose the disdain with which they hold their country. And in tormenting the wounded and their families, the Pinkos reveal the depth of their heartlessness and cruelty, and the mindlessness of their crusade.

The founders wrote the First Amendment to guarantee Americans would benefit from a free exchange of opinions. They thought it the best way for future generations to weed out the bad actors and ideas, to distinguish the visionaries from the sloganeers. In the case of the Pinkos, the more they shoot their mouths off, the more they shoot themselves in the foot.

Copyright © 2005 Republican-American

87 posted on 10/07/2005 8:57:34 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Judge not, unless ye be a God-fearing originalist)
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To: Landry Fan; concretebob
You left out the cat-herding duties.

What's this?

You don't know?

...Keep freepin', freepin', freepin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them pinko cats a movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope 'em, pull and brand 'em...
Soon we'll be living high and wide
My hearts calculatin'
My true love will be waitin'
Be waitin' at the end of my ride


Now ya know.

88 posted on 10/07/2005 8:58:06 AM PDT by BufordP ("I wish we lived in the day when you could challenge a person to a duel!"--Zell Miller)
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To: Flora McDonald
It should have read: "produced after Mass last Sunday"


89 posted on 10/07/2005 9:00:06 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Judge not, unless ye be a God-fearing originalist)
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To: Landry Fan
Will you re-post the pic of Osama in the pink cowboy hat?

That was one and this is another

90 posted on 10/07/2005 9:06:52 AM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Troll Consumption)
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To: Lady Jag; concretebob

There's another one too. I don't remember who made it. It has Osams in a shiny pink hat. I'll dig for it. I know Concretebob has seen it. I think he pinged me.

91 posted on 10/07/2005 9:13:57 AM PDT by Landry Fan (How can you support the troops if you tell them to cut and run? [you can't])
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To: Landry Fan; King Prout

King Prout, too, made at least one but the hat wasn't shiny.

92 posted on 10/07/2005 9:16:53 AM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Troll Consumption)
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To: tgslTakoma

Karl is too busy in court. Just ask him about Cindy next time. He'll cut it short.

93 posted on 10/07/2005 9:17:20 AM PDT by bmwcyle (We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
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To: Landry Fan

Click on the pic to see it full size.

94 posted on 10/07/2005 9:22:41 AM PDT by BufordP ("I wish we lived in the day when you could challenge a person to a duel!"--Zell Miller)
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To: BufordP
...Keep freepin', freepin', freepin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them pinko cats a movin'

Fabulous! And for another musical treat, check out our friend Syncro's recent post, where you can click and see a video of the Right Brothers singing "Bush Was Right!" at the Rally for Military Families on the Mall Sept. 23rd.

Lyrics: Bush Was Right
Written by: Frank Highland

Freedom in Afghanistan, say goodbye Taliban
Free elections in Iraq, Saddam Hussein locked up
Osama’s staying underground, Al Qaida now is finding out
America won’t turn and run once the fighting has begun
Libya turns over nukes, Lebanese want freedom, too
Syria is forced to leave, don’t you know that all this means

Bush was right!
Bush was right!
Bush was right!

Democracy is on the way, hitting like a tidal wave
All over the middle east, dictators walk with shaky knees
Don’t know what they’re gonna do, their worst nightmare is coming true
They fear the domino effect, they’re all wondering who’s next

Repeat Chorus

Ted Kennedy – wrong!
Cindy Sheehan – wrong!
France – wrong!
Zell Miller – right!

Economy is on the rise kicking into overdrive
Angry liberals can't believe it's cause of W's policies
Unemployment's staying down, Democrats are wondering how
Revenue is going up, can you say "Tax Cuts"

Repeat Chorus

Cheney was right, Condi was right, Rummy was right, Blair was right
You were right, we were right, “The Right” was right and Bush was right
Bush was right!
Bush was right!

© 2005 Pool Guy Music (ASCAP), All rights reserved

95 posted on 10/07/2005 9:31:28 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Judge not, unless ye be a God-fearing originalist)
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To: Lady Jag; concretebob
This is the one I meant. It took me no time to find it and a year to remember how to post it. I guess the hat could be shinier.
96 posted on 10/07/2005 9:40:20 AM PDT by Landry Fan (How can you support the troops if you tell them to cut and run? [you can't])
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To: basil
One of these days, I'm going to get on a plane...................

FReeper Basil! Come on down!

97 posted on 10/07/2005 9:41:59 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Judge not, unless ye be a God-fearing originalist)
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To: BufordP

Thanks, BufordP. That was the one. I found it and then looked up basic html and experimented trying to post it. After some attempts I was able to post it. Then when I got back I saw you already did.

I hate Osama and so do my cats!

98 posted on 10/07/2005 9:45:24 AM PDT by Landry Fan (How can you support the troops if you tell them to cut and run? [you can't])
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To: Albion Wilde
Well--for me to get there, I'd have to come up and over--LOL!

One of these days, I'm going to make it there, though.

99 posted on 10/07/2005 9:50:46 AM PDT by basil (Exercise your Second Amendment--buy another gun today!)
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To: Cathy
Good Luck tonight, I hope it doesn't rain!! What would rain do to the MOAB? Wish I could be there, we are going out of town for a wedding.

It's raining felines and canines right now. We might have to break out the Halliburton Acts of God technology to make it rain only on the west side of Georgia Avenue.

Congratulations to the bride and groom. Hope they had not planned an outdoor event if it's doing there what it's doing here! Come back soon!

100 posted on 10/07/2005 9:51:19 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Judge not, unless ye be a God-fearing originalist)
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