Posted on 10/04/2005 3:49:42 PM PDT by Para-Ord.45
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By 1979, Harriet Miers, then in her mid-30s, had accomplished what some people take a lifetime to achieve. She was a partner at Locke Purnell Boren Laney & Neely, one of the most prestigious law firms in the South.
But she still felt something was missing in her life.
The NEW YORK TIMES is set to splash the "something" on Page Ones on Wednesday, newsroom sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
It was after a series of long discussions with Nathan Hecht, a junior colleague and sweetheart, that led her to a decision that many of the people around her say changed Miers life.
"She decided that she wanted faith to be a bigger part of her life," Hecht said. "One evening she called me to her office and said she was ready to make a commitment," to accept Jesus Christ as her savior and be born again, Hecht said. Miers became an evangelical Christian and began identifying more with the Republican Party than with the Democrats who had long held sway over Texas politics. Developing...
----------------------------------------------------------- Filed By Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant for updates
I've know lots of professed Christians, and they cover the entire political spectrum.
Have I missed something? *L*
WTG dog!
Your comment about proper forms of address for our elected leaders reminds me of something I heard many years ago when I lived in Atlanta.
A local radio talk show host was interviewing Senator Sam Nunn. Now I was a conservative and a Rebublican but I was floored that this talk show host kept calling him "Sam".
Frankly it pissed me off.
Then why did we get 8 years of Bill Clinton?
You have missed a lot...and you are lucky for that! I on the other hand have missed you my pretty friend. How's life in the far green country?
you said you were done with me.
Yet you keep on blathering away.
Do I have to send you that cookie so you'll stop?
Life over here is like Finians Rainbow, with taxes! *LOL* Kinda nice...but crappy at the same time! haha!
I can infer and I hear you.
I hope my tag line reads "I was wrong about Miers" for the next 40 years, and you - all of you ;-) - make fun of me on every thread. Ignore handy...he was worried about Miers!!!
I just thought we were gonna get a Luttig, etc. I'm trying to shake the feeling that I've been had, and no amount trust me has done the trick so far. I didn't defend the pick @ work today and the libs were shocked. I just can't fight for (to me) such an unknown. Color me funked out.
But... but... but... she used to be a Democrat!
Sometimes we need a chastisement, that was one.
Will it get conservatives off her case?
NO! I believe that Mr. Bush may have made a great choice with Miers, however after he decided he should have briefed the party heads and tried to get them all on the same page. They are suffering from 'sticker shock'. When you combine this with the fact that so many democRATS are giddy, expecially Reed, scare's the hell out of the party.
Will they pull together??? Maybe, however many religious judges ignore personel beliefs when considering law. Perhaps Goerge was trying to keep down the crap before midterms next year? All I understand is that there were better choices out there for the Conservatives than Miers, no matter how much the senior senator from the peoples republic of New York screamed.
"I just thought we were gonna get a Luttig, etc."
I really do understand that. And the question is "Why did Pres. Bush not choose such a person?" In my opininon, his father's poor choice has really forced him to make sure he knows the person's heart. Today, at the press conference, that seemed foremost on his mind. I really believe he does not want another botched selection like his father. So how does he avoid it? By picking someone who may not be a "scholar," but he personally knows their guiding values. Values, that in his mind, will not be shaken in an ego driven city. I believe he has determined that even conservatives suffer the problem of ego. I really think he believes she is the kind of person who will humbly execute a judicial temperment that is not ego driven. We are what we love, not what we know.
This is the most persuasive argument that has been put forth by the Miers supporters. But it still boils down to trust me. If she is all we hope she is, why in the world would Harry Ried recommend her? Why did she give money to a pro-abortion Senator? Coercion by her law firm; everyone does it or else? Maybe, but then where are her rock hard principles? It just does not add up.
If Harry Ried and James Dobson both endorse her, one of them is going to be really really really disappointed.
Guess who I hope it is. ;-)
"Why in the world would Harry Ried recommend her?"
Another excellent question. According to Fox News, Harry Reid's staffers were angered by his public statements yesterday. They "were caught off guard." I think Harry Reid's actions knocked conservatives offbalance and we're having to find equilibrium again. Was Harry super smart? I don't think so. He felt the maddening pressure from the left to vote against Roberts and in his own mind, that made him look bad. He knew it because even Leahy voted for Roberts. I think yesterday he was trying to get out front of Leahy in support of a candidate he thought he knew. In the long run, it will be Harry Reid that will look silly rather than Bush. We just have to recover from Reid's unexpected actions.
And one of them is in charge. Recall what Jesus said to Pilate about who was in control. Recall that Pharohs heart was hardened by God. Check your scripture. God is in control.
We got what we deserved?
As I said in a thread yesterday, Gore campaigned as a pro-life candidate. I have no idea what he truly believed. All I can attest to is what I remember from that campaign.
Kristol, McCain , O'Riley,
I heard today from a colleague that Miers was Catholic before converting to a fundamentalist Christian religion.
Anybody know if this is true?
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