In the interest of fairness, I have a counter proposal: We express our "respect" for Islam in the same way Islam expresses its "respect" for Christianity?
While we're at it, I propose we allow just as many Mosques in the U.S. as Saudi Arabia allows Christian churches in Saudi Arabia.
And, just to be fair, we extend the same civil rights to Muslims in the U.S. as the Saudis extend to Americans in Saudi Arabia.
The list could get pretty long...
I will add...Islam is the biggest threat to our FREEDOM!
I will write to my Rep when CAIR comes out on world-wide TV, everyday - speaking loudly and clearly in all languages, condemning the atrocities of the terrorists and supporting our President, our troops, and this Country in the War on Terrorism and not once whine about how we pick on Muslims when we don't pick on others. I ditto the "Screw Care" comment of my fellow Freeper.
WHEN PIGS FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, my support went out the door September 11, 2001. Your holiday sucks and so does Allah.
Out of respect, would they recognize the Holy Christian and Jewish holidays? NO. Will they stop the practice of locking up or killing Christians and Jews around the world? NO. Would owning and displaying the Holy Bible or reading the Torah be permittable by Islam? NO.
Since CAIR does not respect a world dominated by representative governments with civil rights, human rights, and personal freedoms--but would support a world dominated by a radical Islamic Wahhabi movement, and by the Jihad, under the Mullahs and the Sharia, who cares a whit what they want. Call your elected!
I wonder who's sponsoring this resolution? That's who needs to receive a phone call telling him we don't need to commemorate a month to a cult whose ultimate goal is conversion (with 2nd class status to non-Arabs), enslavement or death for the so called infidels or "house of war".
It's hard to believe anyone could seriously consider such a foolish act.
First reaction - "Oh hell no!" Reaction remains the same.
Sunrise to sunset fasting during a time when the days are very quickly getting shorter... In other words they are skipping lunch..
When Saudi Arabia recognizes Christmas and Hannukah.
Send a message back to CAIR and wish them a Happy Rosh Hashanah! My kids have the day off school for Rosh Hashanah. The schools aren't allowed to talk about what Rosh Hashanah is, but Happy Rosh Hashanah anyway!
Islam is a disease that needs to be stamped out, period. If Santorum, Specter, and Melissa Hart know what's good for 'em politically they'll stay the h**l away from any resolution or I will personally lead the vanguard effort to defeat them at the polls!
This is one conservative who is sick of holding his nose and pulling the "R" lever in the voting booth.
FlowJo, I posted this article written by D.C. Watson here the other day, which originated over at Dhimmi Watch about this ridiculous, unnecessary Ramadan resolution. Tis a must read for sure. It was posted here a few days ago if anyone can locate it.
I have a better idea.......write your congresscritter and asked that CAIR be investigated for ties to terrorism, better yet just deport the @sshole and level their buildings.
Works for me.