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Double-MOAB FReep of Code Pink at Walter Reed, Sept 9 (Heavy graphics, Join us Sept 16!)
DC Chapter ^ | Sept 13, 2005 | BillF with photos from bmwcyle

Posted on 09/13/2005 8:37:44 PM PDT by BillF

Having done this for six months, I'm calling mandatory FReeps for the next two Friday nights for the reasons given in red below. Those who've never attended and live with 80 miles must attend, unless you have a very good reason for not attending at least once (see below). If you don't come, I'll contact Halliburton to cut off your subsidized gas cards. Also, your docking privileges at the FReeper Yacht Club will be suspended. Your local Country Club and Gun Club memberships will likewise be suspended. I'm taking these actions reluctantly because some of you seem to be stuck to your keyboards. :)

Continuing now for weeks in a row, FReepers from the DC Chapter and beyond have outnumbered Code Pinkos at their weekly obscene anti-war blood dance outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center, although the numbers were close on this night.  A leftist bicycle rider stopped on our side to exchange words. For at least the second time in this series of FReeps, an object was thrown at us.  As happened previously, two Walter Reed staffers come over to thank us for being there. Also, soldiers leaving the base indicated appreciation for us repeatedly and indicated contempt for the Pinkos.

Before continuing with the report, reprinted with permission of the sender, is a FReepmail below that I received last week from a service member who had read last week's report:

Re: FReep of Code Pink's Quagmire at Walter Reed, Sept 2 (Heavy graphics, Join us Sept 9!)

Keep up the *outstanding* work. I am a service member who has seen combat in Iraq and have more than a few buddies that have been injured over there. ***I cannot stress the importance of the role you are playing in the states.*** The war stateside, in the public view and in the headlines will ultimately decide our country's fate. As for morale...we get angry overseas about hearing ppl whine about the war, but when we hear these stories  we are profoundly rejuvenated. I commend you for your service and bringing the fight to the enemy!!
[first name of sender deleted; emphasis added]

(After the sender sent that to me, I asked if I could republish, without including his screen name, if he so preferred. He authorized republishing without his screen name.)

Will you come out this Friday night to help cover the backs of our brave troops against the psyche-ops of treacherous Code Pink and their allies? Will you help our troops become "profoundly rejuvenated?" This is a mandatory FReep. That is, if you live within 80 miles of DC, and unless it is impossible or you have medical reasons or work or family obligations that clearly preclude you from coming out, you must do this at least once. How can you (yes, look in the mirror, I'm talking to you) do anything less for our troops that never let us down?

Pinkos and their allies are waging psychological warfare against our troops. We cannot leave them undefended against being stabbed in the back. Will you help counter this threat to our troops' morale?

OK, I've just been informed that I don't have authority to order a mandatory FReep. Therefore, only come if you believe in the troops and their mission and want to do something in your power to help them.

Code Pink is truly stuck in a quagmire as FReepers severely hinder the Pinkos' cynical attempts to manipulate severely wounded soldiers and relatives in hopes of finding those who will join the anti-war movement and break faith with the troops still fighting a ruthless enemy. Many of the most severely wounded troops from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are taken to Walter Reed for continued treatment and rehabilitation. Many have lost limbs and many are suffering from post-traumatic-stress syndrome, which will, the Pinkos hope, open them to becoming propaganda tools of the left. Additionally, the Pinkos' other goal is too demoralize those wounded troops, but wounded troops have repeatedly thanked us for our presence as an antidote to the morale-sapping leftist antics.

Incredibly, Code Pink cannot muster enough people to achieve their desired fraud and deceit at their Walter Reed protest in the liberal bastion of Washington, DC, a city filled with left wing activists and where about 90 percent of the people voted against George Bush.

Do you think that the Pinkos are sickos to have an anti-war demonstration at a hospital holding war-wounded? Then please help us by showing up next Friday night per details below.  Stand up against the Pinkos who've endorsed "the Iraqi resistance" (as they call our enemy, see here and here), given money to the other side in Fallujah, and called our troops "killers." Then, the Pinkos demonstrate at the hospital and pretend that they support our troops.

This was twenty-first Fabulous Fun FReep of the Code Pinkos as FReepers continue to frustrate the Pinkos' evil scheme. For the first time in FReeper history, we simultaneously deployed two of the MOABs (Mother Of All Banners) designed and built by tgslTakoma.

As we have done on a number of these FReeps, we ate pizza on site at the FReep.

The honor roll of those in attendance (lurkers are marked with an asterisk*):  3D-Joy, Apple Blossom and daughter*, April from Texas (!!!)*, Bill from MD*, bmwcyle and daughter*, BufordPconcretebobConservative ConspiratorCoop, David, Doctor Raoul, Ethel*, George*, Jack Deth, JBB, Jimmy Valentine’s brother, Joan*, Justanobody, kristinn, Landry Fan, mr.sarcastic, mrs.sarcastic, profg, SonOfTGSL, tgslTakoma, Tom*, a very special guest (SG)* whose name cannot be given and BillF.  This was our third highest attendance with a total of 30.

In view of the large number of participants, many of whom we were happy to see for the first time (and we hope not the last), I may not include names for some of the FReepers and lurkers in photo captions if I don't remember them. Sorry about that, but I'm happy to have the problem of so many people that we can't keep track of them all.

The event was so large that I can only present that part of the story that I saw. If you were there, please describe your own experiences at the FReep.

[CLICK ON A PHOTO TO OPEN A LARGER VERSION IN A NEW WINDOW except those marked "not hyperlinked." Click on another photo and its larger version should open in the same window that the first enlarged photo did. Or you can simply close the window with the enlarged photo and click on another photo in the report to open a new window with an enlarged photo. Note that some of the wider photos may open in a window wider than your screen and you can use a horizontal scroll bar to see parts. Photos will be interspersed in the report. As it got progressively darker, my telephoto lens shots became less clear, requiring software enhancement. You will notice that people look more like cartoon characters in my later telephoto lens photos. tgslTakoma and bmwcyle are both taking better photos than I, but there are difficulties in me getting the raw photos from them.

Unless labeled otherwise, the photos were taken by me, but many photos, marked with an asterisk *, were taken by bmwcyle. (bmwcyle has his full outstanding collection of photos here.) I've cropped some of the photos. Next week I hope to be able to incorporate photos from both outstanding photographers, bmwcyle and tgslTakoma.]

Opposed to our 30 patriots, the Pinkos managed to get 27 America-hating traitors and their well-meaning, but incredibly-misguided, dupes. The dupes do not realize that their Pinko organizers have endorsed "the Iraqi resistance" (see here and here), given money to the other side in Fallujah, and called our troops "killers."

One of two corners occupied by FReepers and a MOAB. Additional FReepers lined up about ten yards north of the left of this photo.


Doctor Raoul and BufordP closest the camera, the southeast corner had the other MOAB.

Northeast(NE) corner MOAB close-in with Southeast(SE) corner MOAB barely visible at far right, across the side street.

Side view of NE corner MOAB.

With Mr. and Mrs. Sarcastic closest the camera, here is another view of the SE corner MOAB.


Lurker April came from Texas. (*  = photo by bmwcyle). If she
can attend, why not you?

Jimmy Valentine's brother (R) and others, sometimes as many
as 3 or 4 additional occupied a location about ten yards north
of the north-most MOAB.


Mr. and Mrs Sarcastic at the SE corner before the anti-Pinko
MOAB was brought out.

bmwcyle and 3D-Joy


George and Ethel *

April and Coop *


Doctor Raoul and Joan.*

3D-Joy, Justanobody, and Landry Fan.

 A purple-shirt biker (photo right) was quite angry talking to the FReepers as he passed along the SE corner. "There's such a thing as righteous anger," he snarled. Bush-Cheney are a murderous junta  in his view and Clinton was a liberal Republican. Apparently he tried to get FReepers to read more of his words of wisdom on his website, but I didn't hear what it was. (The site might be good for some laughs.)  He biked over to join the Pinkos or at least talk with them a long time.

A car pulled out of Walter Reed and turned in front of us. The passenger on our side waved grateful acknowledgement, whereas FReepers could see the driver giving a one-finger salute to the Pinkos on his side. Those were beautifully illustrated reactions of our troops to FReepers and Pinkos respectively.

Another driver, who apparently was one of the troops, drove along giving a top-half-of-his-body-out-the-window one-finger salute to the Pinkos.

Although we don't encourage flipping people off, the troops certainly have earned the right.

Leftist in purple at right biked through SE corner and exchanged
heated words with several FReepers, but kristinn tried to talk him
into moving along..

Kevin McCarron in yellow shirt was the one who held the "Maimed for a Lie" sign in the past. Like all the Pinkos, he had toned down
the signage after a few elements of the press reported on the Pinko blood dance at Walter Reed.

Kevin McCarron, a leader of Code Pink ally and co-sponsor of the protest, Veterans for Peace, was back this week. He wasn't noticed last week following Code Pink's claim that inappropriate or insensitive signs may have been held by infiltrators. That Pinko claim, an obvious attempt to blame FReepers for Code Pink's own sickeningly, indecent displays outside a hospital,  was revealed to be yet another Pinko fraud. Specifically, it was revealed that McCarron, a leader in the Code Pink sponsored protest,  held the "Maimed for a Lie" sign. (Click here for the CNSNews story.

On this night, various FReepers shouted warnings across the street to Gael Murphy that the infiltrator McCarron was still in their midst. If he worked for Karl Rove himself, he couldn't be doing a better job of undermining the Pinkos. First, he holds the "Maimed for a Lie" sign. Second, he lets the Pinkos issue a statement blaming infiltrators, without warning them that he, one of their key organizers, held the sign that puts the lie to the infiltrator claim. Or maybe he truly is an infiltrator on Karl Rove's payroll?

Pinkos in the early stages.

They managed to find an unburned American flag.

"QUIET ZONE Soldiers Healing" sign was just added in the last few weeks when Code Pink got a well-deserved black eye for their
psyche-op blood dance at Walter Reed. Yet, somebody still needs to tell the guitar player under the Pinkos new "Honor the Troops"
mini-banner. *


I added the purple arrows indicating a phantom lower part of a person at right and a phantom car at left to this photo * taken by
I want to assure all that these were simply artifacts from the camera aperture timing. There is no truth to the rumor in
leftist' circles that our cameras have been modified by Halliburton to include GITMO beams which teleport people to GITMO. *

 For the first time in memory, maybe the first time in the series of FReeps, Blue Pony-Tail Guy, wore something other than a blue shirt (see photo at right). This guy provided us with numerous laughs on earlier occasions when he held a sign that said: "Workers and Soldiers United." If  Karl Rove paid an infiltrator to make them look like a bunch of commies, that is the sign the infiltrator would bring.

Jack Deth commented that "Code Pink is responding to us in that Blue Shirt Guy changed the color of his shirt to black and it looks like he actually took a bath this week."


Exhibit A for apple in the attack on Doctor Raoul. * Quoting
bmwcyle's great capation for this: "The apple that hit the doctor.
An apple a day won't keep this doctor away."


Blue Pony-Tail Guy has a shirt that isn't blue. Who knew?

Past the Pinko announced 9 pm quitting time, and after the leftists had abandoned the Northwest (NW) corner and were packing to leave from the Southwest (SW) corner, Coop and at least one other FReeper went over to stand on the NW corner. One of the Pinkos came to them and claimed that they had to leave because the Code Pink permit goes to 10 pm (even though the announced time of their blood dance is 7 to 9 pm). The FReepers went back over to what the soldiers call "the good side" (they call the Pinko side "the bad side").

A short time later when most Pinkos were just going to their vehicles, BufordP darted across the road with a FReeper sign to the NW corner and did a jig reminiscent of the end zone dances of wide receivers following a touch-down in years past (before the NFL rules' changes). Unfortunately, the darkness of the night prevented us from getting any photos. BufordP quickly came back to the FReeper side before any Pinko again ridiculously asserted any permit rights to a corner that they had long sense vacated.

Some guy in a vehicle exchanged words with Doctor Raoul. Then he drove back again and threw an object. All were relieved that it was just an apple that hit the Doctor of FReep on his instep. The police were called, lest the perp return with a stone next time. Doctor Raoul told the officer that we could show him the apple in case he wanted to dust it for prints or wanted it for his lunch tomorrow. Raoul told the officer of having tangerines thrown at him years ago, leading to the perps' arrests on numerous drug charges for the contents of their vehicle. I told the officer that Raoul had thus been victimized by a drive-by fruiting before. However, humor aside, all agreed that the police should pursue the matter further to reduce the risk of more serious attacks. The officer was given the license number of the vehicle.

Officer and FReepers joked about the "drive-by fruiting," but agreed that there should be a serious follow-up.

As happened in the previous week, two medics, who work in Walter Reed, came over to personally thank us for being there to support them and the patients.

The Pinkos came close to equaling our number this week, but fell just short. We need more people coming.

We absolutely must keep the pressure on Code Pink and keep showing the wounded soldiers at Walter Reed that Code Pink doesn't speak for the nation. If you live in the DC area and haven't yet come out for one of these FReeps, please do so this next Friday. Injured Walter Reed patients, including amputees, have repeatedly told us how important it is for us to be there to counter Code Pink.

If we can sufficiently outnumber the leftists often enough, embarrassment may cause the leftists to stop these outrageous morale-damaging ("Maimed for a lie" was one of their commonly-used signs) demonstrations at the hospital. What about you? Can you spare a few hours on a Friday night?  

Can you give up next Friday night at the movies to support troops who've given up limbs for your freedoms? Will you?

This FReep is rewarding, fun and important for our troops and our nation.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: aar; antiwar; codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; freepcodepink; infinitefreep; rally; supportourtroops; walterreed
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To: Coop

As a lurker since the 2000 election, I'm not tuned into bumping yet. I'll try to get with the program.
I can understand your frustration with stay-at-home FReepers. I live 140 miles away, and think this is important enough to have made the round trip four times. Am trying to arrange things so I can be there for the big weekend of the 23-25th. I don't care if I have to sleep in my truck, I can't pass up a chance to meet JimRob and support the troops at the same time.
Coop, you gotta admit it's exciting to have people planning to be there from all over the country.
FReepers-- I know there's a bunch of you out there who live a lot closer than I do. Get out of your chairs and get to Walter Reed. You'll have a great time and feel better about yourself on the drive home, than you have in a long time.
If April and concretebob can fly in from halfway across the country, then you ought to be able to spend a few hours and a few gasbucks to drive in for such an important cause.

221 posted on 09/15/2005 12:05:39 PM PDT by Gadsdenman (What is best in life? To crush the Code Pinkos,and to hear the lamentation of the womyn!)
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To: Gadsdenman

Oops, meant BOBTHENAILER and April

222 posted on 09/15/2005 12:08:28 PM PDT by Gadsdenman (What is best in life? To crush the Code Pinkos,and to hear the lamentation of the womyn!)
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To: All

keeping it bumped...

223 posted on 09/15/2005 12:24:05 PM PDT by nina0113
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To: All


224 posted on 09/15/2005 12:40:04 PM PDT by Aquakat (The Media is the enemy of America; ACT ACCORDINGLY.)
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To: BillF
I intend to be carrying (at least some of the time) one of the signs about the pinkos feeding the alligators this Friday.

This thread needs more bumps.

Not even trying to stir up a little controversy worked!!!!:-)
225 posted on 09/15/2005 1:11:37 PM PDT by Fraxinus
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To: Coop
Hope to see you there, regretably Melissa can't go :(

Next time she will. Very conservative along with the other attributes. As of right now, I'm hitting the road to Flint for my flight tomorrow. Wahoooooooo

226 posted on 09/15/2005 1:25:01 PM PDT by BOBTHENAILER (One by one, in small groups or in whole armies, we don't care how we do it, but we're gonna getcha)
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Have a safe flight. Hope to see you there.

227 posted on 09/15/2005 2:00:48 PM PDT by Coop (FR= a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: Gadsdenman

Amen to that!

228 posted on 09/15/2005 2:01:31 PM PDT by Coop (FR= a lotta talk, but little action)
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See you tomorrow!

229 posted on 09/15/2005 2:30:30 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: Fraxinus
This thread needs more bumps.

Here's a bump to get people to slow down, read the thread, and come in person on Friday night.

230 posted on 09/15/2005 2:38:58 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF

I wish I lived in D.C.

231 posted on 09/15/2005 2:58:30 PM PDT by serpentineshel
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To: All; Coop

See Coop, I'm getting the hang of this bump thing!

232 posted on 09/15/2005 2:59:10 PM PDT by Gadsdenman (What is best in life? To crush the Code Pinkos,and to hear the lamentation of the womyn!)
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To: Gadsdenman

You're doing a fine job!

233 posted on 09/15/2005 3:10:17 PM PDT by Coop (FR= a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: serpentineshel

Hey, my home state! We're just a quick shot straight up I-95! Wouldn't next weekend be a great time to visit your nation's capital? :-)

234 posted on 09/15/2005 3:11:02 PM PDT by Coop (FR= a lotta talk, but little action)
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235 posted on 09/15/2005 3:39:19 PM PDT by conservatrice
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To: serpentineshel
You saw that AprilfromTexas flew in. Jan from Colorado flew in a few months back. BobtheNailer is flying in this weekend.

Gondring drove at least 4 hours one way a few months back. Gadsdenman has come 4 times, driving over 140 miles each way. Justanobody drives over a hundred miles one way, through some of the worst traffic on the East Coast, and has attended at least ten or twelve times.

All of them and others have gone "above and beyond" and no one should necessarily expect that you can duplicate them. However, if you are financially and otherwise able, we would be happy to have you come. If you wanted, you could come on the weekend of Sept 23 and join us for FR activities on Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, and possibly Monday per below very important threads from kristinn and Jim Robinson:

SADDLE UP FREEPERS! Support the Troops and Their Mission Weekend, Sept. 23-26 in D.C. ^ | Friday, September 9, 2005 | Kristinn

Posted on 09/09/2005 2:16:19 PM PDT by kristinn


September 23 - 26, 2005 Washington, D.C.





FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 - 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.


Every Friday night for the past five months, members of have held a patriotic gathering in support of our men and women recuperating at Walter Reed. While they believe that ordinarily, demonstrations are out of place at a hospital, they have done so because an antiwar group named Code Pink has been holding antiwar demonstrations at the main gate to Walter Reed on Friday evenings.

We believe Code Pink is trying to hurt the morale of our soldiers and their families, so we will be joining the members of in their show of support for our troops and their loved ones.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


This rally will place participants in close proximity to the antiwar protesters so that the antiwar rallies will not go unanswered by patriotic Americans. Plans for this day are still being formed. You may sign up for a mailing list for information updates on Saturday's events.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 - 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.


After the dueling rallies, we will be lining sections of the antiwar march route to show support for America, our troops and their mission fighting the war on terrorism. There will be police lines separating the two groups to ensure the peace.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 - Noon to 3 p.m.


This rally is being held to honor military families, their loved ones serving in our armed forces and their mission fighting the war on terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.

Military family members and those who support them are encouraged to attend to show the nation and the world that they stand firm in their resolve to win the war on terrorism.

Speakers will include Gold Star parents, family members of service men and women, veterans and Iraqi citizens. Current and former Members of Congress are being invited to speak.

The program for the rally will be regularly updated.




Free Republic is honored to be working with Move America Forward,, Protest Warrior, and Military Families Voice of Victory in organizing this long weekend of actions in support of our troops and their families.

If you can only make it to D.C. one day, please make it for the rally to honor military families on the 25th. However, all are encouraged to spend the whole four day weekend with us.

If you know any veterans or military families who've been fired up about how the left is trying to undermine the war effort, please pass along this announcement to them.

As always, we expect folks to obey the law and not do or say anything that will reflect badly on our troops or their families.

If you can't attend and would like to support this effort, please direct contributions to the main co-sponsors: Please type Support Troops Weekend in comments box. via PayPal

JimRob will be traveling across the country to attend the Support the Troops and Their Mission Weekend. He's looking forward to meeting a whole lot of Freepers when he gets to D.C.

Support the Troops and Their Mission Weekend!! (Sept 23rd thru 26th)
09/14/2005 | Jim Robinson

Posted on 09/14/2005 2:36:28 PM PDT by Jim Robinson

The left is massing for their huge anti-war protest in Washington, DC, on September the 24th. This isn't about Cindy Sheehan. Led by the communist supported International A.N.S.W.E.R. group, the left believes this one massive protest will deliver a Vietnam style knockout blow to our president and the war effort.

This is their big "Vietnam war" protest of the current generation. Do not allow this group of America-hating hippies and misfits win the day for the terrorists. Do not allow them to destroy public support for the war as they did in the 60's. Do not allow them to demoralize our troops with their lies and anti-America communist propaganda!!

Over three thousand of us traveled to Crawford Texas last month and knocked the stuffings out of the Cindy Sheehan anti-war protest. Now I'm hoping we can do the same this time around. We need ten to twenty thousand freedom loving patriots to stand up for our troops and for America and tell these misguided leftists to go home!! We did not allow Cindy Sheehan to speak for us in Crawford and I'll be damned if we're gonna allow the communists to speak for us in Washington, DC!!

Do not allow this to become another Vietnam style defeat for America!! If you love your freedom, if you think as we do that defeating terrorism is a MUST DO and CAN DO task to preserve and defend our American way of life, and if you believe that we must stand up for America and our troops then please support our counterprotest efforts in Washington, DC!!

If you possibly can, please be there!! If you can't be there, then please support us with your posts, your letters to the editors and to your representatives and with your financial contributions.

Listed below are examples of some of the anti-America slogans found on A.N.S.W.E.R.'s call to action page for their protest:

The demands of the demonstration

While we organize around the demand for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal [surrender] of the U.S. from Iraq, it is essential that the movement show the connection between the war in Iraq and all the other fronts of the U.S. government's war for Empire, including the struggle of working and poor people in the United States. The demands for the demonstration include:

From Iraq to New Orleans, Fund People's Needs - Not the War Machine

Stop the War in Iraq

End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti

Support the Palestinian People’s Right of Return

Stop the Threats Against Venezuela, Cuba, Iran & North Korea

U.S. out of the Philippines U.S. out of Puerto Rico

Bring all the troops home now

Stop the Racist, anti-Immigrant and anti-Labor Offensive at Home, Defend Civil Rights

Military Recruiters out of our schools & communities

If the above doesn't tick you off, I don't know what will.

Do not allow the left to speak for you!!

Sheila, Chris, Syncro and I will be there. Hope to see you there too!!

May God bless and protect our troops.

May God continue to bless America!!


236 posted on 09/15/2005 3:41:11 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF

And a bump!

237 posted on 09/15/2005 4:02:42 PM PDT by Coop (FR= a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: Landry Fan


238 posted on 09/15/2005 5:03:04 PM PDT by Sea Shell
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To: Sea Shell

It's a shame we have to defend wounded soldiers recovering at Walter Reed. Pinkos need to stop protesting our heroes outside a military hospital. They know they're wrong and so they sugarcoat their messages. The troops know them for what they are.

239 posted on 09/15/2005 5:15:09 PM PDT by Landry Fan (Support the Troops and Their Mission Weekend, 9/23-9/26 2005, Washington, DC.)
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To: All
End of long day nothing to say


240 posted on 09/15/2005 6:06:15 PM PDT by Aquakat (The Media is the enemy of America; ACT ACCORDINGLY.)
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