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LA Sen. Landrieu: Sunken buses are because administration doesn't believe in mass transit [huh?]
Fox News Sunday | September 11, 2005 | John Jorsett (me)

Posted on 09/11/2005 9:57:10 AM PDT by John Jorsett

I was just watching Fox News Sunday interview Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, and I couldn't believe what she was saying. Here's my transcript of part of it. Sorry if I've mangled any of the proper names; I'm not going to go to the trouble of looking them up:

Chris Wallace: "Was it incompetent and insulting for Mayor Ray nagin to order a mandatory evacuation, but then to leave buses -- and we have a picture of them -- hundreds of buses idle so that they could be flooded instead of using them to get people out?"

Senator Landrieu: "Well, Chris, I was there as you know through the whole ordeal with state and local officials, and was right there with Louisiana Democrats and Republicans, city council members, police chiefs, mayors, and governors. And could watch what Hayley Barbour was doing and Governor Reilly in Alabama. I am not going to level criticism at the local level. These people did ..."

Wallace: "But I'd like to answer if you could this one significant question ..."

Landrieu: "I will answer it. I'm not going to level criticism at local and state officials. Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day, less [sic] alone getting them out of the city in front of a hurricane. It's because this administration and administrations before them do not understand the difficulties that mayors, whether they're in Orlando, Miami, or New Orleans face. In other words, ..."

Wallace: "But but wait. Senator. Senator ..."

Landrieu: "... this administration does not believe in mass transit. They won't even get people to work on a sunny day less [sic] alone getting them out ..."

Wallace: "But Senator. Senator, there were hundreds of buses sitting in that parking lot ..."

Landrieu: "... less [sic] alone getting them out ... I'll tell you why ..."

Wallace: " ... can I just ask the question?"

Landrieu: "You can, but let me finish ...

Wallace" "Well ... well ... well there were hundreds of buses ... if I might ... here, we're looking at a picture ... there were hundreds of buses in parking lots. THe city ... It wasn't underwater before the evacuation."

Landrieu: "Those buses were underwater ..."

Walace: "They weren't underwater on Sunday ..."

Landrieu: "We had two catastrophes. We had a hurricane and then we had a levee break. When the levee broke, not only did New Orleans go underwater, but Saint Bernard went underwater, and Saint Tammany parish went underwater ..."

Wallace: "But they weren't underwater on Sunday ..."

Landrieu: "... and Plackman went underwater. And because the mayor evacuated the city, we had the best evacuation between Hayley Barbour and Kathleen Blanco of any evacuation I've sen. I'm 50 years old, I've never seen one any better."

Walace: "But there were 100,000 people left in the city."

Landrieu: "They did 100,000 people left in the city because this federal government won't support cities to evacuate people, whether it's from earthquakes, tornados, or hurricanes. That's the truth, and that will come out in the hearings."

TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: Louisiana
KEYWORDS: 109th; blamegame; buses; katrina; landrieu
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To: brothers4thID

"Weepy Woman in Elective Office" scenario.

61 posted on 09/11/2005 10:17:35 AM PDT by StAnDeliver
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To: StAnDeliver; All
If you didn't see this show this am, catch it at 5. You only need to watch the last minute. You should see her face!! She looked like she wanted to reach out and touch Chris, and not gently!

What a bloviating (the only thing O'reilly has said in the last year that I chose to remember!) blame shifting, alternate-reality-dwelling piece! Did the good people of Louisiana forget how to tar and feather, ride out of town on a rail? I understand they're kinda busy now, but once they get back home, I would hope they take this bully to task!

62 posted on 09/11/2005 10:18:13 AM PDT by blu (only insiders knew about the AK-monkey-pumpers smack-down.)
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To: John Jorsett
The bus picture is so damning that even Sen. Landrieu's spin doctors couldn't come up with talking points to combat it before she went into this interview.

The probably said "Okay, Mary. This isn't CNN or Oprah.....this is Fox News. So they are probably going to ask you about the buses. First answer an unrelated question. If they accuse you of dodging the question, then just say 'We'll get to the bottom of everything at the hearings.'"

63 posted on 09/11/2005 10:18:49 AM PDT by HennepinPrisoner
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To: cripplecreek

I got the impression that Mary Landrieu was thinking to herself. "Oh crap, we're screwed".

Good job by Wallace.

64 posted on 09/11/2005 10:18:55 AM PDT by pending
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To: John Jorsett

OMG! Moonbat alert!!! This is priceless.

65 posted on 09/11/2005 10:18:57 AM PDT by TheSpottedOwl ("President Bush, start building that wall"!)
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To: Pikamax

Don't you find that statement just a tad bit raciest? Is she saying that City Folk are lazy and shiftless?

66 posted on 09/11/2005 10:19:01 AM PDT by Mike Darancette (Mesocons for Rice '08)
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To: CMailBag

I sincerely hope that the visits of Gonzalez and Mueller to NO indicate a federal probe into corruption backed by an insistance on cleaning the mess up. Otherwise, no more money.

67 posted on 09/11/2005 10:19:09 AM PDT by ClaireSolt (.)
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To: reformed_dem
I'd like to see how she proposes an evacuation for a tornado...

Tornados are easy - just step out into the path. The funnel cloud itself will evacuate you.

68 posted on 09/11/2005 10:19:40 AM PDT by Tennessee_Bob ("Nac Mac Feegle! The Wee Free Men! Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! We willna be fooled again!")
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To: John Jorsett; Temple Owl
Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day,


69 posted on 09/11/2005 10:20:24 AM PDT by Tribune7
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To: John Jorsett

Thank you, Mary. Did Mr. Bill write your talking points for you today?

70 posted on 09/11/2005 10:20:28 AM PDT by RGSpincich
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To: DaBroasta

Probably not, because the likes of Jesse Jackson, Kayne West the media, and so forth got the first words in...that it was Bush's fault. And just like the recount in Florida that showed Bush won ...they'll still hold on what their leaders told them initially...that Gore won and stole the election. That's what the Democrats do...they project what they want people to believe, putting the Republicans in defense mode.

In terms of playing politics, sometimes I feel like it's Lucy and Charlie Brown and the football. Lucy always pulls the football away and Charlie Brown keeps making the same mistake over and over again.

71 posted on 09/11/2005 10:20:54 AM PDT by t2buckeye
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To: John Jorsett

WOW! She is in big time spin mode. I've never seen such ridiculous spin in my life. Ever.

And good for Wallace for not letting her off the hook and to keep asking the question. Why weren't the buses used.

Thank you for posting this!

72 posted on 09/11/2005 10:21:08 AM PDT by Peach (South Carolina is praying for our Gulf coast citizens.)
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To: YaYa123
a grand en masse exit

Not unlike the Iraqi Sunnis.

73 posted on 09/11/2005 10:21:35 AM PDT by Mike Darancette (Mesocons for Rice '08)
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To: mercy

Hehehe,are you from near the area? That's what we in MS always say-"Lousyanna".

74 posted on 09/11/2005 10:22:12 AM PDT by mrsmel ( Here lies David St. Hubbins... and why not?)
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To: tacticalogic

She is terminally "Stuck On Stupid". That's my new favorite phrase.

75 posted on 09/11/2005 10:22:53 AM PDT by blu (only insiders knew about the AK-monkey-pumpers smack-down.)
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To: Pikamax

I cannot imagine the people of Louisiana reelecting her. She is grossly incompetent. With all the suffering present and all she can do is whine. One can only hope this will hasten the much needed implosion of the dimboRAT party.

76 posted on 09/11/2005 10:23:48 AM PDT by GW and Twins Pawpaw (Sheepdog for Five [My grandkids are way more important than any lefty's feelings!])
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Just an aside:

As much as I enjoy roasting Rats ... and this is a great once in a lifetime opportunity .....

NO ONE could have evacuated NO. Not with all the buses in the world and an 8 day week to get it done. At least 20,000 of em would have locked themselves into their steel barred houses and refused to leave.
77 posted on 09/11/2005 10:24:16 AM PDT by mercy (never again a patsy for Bill Gates - spyware and viri free for over TWO YEARS now)
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To: William Creel
"Landrieu: "... this administration does not believe in mass transit."

LOL! The idiocy from these clowns continues.

78 posted on 09/11/2005 10:24:31 AM PDT by Reactionary
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To: Mr. Keys
The left consists of vile, stupid, and completely inept slugs. John Edwards was right when he said that there are two Americas. The left has made it that way. They can leave anytime.

SO TRUE. And we are STUCK with them. And they take more and more of our money. This will be the mother-of-all boondoggles, where we, the productive tax paying citizens of the USA will pay for. The idiot Black voting block has been totally propagandized by rapper-idiot-savant Kayne West that "George Bush doesn't like Black People". Meanwhile 51% of Black People pay no taxes and are net service users. This will continue. Can the nation endure, two nations side by side? One evil, socialist, looting the other hardworking, god fearing, self reliant. How long will we, the Red States put up with this. I really can't stand hearing these people. I want to slap idiots like this Lousianna senator, the Gov, the mayor, Kanye West, Harry Reid, and all the rest. I think we need a plan to fix America, and GWB has not delivered it (not that he promised to, or even could maybe).

79 posted on 09/11/2005 10:24:56 AM PDT by Jack Black
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To: John Jorsett

Please tell me this woman will be called to testify. Any decent prosecutor with an ounce of brains will make mincemeat of her.

Chris Wallace doesn't have what it takes to go for the kill with an interviewee. Especially a liberal interviewee.

80 posted on 09/11/2005 10:25:31 AM PDT by savedbygrace ("No Monday morning quarterback has ever led a team to victory" GW Bush)
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