SO TRUE. And we are STUCK with them. And they take more and more of our money. This will be the mother-of-all boondoggles, where we, the productive tax paying citizens of the USA will pay for. The idiot Black voting block has been totally propagandized by rapper-idiot-savant Kayne West that "George Bush doesn't like Black People". Meanwhile 51% of Black People pay no taxes and are net service users. This will continue. Can the nation endure, two nations side by side? One evil, socialist, looting the other hardworking, god fearing, self reliant. How long will we, the Red States put up with this. I really can't stand hearing these people. I want to slap idiots like this Lousianna senator, the Gov, the mayor, Kanye West, Harry Reid, and all the rest. I think we need a plan to fix America, and GWB has not delivered it (not that he promised to, or even could maybe).
I really don't think that the country can survive like this. It's way beyond politics. IMO we are headed for major showdown. Winner take all.