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Demoralised officers give up the fight
The Australian ^ | 09/03.05 | Jacqui Goddard, New Orleans

Posted on 09/02/2005 9:57:05 PM PDT by America's Resolve

BY his own admission, things are going badly for Sheriff Harry Lee and his crisis management efforts.

Outside his mobile headquarters truck, two officers grip a stepladder while a third stands on the top rung waving his mobile telephone in the air, searching for a signal.

Inside Sheriff Lee, of Jefferson parish in New Orleans, is sitting at a table, fuming.

He is doing his best to alleviate the biggest catastrophe he will ever witness, but lacks even the most basic of resources.

He cannot communicate with his own officers -- his officers can barely communicate with each other -- because the overloaded radio frequency keeps jamming.

The chain of command for Louisiana's hurricane rescue plan has missing links. There is tension between the numerous agencies involved in the relief effort, and some of Sheriff Lee's deputies are so overwhelmed and demoralised that they are giving up.

"It's not getting better -- it's getting worse," he says. "This is probably the largest national disaster in the history of the US and the co-ordination that should be in effect all these days after the event just isn't happening. It's lack of proper planning and lack of co-ordination. There are plenty of Indians, but no chiefs."

Two kilometres from his command post, a section of Highway 10 has become a giant refugee camp. The evacuees are gradually being taken away in buses and trucks to shelters as far away as Houston, Texas.

But some have started turning up at his door, pleading for food and for water.

Some have not had a drink since Tuesday.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: US: Louisiana
KEYWORDS: demoralised; katrina; leasershipvacuum; leo; nola; officers
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Unfortunately, it's not getting better folks, its getting worse.

Even if equipment and facilities are available, there's nobody in leadership positions to give permission to utilize the resources.

We also have to keep in mind that this isn't only NOLA. There are burbs and other subsidiary cities that have been affected in the same way.

Looting is still going on and mayhem for the sake of mayhem.

Rhetorically, I gotta wonder how this can happen in America.


1 posted on 09/02/2005 9:57:06 PM PDT by America's Resolve
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To: America's Resolve

I saw a similar report on the news tonight.

There was a police commander saying "where is the government?"

I hate to break it to you, but you're the government!

If the leaders of NO and LA expected the federal government to take care of everything, why were they collecting tax dollars and federal money? Did they think that money was just there to make them feel more important or to pass out to cronies???

2 posted on 09/02/2005 9:59:40 PM PDT by flashbunny (Defending the free market on free republic is like having to defend the flag at a VFW convention.)
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To: flashbunny
I agree bunny.

like this chief said, too many indians and not enough chiefs.

Leadership has simply evaporated apparently.

3 posted on 09/02/2005 10:01:55 PM PDT by America's Resolve (I've just become a 'single issue voter' for 06 and 08. My issue is illegal immigration!)
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To: America's Resolve
Rhetorically, I gotta wonder how this can happen in America.

It didn't happen in NYC. It didn't happen in Washington DC, and it doesn't happen every year in Florida when the 'canes arrive.

This is Louisiana. A wellfare city. People used to taking the lazyboy approach to life.

4 posted on 09/02/2005 10:02:50 PM PDT by konaice
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To: America's Resolve

It is a tragic commentary on America, isn't it? Evidently there was no emergency plans in place that were effective at all. Even with the aid of Fed. govt., the blame lies on the local politicians. In "The Big Easy" life ain't so easy anymore. Too bad they always thought it was and didn't have serious plans, and back up plans. It was quite evident from the beginning. The mayor and governor had no clue how to proceed. Pitiful. The Tsunami tragedy was managed better.

5 posted on 09/02/2005 10:03:58 PM PDT by CitizenM ("An excuse is worse than an lie, because an excuse is a lie hidden." Pope John Paul, II)
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To: flashbunny
Did they think that money was just there to make them feel more important or to pass out to cronies???

Well, it is Louisiana and that's how things are done. It's a LONG story. Goodnight, Huey. Goodnight, Earl.

6 posted on 09/02/2005 10:04:25 PM PDT by DeFault User
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To: America's Resolve
Read the post cheering on price gougers as moral exemplars. Our society has degenerated to the point that even some quarters of conservatism are simply masks for hedonistic greed.
7 posted on 09/02/2005 10:09:00 PM PDT by U.H. Conservative (
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To: America's Resolve

It has been reported that a large number of NO police officers deserted. One writer said in a novel: "Only a thin blue line seperates us from the jungle". If this doesn't illustrate the point nothing does. Also it was John Calvin who taught the "total depravity of the human heart". NO=QED. signed: Ex-Cop.

8 posted on 09/02/2005 10:10:51 PM PDT by pankot
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To: U.H. Conservative

Ah, another of the free markets are evil brigade step up!


Would you rather be able to fill up your tank for $3.50 a gallon, or not be able to buy gas at $2.50 a gallon?

Of course, if the situational socialist freepers had their way, they could power their cars merely on raw emotion and hatred for people making that evil thing called 'profit'.

9 posted on 09/02/2005 10:10:57 PM PDT by flashbunny (Defending the free market on free republic is like having to defend the flag at a VFW convention.)
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To: America's Resolve
Further along Highway 10, hundreds of volunteer firefighters, auxiliary coastguards and others with small boats were anxious to rescue people, but were being held back because one of their vessels had been shot at.

"We are trying to do our job here but we can't if they are shooting at us. We don't know who and we don't know why, but we don't want to get in a situation of having to return fire out there," Major Joey Broussard of the Louisiana State Fisheries and Wildlife Division said.

10 posted on 09/02/2005 10:11:58 PM PDT by MRMEAN (Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of congress; but I repeat myself. - Mark Tw)
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To: America's Resolve

Everytime I see one of these politicians on tv, I get a clearer picture of the problem.

Whether it's Bush, Condy, the mayor, the governor, or anyone else, it's all the same double talk.

This agency is working with that agency to determine how to coordinate efforts with the other agency at a different level who is handling certain duties but each needs authority from somebody different to determine which plan of action to review with which other department of a given task force...

Too much bureaucracy and too many people in power interested only in living a good life at the expense of others.

11 posted on 09/02/2005 10:13:34 PM PDT by Veritas et equitas ad Votum (If the Constitution "lives and breathes", it dies.)
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To: America's Resolve
This Sherriff should be immediately removed from his duties by any means possible.

He is either completely stupid or criminally incompetent if he isn't aware of the well established principles of Emergency Incident Command. They've been published and refined for over 20 years.

Lessons in the organization and use of Incident Command Systems are available for free from FEMA for the asking. If this idiot hasn't bothered to get himself trained in how to set up an Incident Management System in his county then he shouldn't be in charge.

When I read this article I got so mad I could frigging spit nails....


12 posted on 09/02/2005 10:14:47 PM PDT by Lurker (Shooting looters is a public service.)
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To: DeFault User

First order of emergency operations: evacuate the non-combatants. See the pictures of all the school buses lined up so pretty in the water?? Where were the city buses, taxis, and limos? Where was the food & water for the displaced? And were was the commmunication. I lived for seven years just north of NOLA, corruption & graft is the name of the game in LA politics. Of course, the fact that the governor & mayor are Democrats has nothing to do with it--RIGHT!!!!! Instead, tell everyone to go to the Superdome & wait for the cavalry to arrive from Washington, DC!

13 posted on 09/02/2005 10:16:44 PM PDT by peegravel
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To: U.H. Conservative
"Gouging" is a legal term which has no relationship to the realities of the marketplace.

I'm old enough to remember the last time a President tried to control the price of commodities by fiat. It didn't work out so well.


14 posted on 09/02/2005 10:17:24 PM PDT by Lurker (Shooting looters is a public service.)
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To: America's Resolve
The so called authorities in Louisiana have a lot to answer for and if not in this life, the next.

What did they do with the money allocated towards emergency planning.

How did they allow the police deparment to become part of the problem.

Oh, why bother to ask.


15 posted on 09/02/2005 10:17:46 PM PDT by OldFriend (MAJ. TAMMY DUCKWORTH ~ A NATIONAL TREASURE)
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To: flashbunny


16 posted on 09/02/2005 10:17:58 PM PDT by planekT (What a mess)
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To: flashbunny
There was a police commander saying "where is the government?"

That was probably Chief Compass, the head of the N.O. Police Department. Not unlike his mayor, he went fetal position today, at two different times, on two different networks. He has completely lost it.

The collapse of his department is going to require that literally thousands of National Guard troops will be conducting street patrols instead of giving aid to the displaced. The collapse prevented the evacuation of hospitals as well.

17 posted on 09/02/2005 10:18:14 PM PDT by USNBandit (sarcasm engaged at all times)
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A helicopter attempting to get low enough to drop medical supplies to a hospital was shot at.

The real question is how is it that the Mayor forgot to evacuate the acute care hospitals and the nursing homes.

Perhaps he thought the tooth fairy would do his job.

18 posted on 09/02/2005 10:20:09 PM PDT by OldFriend (MAJ. TAMMY DUCKWORTH ~ A NATIONAL TREASURE)
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To: flashbunny
Free markets are not evil. Profiting off of people in a life or death situation is.

I suppose you think the looters are simply really aggressive bargain hunters.
19 posted on 09/02/2005 10:22:27 PM PDT by U.H. Conservative (
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To: Lurker

I suppose you favor the repeal of usury laws as well?

20 posted on 09/02/2005 10:24:00 PM PDT by U.H. Conservative (
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