To: America's Resolve
Read the post cheering on price gougers as moral exemplars. Our society has degenerated to the point that even some quarters of conservatism are simply masks for hedonistic greed.
7 posted on
09/02/2005 10:09:00 PM PDT by
U.H. Conservative
To: U.H. Conservative
Ah, another of the free markets are evil brigade step up!
Would you rather be able to fill up your tank for $3.50 a gallon, or not be able to buy gas at $2.50 a gallon?
Of course, if the situational socialist freepers had their way, they could power their cars merely on raw emotion and hatred for people making that evil thing called 'profit'.
9 posted on
09/02/2005 10:10:57 PM PDT by
(Defending the free market on free republic is like having to defend the flag at a VFW convention.)
To: U.H. Conservative
"Gouging" is a legal term which has no relationship to the realities of the marketplace.
I'm old enough to remember the last time a President tried to control the price of commodities by fiat. It didn't work out so well.
14 posted on
09/02/2005 10:17:24 PM PDT by
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