Posted on 08/30/2005 4:08:23 PM PDT by gondramB
With conditions in the hurricane-ravaged city of New Orleans rapidly deteriorating, Gov. Kathleen Blanco said Tuesday that everyone still in the city, now huddled in the Superdome and other rescue centers, needs to be evacuated.
"The situation is untenable," Blanco said, pausing to choke back tears at a news conference. "It's just heartbreaking."
The breach of two levees Tuesday meant the city was rapidly filling with water and the prospect of having power was a long time off, the governor said. She said the storm also severed a major water main, leaving the city without drinkable water.
"The goal is to bring enough supplies to sustain the people until we can establish a network to get them out," Blanco said.
FEMA is considering putting people on cruise ships, in tent cities, mobile home parks, or so-called floating dormitories, boats FEMA normally uses to house its own employees, said Coordinating Director Bill Lokey.
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(1) It's not inhabitable
(2) these people need to comply in order to get help
(3) it's the smart thing to do
(4) I used to live there, I know from experience
Too little, to late, incompetent and irresponsible b*tch!
Difficult, yes. I hope folks listen. Well, maybe not the looters . . . Sorry, God, I know you love them to, but do I have to?
I don't see how they are going to empty an entire city - the cost is going to be enormous and there will be a lot resistance.
I think they need to clear out the entire city before they can get a handle on the size of the disaster and begin to fix infrastructure on one hand while handling individual needs with the other.
They need a staging area for the infrastructure crews and everyone else should head to Baton Rouge to stocked shelters and medical facilities. But, I'm just a freeper. I"m not a democrat governor or anything like that.
I've been saying the same thing since your election, you sobbing moron.
The spiritual journeys of others are often hard to understand. I wonder what the looters will do with their TV's? They are living in their own hell. Living without love and compassion for others and giving away your soul for a TV is punishment enough.
for later
I thought the same thing. Okay, the food, etc. would have gone bad anyway so it's no real loss to the stores. (TV's on the 2nd floor is a different stroy I guess).
But - how about taking the food and water and moving it up to the second floor to save it. And then getting together and distributing it to folks who need it? Trying to figure out other ways to help people instead of taking advantage of the situation?
Tens of millions of dollars will be spent just to take care of people who refused to leave even though they were ordered to leave.
I wonder where are the jailed inmates are? Anybody hear?
I sure wish we can take back all those billions of dollars that we have given to foreign nations in the last few years. We need that now. I don't see the world community exactly jumping through hoops to help us in our need.
Were is Bono? Where are all the Live Aid musicians? Where is Sarandon, Baldwin and their ilk?
And what would YOU have done?
I got Breaking News for you, governor. There are thousands of your "citizens" who will be hiding around corners (even dunking under the water to remain undected) just so they can stay and loot all the diamonds out of the jewelry stores once everybody else is evacuated.
The US government needs to make a harsh decision. Why rebuild New Orleans if it is under sea level? Why do we set ourselves up in traps like this? It will just happen again. We shoudl give serious consideration to just shutting tha tcity down and rebuilding in an area above sea level.
Throw those rascals out of office - Nagin, Blanco et al.
Sounds like some great real estate deals to be had
There is no where to go for miles around.
Get a grip, lady.
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