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To: Jeff Chandler

This amusing list of French military achievements is for ever popping up, but the humour wears thin after a while, and in any case it's wildly inaccurate; nobody with any sense or access to a decent history book could really believe that the French don't have a very respectable military record, all told (I say that as an English guy who doesn't really like them all that much). They've had their ups and downs, of course, like all other countries, and their defeat in the Second World War still rankles today. But to be fair, the German military machine at that time was pretty formidable, and we British too lost against the Germans in 1940. The tragedy for the French was that they had no Channel behind which to regroup.

But if nobody else (for example French people) can be bothered to refute all the other over-the-top points on the list, I won't deign to either. All you need to do is read some books.

But what of the USA's military achievements? First I thought I'd write a list of American victories against major powers without foreign assistance, but oh dear, I found there weren't any. On the other hand, America has fought very few wars compared with most European countries, so it's feasible to list them all. On the othe hand, the list makes no claim to completeness – I can't be bothered with the numerous interventions in Central America.

The American Revolution
The American colonists refuse to pay taxes like everybody else. The British win most of the battles but lose a few crucial ones. It's the intervention of another European power that finally ends their strategically and logistically impossible attempt to subdue the revolting colonists. Many senior British politicians were opposed to the war anyway, so they give it up as a bad job. An American win thanks to their good friends, and an end to taxation in the USA. So far so good!

War of 1812
The British (like almost all the other European countries) are fully engaged in the 20-year life-or-death struggle to defeat France. The Americans as allies of the French take advantage of the distraction and try to conquer Canada, but fail rather miserably against the locals and a few British detachments. They win one or two battles, but their capital city is captured and the White House is burnt down (not usually a sign one's winning), and Canada stays British. Best call this one a draw…

Mexican War 1846-8
The Americans decide they'd like to steal a large portion of Mexico, a "major" power at that time. They win not least due to the incompetence of the Mexican leaders. U.S. Grant disapproved strongly of this war of aggression. Obviously some kind of traitor. Disputes about the slave/free status of the ex-Mexican states lead to…

The American Civil War
A clear-cut victory for the USA! A long struggle, with many setbacks in the first two years (Bull Run - twice! - Chancellorsville, and others too tedious to list), but in the end the Union triumphs against the Confederate surrender monkeys (Vicksburg, Appomatox et al.).

Wars against the Indians from 1770s to 1890
Ultimate victory is achieved against savage tribes who had been squatting on United States property since time immemorial. Some of these hostiles are men of military age, and many of these are actually armed! Nevertheless, the US Army heroically slaughters them, despite a number of mishaps suffered by some officers (St.Clair, Fetterman, Custer etc.).

The Spanish-American War
Another "major" world power is defeated, mainly at sea, although there is one "major" battle involving some uniformed cowboys assaulting some hill or other. An American win! Leading to the…

US-Philippine War
The US army takes only a couple of years to defeat a bunch of natives armed with sharp sticks. An American win!

The Moro Wars, 1901-1913
VERY sharp sticks.

Boxer Rebellion in China
The Americans fight quite well (as do the British, Germans, French, Russians, Italians, Austrians and Japanese). The USA's first victory as part of an allied effort.

First World War
The British and French (among others) have fought the Germans to the brink of collapse in four years of costly trench warfare, resulting in several million deaths. The Americans join in towards the end and actually fight a few battles against tottering German forces in the closing months of the war. Afterwards they claim they won the whole war on their own. They only lose some 100,000 or so men in this short time. Another allied victory.

Second World War
The US really want to sit things out and profit from the war (which started in 1939, not in 1941! Please remember this). Unfortunately, the Japanese put a spanner in the works. In late 1941 most of Europe has already fallen to the mighty German war machine at its peak, but the latter is being ground down by the Russians, and defeat is staring Germany in the face long before any US troops see combat against the Wehrmacht (luckily for the GIs). However, the tanks, planes and material the USA produces helps Britain while it's on its own in the West (it would be churlish to criticise that the US made Britain pay back every penny, this debt finally being paid off a few years ago). The Russians too can thank US trucks for making their army more mobile, while the USAAF is adept at downgrading enemy resources (i.e. killing civilians).
There are of course a few mishaps for the US again (Kasserine, Rapido River, Omaha, Ardennes etc.), but on the whole they acquit themselves quite well. Incidentally, at the end of the war the nutcase General Patton wants to stab his Russian allies in the back and team up with the Nazis to fight the Soviet Union, but is fortuitiously killed in a road accident before he does any real damage.
After Pearl Harbour and mass surrenders in many of their Pacific possessions, the Americans get lucky against the Japanese at Midway, and then it's all "plain sailing" with relatively light casualties, until they get fed up and drop atomic bombs on Japan. But America played a big role in the Pacific war, alongside the British and Australian forces, so they can be counted as a winner here.
All in all, an allied victory. However, the Americans have been bragging incessantly ever since that they won it all by themselves. The British in particular never tire of hearing this, so when Americans visit the UK the should always remind the locals about it. The British in turn ponder whether the next time America gets into a war, they should wait a few years until the fighting's nearly over before they join in, and then claim all the credit.

Korean War
After the North Koreans cross the 38th parallel, the Americans (and numerous allied contingents) defeat them and the Chinese comprehensively; the war ends with the new border along … er… the 38th parallel. Let's be charitable and call it a win anyway.

The Vietnam War
The Americans win this one too comprehensively, culminating in their triumphant withdrawal (from the embassy roof in Saigon) in 1975 and the victory of capitalism and the American Way of Life in the newly united Vietnam.

Another resounding triumph against a formidable enemy. The Queen is not amused at this attack on a Commonwealth island.

Another triumph. Stop laughing.

Gulf War 1
A mighty coalition of American, British, French, Syrian and Saudi forces (among many others) smacks down the uppity Saddam, their erstwhile ally against the Ayatollahs, but leaves him in power to preserve order in Iraq. Well done, USA!

A wildly successful attempt to reimpose order on a failed state. Not many killed.

US planes destroy Serbia's infrastructure and hostile civilians. The loss of a Stealth bomber worth more than Serbia's GNP mars the victory.

Gulf War 2 Another mighty coalition of American and British forces (but no French, Syrian or Saudi troops this time) deposes still-uppity Saddam and annilates his pitiful troops, many of whom were trained and armed. Yet another US triumph! The grateful Iraqis make the US troops very welcome.

The Cold War
Not really a war, more an arms race. Eventually the USSR falls behind technologically and runs out of money; on top of that, US-funded Afghan rebels trounce its army. These fighters also go on to trash their own country in a prolonged civil war, finally won by the Taliban. Victory for someone, leading to…

The Global War on Terror
The USA is winning this one, and will continue to do so for decades to come. Afghanistan and Iraq are now peaceful (apart from minor insurgency and terror), and the USA will generously and gladly expend many hundreds of troops and many billions of dollars to eliminate the aweful threat posed by thousands of fanaticised civilians, many yet to be born, and to establish stable theocracies across the Middle East. Thank you, GWB, The Warrior Against Terror.

I hope this is taken in the spirit it is intended. The reactions will be interesting.

12 posted on 08/12/2005 2:59:06 AM PDT by ukman
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To: ukman
I am not sure in what attitude to take it, if I may say so. I will say that I would put my asbestos underwear on if I were you--insulting the US on a nationalist US website is not going to make you many friends.

Also, a quibble about your "American timeline": The list for the French only included major wars (except Indochina), whereas your American list included multiple conflicts never declared as "wars" (for example, Vietnam, Somalia, Kosovo, etc.).

14 posted on 08/12/2005 3:21:16 AM PDT by The Grammarian
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To: ukman

UKman, I would rather you cut our great allies the Americans some slack. Please don't turn this enjoyable French-whacking thread into a bitter YankSpanking session.

21 posted on 08/12/2005 4:23:21 AM PDT by agere_contra
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To: ukman

>>>I hope this is taken in the spirit it is intended.<<<

This list is always popping up, but your post is the first I've ever seen that is cheeky enough to warrant a response.
Personally, I don't think that the French have a "very respectable" anything, but when it comes to fighting, they are absolutely disgraceful. Forget the rest and simply consider the Algerians. That's all that need be done here.

Did you happen to see the Columbia adventure? That's the American spirit!

p.s. They're giving away green solidarity ribbons at your local police station, hurry down and don't miss out!

22 posted on 08/12/2005 4:26:15 AM PDT by ishabibble
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To: ukman
The US could not really be considered a major military power until after the 1st World War. We used the safety of oceans to avoid the ravages of external wars with major powers and expanded across the continent. I doubt anyone would seriously believe we were a match for European military powers if they could have projected there forces across land.
The second world war, of course changed everything. Geography no longer provided the aegis.We turned our enormous industrial might loose in a world ravaged by a century of war and threatened by a nuclear foe. The great cold war standoff ensued.
I don't think Europe has recovered to this day from the terrible losses and I think to little has been made of the fact. It will probably take another generation or two, in the great sweep of time, for Europe to recover its vigor and will. The arc of socialism and communalism follows weakened and feminised society. I don't think we can question the valor and fighting spirit of the tommy or grenadier throughout history. It is hard for any country to bear the enormous destruction of modern warfare for very long, the populous loses its will long before the courage of military forces fail. The lands of France probably more than any other place on Earth have borne ceaseless carnage reaching a climax in the last two centuries. That should have been the lesson for the French in Algeria, the US in Viet Nam, etc. I think it is what the Islamists are counting on, that there will is stronger than the West's. Time will tell.
26 posted on 08/12/2005 5:22:45 AM PDT by Old North State
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To: ukman

Yeap it's taken in the spirit of KMA. You must be french.

27 posted on 08/12/2005 5:26:52 AM PDT by zek157
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To: ukman
Gosh, UKMan, you mean other countries were involved in WWI and WWII?

I was always taught that we Yanks whipped the Kaiser and Hitler on our own. Are you sure of your "facts?" As you may know, nothing happened in WWII until Pearl Harbor was bombed by some people from Asia, so don't try and horn in on our tremendous victory against overwhelming odds.


30 posted on 08/12/2005 5:40:22 AM PDT by Kenny Bunk
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To: ukman
They win one or two battles, but their capital city is captured and the White House is burnt down (not usually a sign one's winning), and Canada stays British.

Yeah, but with all due respect, during the War of 1812 our fledgling Navy beat the much-vaunted Royal Navy like a red-headed stepchild!

31 posted on 08/12/2005 5:41:40 AM PDT by Hemingway's Ghost (Spirit of '75)
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To: ukman
Hey, it was the Franks such as Charles “The Hammer” Martel that drove the Moors back down beyond the Pyrenees. We definitely owe the French on that one.

44 posted on 08/12/2005 6:37:58 AM PDT by Plutarch (Okay, so the picture is large. The detail is worth it.)
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To: ukman; Jeff Chandler

Wait, wait!

You forgot one. This war is one the US did (and won) without foreign assistance...

The 1956 Suez Canal War.

The United Kingdom, France and Israel decided to contest Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal through military action by invading Egypt. You know, aircraft carriers, sea-borne landings, helicopter landings, etc against the military superpower of Egypt by the Anglo-Franco-Israeli forces.

The United States under "Ike" said "Get out".

Y'all skeddaddled right pronto. The US won without a single casuality. Another happy result, the Empire ended and the delusion that Britain was in the ranks of the leading powers of the day was terminated.


56 posted on 08/12/2005 1:52:42 PM PDT by dvwjr
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To: ukman


First off without the US ou would be speaking German. It was our ships that kept feeding you with supplies.

Not that the brave pilots of the RAF did not keep the fight from being an Invasion. Without air support Hitler would not invade.

But then you decided you had had enough of the Great Winston Churchill and FIRED him when it was all over.

You became a Democratic Country in name only. You are more socialistic and becoming like France every day.

You had you pretty boy Monty, which won in the Desert with the help of blow up rubber tanks. Which fooled the Germans.

Yet when it came time to win in Normandy we were always waiting on Monty. Falaise Gap comes to mind. It would have been closed had Monty MOVED FASTER.

Operation Market Garden was a FAILURE. The British tankers were under orders not to destroy property unnecessarily. And the 101st Airborne who made ALL there objectives, were watching the Brit tankers sitting on the road having their spot of tea when the British 6th Airborne was getting chewed to pieces with no armor support. After which they were no longer an effective fighting force.

American tankers would not have stopped until they reached their men. As proven in Bastogne. Pattons tanks moved fast never stopped to take a break to reach the city.

Our Forces NEVER lost a battle in Viet Nam. The war was lost on politics.

We produced over 50,000 Sherman tanks plus planes, trucks etc.... to win the war in Europe.

And what we should have done is what the left is saying now. Leave Europe to its own because it was the Japs who attacked Pearl not Germans. As was said in WWI and WWII it is just the Euopeans fighting again. Let them fight their own war we will not get involved.

For you Brits sake thanks Tojo and the Imperial Navy. Without the US and the manpower and supplies Britain would have made a deal with Hitler because the common enemy to you both was Stalin. Winston hated the commies.

64 posted on 08/13/2005 3:59:15 AM PDT by Michael121 (An old soldier knows truth. Only a Dead Soldier knows peace.)
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