"Flip-flopping"Americans-Right-wing bloggers are attacking military mom Cindy Sheehan (FR mentioned)
LINK to Post#223 - FReeper tgslTakoma's rebuttal to the "flip-flopping" column LINKED above
Cindy Sheehan: "My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel."
Cindy Sheehan, of Vacaville, Calif., President of Gold Star Families for Peace and mother who lost her son, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan, who was serving in Iraq, speaks on a phone near the ranch owned by U.S. President George W. Bush in Crawford, Texas August 7, 2005. About 70 anti-war protesters shouting 'bring the troops home' from Iraq gathered near the president's ranch on Saturday, prompting two White House officials to come out to meet with mothers who lost their children in combat in Iraq. REUTERS/Larry Downing
How You Can Help Cindy Sheehan
by periphrastik
Tue Aug 9th, 2005 at 12:32:17 PDT
I think her motivations are becoming abundantly clear.
Look at this "sad" mama grin.
This protest has such an impromptu, real life, spur of the moment feel to it. LOL.
whata showboater.
All Cindy, all the time. If only as much attention was paid to ... oh, I don't know... lots of other things. Big projects coming up. Big projects that have to be finished. And whatever happened to Natalee Holloway?
Ah, the good old days when a liberal newspaper elite could cause America to lose a war. It's so much harder today; you have to make a hero out of someone so pathetically mixed up that every internetter can trace her confusion, flip-flops and utter vulnerablity to manipulation by all who hate America and want us to lose.
-- a message from Cindy Sheehan, Crawford, TX
Yea, her association with michael.whatever really makes her seem like a grieving mom, and certainly reflects the sentiments of her patriotic son /NOT.
The Ministry of Truth is on the job; God help us!
Is anyone actually taking this bimbo seriously?
Our casualties should be a secret. Do Al Qaeda issue press releases when will kill or capture one of theirs?
The MSM seem to have forgotten that we won the Iraq war and achieved our objectives TWO YEARS AGO and are only still there on a humanitarian mission to aid the new government. Instead of reporting on all the good we have done and our doing they focus obsessively on the less than 1% of soldiers who have died in service over there. Less that 1%! Has there ever been a war with so few casualties on the winning side?
I respect Cindy Sheehan's loss and understand that any parent is such a situation would not be in their right mind. What I cannot accept is that the MSM and the Left won't let her grieve in peace and are instead enabling her hysterics in an effor which is 100% aimed at weakening our President and our country.
The Military fight wars, that is the reason for the Military. When you join any branch of the Military it is because you want to be part of the Military and the main objective of the Military is to fight wars.
Obviously her son joined the Military and knew he would have to fight in wars. What she is doing will not bring him back and is actually making her appear to be a person obcessed with being on TV and in Newspaper and Magazine articles.
LMAO, I read the thread title and wondered which of the usual suspects (ie., Democrat Party organs) published this column. The scumbag Houston Chronicle! Surprise, surprise!
Article Launched: 06/24/2004 06:00:00 AM
Bush, Sheehans share moments
By David Henson/Staff Writer
Since learning in April that their son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, had been killed in Iraq, life has been everything but normal for the Sheehan family of Vacaville.
Casey's parents, Cindy and Patrick, as well as their three children, have attended event after event honoring the soldier both locally and abroad, received countless letters of support and fielded questions from reporters across the country.
"That's the way our whole lives have been since April 4," Patrick said. "It's been surreal."
But none of that prepared the family for the message left on their answering machine last week, inviting them to have a face-to-face meeting with President George W. Bush at Fort Lewis near Seattle.
Surreal soon seemed like an understatement, as the Sheehans - one of 17 families who met Thursday with Bush - were whisked in a matter of days to the Army post and given the VIP treatment from the military. But as their meeting with the president approached, the family was faced with a dilemma as to what to say when faced with Casey's commander-in-chief.
"We haven't been happy with the way the war has been handled," Cindy said. "The president has changed his reasons for being over there every time a reason is proven false or an objective reached."
The 10 minutes of face time with the president could have given the family a chance to vent their frustrations or ask Bush some of the difficult questions they have been asking themselves, such as whether Casey's sacrifice would make the world a safer place.
But in the end, the family decided against such talk, deferring to how they believed Casey would have wanted them to act. In addition, Pat noted that Bush wasn't stumping for votes or trying to gain a political edge for the upcoming election.
"We have a lot of respect for the office of the president, and I have a new respect for him because he was sincere and he didn't have to take the time to meet with us," Pat said.
Sincerity was something Cindy had hoped to find in the meeting. Shortly after Casey died, Bush sent the family a form letter expressing his condolences, and Cindy said she felt it was an impersonal gesture.
"I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.
While meeting with Bush, as well as Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, was an honor, it was almost a tangent benefit of the trip. The Sheehans said they enjoyed meeting the other families of fallen soldiers, sharing stories, contact information, grief and support.
For some, grief was still visceral and raw, while for others it had melted into the background of their lives, the pain as common as breathing. Cindy said she saw her reflection in the troubled eyes of each.
"It's hard to lose a son," she said. "But we (all) lost a son in the Iraqi war."
The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.
For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.
For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.
"That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together," Cindy said.
David Henson can be reached at schools@thereporter.com.
I've got news for the news people. The only people who care about this are them. Yawn.
The mainstream media SO wants to paint Iraq as another Vietnam. They don't have Walter Crankcase intoning on the nightly news about the body bags coming home, because there just aren't that many of them relative to the numbers of soldiers in country in either Iraq or Afghanistan. So they're trying to tout Cindy Sheehan as representative of the mothers of soldiers who have died. It ain't gonna happen. There are too many who are willing to stand up against her, grieving mother, or no.