Posted on 08/09/2005 5:18:14 PM PDT by Admin Moderator
Edited on 08/09/2005 6:51:08 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
We've had many new folks join up recently. Welcome aboard, this thread is a gentle reminder of some basic posting guidelines. (And for some of you old timers as well) Please read the follow, and ask any questions. We will all try to help you out. Anyone who has a link that might be useful, feel free to post it.
If it's a breaking news topic, check breaking news first, it's probably already posted. Don't try to be the first one with the story, you've already been beaten by about eight threads.
To avoid duplicate posts, please search before posting. Use the published article title to prevent duplicates. The best method to search is to pick a key word or two from the title. If the article you are posting is, "Dan Rather Memo", start with 'Memo' for the key word. If it is a hot topic, you might want to use two or more keywords, in this case, try 'memo rather'. For an effective search, select 'match all words' and select 'order by post time'.
All non-sourced non-news threads are posted here. All fluff stories are posted here. We are a political forum, not a pit bull, SUV or porno site. Keep your threads to a political nature. There are of course exceptions, but post those to the General/Chat forum. This doesnt mean your one thought is a thread by itself, and your vanities should be substantial to be considered a news forum thread. Others will be moved to the various forums. Lately, we have been seeing articles posted that should be comments made on the main article. Your comment/vanity article will be pulled or moved to General/Chat. Vanities should be limited to the mission of Free Republic.
For all of you who have blogs or personal web sites or personal news or opinion or forum sites that you would like to discuss or promote on Free Republic, here's the place to do it.
Our new Bloggers & Personal forum is for:
- Posting from your blog.
- Posting from other peoples blogs.
- Posting from your personal web site.
- Posting from other peoples personal web sites.
- Promoting your blog.
- Promoting other peoples blogs.
- Promoting your personal web site.
- Promoting your favorite web sites.
- Posting from your favorite outside forums.
- Posting from your favorite lefty forums or sites (DUh and the like).
Click on the "Bloggers & Personal" forum link on the Forums sidebar of the latest posts pages.
Updated FR Excerpt and Link Only or Deny Posting List due to Copyright Complaints
Don't think you are being sly or tricky, the mods have seen every trick in the book, so don't try to get around the posting rules with creative antics, your thread will be deleted. We have these rules for a reason. We want Free Republic to be on the internet, not shut down by liberals trying to silence our voices. Please, if you post an article and get an excerpt rule, follow it.
We will pull unlinked threads that might violate the excerpt rules.
Other links:
Statement by the founder of Free Republic
Jim and the Mod threads (cool band name)
HTML Sandbox (practice html here, learn new tricks)
Pretty much. I think I'm not understanding your question about forums though, so, let me explain our defination.
A forum is a section on FR. All news stories are in news. All home made stuff from your web site is in bloggers, all news stories that aren't political, suv hits pitbull, any single freepers out there, nigerian lottery, etc, goes in the general/chat forum. Religion stories that are appolitical goes to religion, and stuff that gets out of control goes to the backroom. That's the general guidelines, of course there are always deviations, but that's our basic guideline. We go from there. There are really no set moderating rules because everything is so dynamic, and ever changing. So, we're more than happy to try to work out situations with posters, but, you have to let us know too. There are just too many threads and posts for us to be able to read them all. A heads up is a good thing if you have a question.
Okay, who are you really? I promise not to tell anyone else! ;-)
If I tell you, I'll have to shoot you ;-}
Oh yeah.
the holy grail of FR: a filter for posters!
Robinson's Law: No matter how stupid, provocative, neurotic and silly a post is there will always be a few Freepers present who will feed the nutjob's ego by responding.
One big Thank You!
There's a "cool" mod?
Microsoft was bought by Halliburton and FR is a subsidiary of Halliburton.
Does that make sense?
Gives a whole new definition to "being spanked by the Mod."
When I post an article I assume it will not have to be excerpted. Then I depend on the posting software to tell me, based on the URL I supply, if the article needs to be excerpted.
Nonexcerpted articles can be very important for historical and research purposes because most news sites do not leave articles available indefinitely.
New York Times is excerpted like usual, no special instructions. Our sidebar moderator promised to revise the excerpt only list.......
The other issues are being addressed, can't give you a finalized time on it yet. But, it definately came up several times.
Thanks for the often thankless job ya'll do!
Lots of good stuff on this link
That's the easiest way so far to find it. It's right on top of our profile page.
Ah, now I feel up-to-speed. I also feel old. Thanks. : )
Shhh, it was Red who typed this.
I know mom had a secret. Didn't you?
I would never point it out......except that you're The Mod!
Olive-us can't be write olive the time.
That was Admin Moderator. Sheesh, get your mods straight! LOL!
"We want Pagan Mod! We want Pagan Mod! Woot! Woot! Woot!"
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