Posted on 07/19/2005 4:44:48 PM PDT by freedrudge
Edited on 07/19/2005 4:52:02 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
President Bush has chosen federal appeals court judge John G. Roberts Jr. as his nominee to the Supreme Court, a senior administration official says...
I'm wondering which Hollywood idiots are going to start injecting themselves into this. I'm guessing the first ones will be those w/legal degrees &/or those who claim to have ever wanted to become an atty. IIRC, the late Gregory Peck narrated an anti-Bork commercial during that fight, so maybe it will just be more pompous elitists w/good voices like him.
And Rhenquist on his worst days is awfully statist in his thinking, which is my big criticism of him - and Scalia, who can be awfully differential to stare decisis and to the Legislature over the constitution, despite his claims to be a fundamentalist.
Not me. Bork is no Constitutionalist, he has taken the position that the 2nd Amendment does not protect an individual right. Ever strict constructionist believes it does, as does anyone who takes "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" to clearly indicate the intent of the authors.
"Brilliant Bait & Switch by Bush!!! "
Yes it was brilliant. I can hear the Dems now " he just made it look like he was looking at other canidates and he just made it look like he was really listening to our leaders by having all those meetings to discuss possible canidates....blah blah blah....LOL
<<<<<<<<<< Excuse me while I light a cigar and celebrate the bold pick by bush....gotta tell ya...didn't think he had it in him....Had me fooled...Go Bush!
Quick -- what's Barbara Streisand saying on her blog! /sarc
Hehehe. Another president. And I love this one, but everybody has a weakness. Reagan simply would not cut government or fight congress over the budget if it would hurt his popularity---which he needed to fight the commies.
Bush just has a blind spot when it comes to immigration.
I am still thinking that Frist will nuke 'em.
President Bush:
I'm sorry I doubted you.
- RockinRight
P.S. - What will it take to get you to seal up the borders??
Hillarious post....
To: soundandvision
McConnell or Roberts, I'm told both are CFR.
157 posted on 07/18/2005 12:58:07 PM PDT by the (Google search CFR North American Community.)
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John Roberts is an excellent pick
She'd have them wheel her into the chamber on an iron lung if it meant she'd keep Bush from nominating her replacement.
He most certainly will be confirmed. The minority party can only do so much.
He will have to. We simply can't afford to be mugged by the rats this time. We need to show them who's in the White House, and who's NOT.
When all the names (Brown, Luttig, et al.) first were mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Roberts was my top choice. And from what I am hearing and seeing tonight, I am very pleased.
Thank you, President Bush! Now let's back this man and see him through.
Arlen was pleased because Dubya took him behind the shed and made sure...
If Mark Levin likes him, I like him.
Go, Roberts! Go, Dubya!! Woo HOOOO!
And Roberts is only 50.
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