It does when you factor in RINOS.
I believe the one thing that has the Democrats pulling their hair out right now is their fear that Bush will not nominate a replacement for O'Connor until after Labor Day. What they really want is to get the nominee's name out in the open right now, so they can spend the next 3-4 months working on a well-orchestrated campaign to kill the nomination (just like the "Summer of Bork" in 1987). If the nominee isn't known until just a few weeks before the Supreme Court starts its next term, then any campaign against the nominee will be far less effective.
I believe this Rove fiasco is related to this process, but only insofar as the Democrats are looking for ways to apply negative media scrutiny of the White House. What they are really trying to do here is force the hand of the Bush administration -- by applying enough negative pressure that the White House feels the need to do something momentous (like nominate a Supreme Court justice!) just to change the subject on the national stage.