Posted on 07/04/2005 7:29:53 PM PDT by CHARLITE
The "Peoples Truth Forum" has made arrangements for the following guest appearance:
Date: Tuesday (7/5/05)
Time: 11:05AM
Host: John Gambling
Guest: Harvey Kushner
Station: WABC 770 (NEW YORK)
Voice streaming Available at:
Folks, Put it on your calendars because this is one interview that you won't want to miss. Harvey tells it the way it is!
Jeff Epstein
About Harvey Kushner, PhD.
As an internationally recognized authority on terrorism and related security matters, Kushner has advised and trained numerous governmental agencies, including the FBI, FAA, INS, and U.S. Customs. He has worked as a special consultant to the U.S. Probation Department advising on criminal investigations, intelligence and terrorism. Additionally, he has briefed a variety of elected government officials on matters pertaining to terrorism. Kushners private sector clients have ranged from chemical manufacturers to multi-national financial institutions.
Kushner has lectured on terrorism to numerous law enforcement and military entities, including the Naval War College; the U.S. Air Forces Special Operations University; FBI Behavioral Science Unit, Academy and National Academy; and the U.S. Secret Services Electronic Crimes Task Force.
Overseas his lectures have been heard in such diverse quarters as the University of Warsaw, Poland, and the United Nations in Vienna, Austria. He has lectured on college campuses from the Weissman Center for Leadership at Mount Holyoke College to the University of Virginias Critical Analysis Center to the Yeshiva Universitys Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Kushner has experience with a variety of high profile court cases involving international terrorism. He wrote the experts report in a successful multimillion-dollar civil litigation arising out of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. He also served as an expert during the U.S. Embassy bombing trial in 2001 and wrote the experts report in a landmark matrimonial case involving the risk of international terrorism after the destruction of the World Trade Center.
After the 9-11 attacks, Kushner was asked to testify on terrorism and safety in New York Citys public spaces before the Committee of Public Safety of the Council of the City of New York. Most recently, he was invited by the National Commissioner on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States to participate in a VIP pre-briefing before the release of the Final Report of the 9-11 Commission.
Many publications throughout the world, including the New York Times, Newsday, New York Daily News, Focus (Germany), Talk and Penthouse have called Kushner the go-to-guy for plain talk about the subject of terrorism. Hes seen regularly on all major networks and cable news outlets, and quoted in the Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post, and the New York Times. From Oprah to OReilly to Savage, Kushner has appeared on most every major television and radio show.
A widely published and best-selling author, Kushners latest work, Holy War on the Home front: The Secret Islamic Terror Network in the United States (Penguin 2004) was named by the Conservative Book Club as their January 2005 Selection of the Month and is a 2005 Lysander Spooner Award finalist. His Encyclopedia of Terrorism won numerous awards, including the prestigious Library Journals Best Reference Award, American Library Associations Best Reference Award, and Reference, and User Services Outstanding Reference Award.
Kushner is represented by Robert Gottlieb, chairman of the Trident Media Group in New York.
Kushners career as a college professor spans more than thirty years. He currently chairs a university department of criminal justice. As a member of the working press, Kushner writes a monthly column on civil aviation security for the Airport Press. Kushner holds a B.A. in political science form Queens College, City University of New York, and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in political science form New York University.
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