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US House of Rep. in an Extraordinary Sunday night Session [Schiavo] (Bush Signs Schiavo bill)
Posted on 03/20/2005 6:03:40 PM PST by FoxPro
This is an unprecedented session. The Congress is meeting to save one persons life (in real time).
The only reason the Democrats are agreeing to this is that they dont want to be known as the party that killed Terri.
This is American history happening before your eyes.
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 109th; deathlobby; democratssuck; demswantterridead; dirtyrats; euthanasia; hitlersheirs; libertarianssuck; murderinc; obstructionistdems; paartyofdeath; proverbs836b; rats; rinossuck; schiavo; schiavobill; shiavo; sorelosers; terri; terrischiavo; terrislaw; uselessmouths; wexler
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To: FoxPro
It'd help if someone could post the text of the legislation being debated. All I've heard so far is that the law would allow Teri's parents to take their case to federal court. What case? Who would be the parties? Any clue?
posted on
03/20/2005 6:40:15 PM PST
To: FoxPro
As a fromer U.S. Congressional aide I am proud that the Congress is 'stepping up' by pushing this bill!
Endangered tree frogs and sea turtles have more federal recourse to be 'heard' in the system than this disabled woman...where is the wisdom of Solomon?
The Democrats fighting this bill are showing their 'true' selves tonite....
posted on
03/20/2005 6:40:18 PM PST
(Jenerette for Senate - - U.S. Army Desert Storm)
To: TheLion
1. A patient's right to die. (read- a husband's right to decide life or death for his wife. WHY aren't the feminists in an outrage right now??)
b. Fear of the slippery slope of people choosing life for their unborn children. (Dems. aborting their own future away has never occured to them)
4. If Republicans are for something, it MUST be wrong and needs to be stopped NOW. (This is the one I like. It makes for some crazed people saying crazy things).
The biggest reason is they're lost, flailing, and desperate.
To: SelmaLee
Ditto - though, my mom finally changed during Regan.
To: NCC-1701
Barney Frank sounds loopy, I think he's been hanging around with Teddy Kennedy.
What a waste of oxygen.
posted on
03/20/2005 6:41:03 PM PST
(Today is the first day...of the rest of our lives.....)
To: Jrabbit
Oh good grief! Barney just said no one knows if she is alive, so he's arguing for death? Outrageous!
To: Republican Wildcat
"Here goes Barney Frank..."
So what is it that makes Barney and his crowd so desperate to kill this woman? This is truly despicable example of the out of control partisanship of the Democratic leadership. Just typical. The Republicans want this there for we must oppose them. These people really are not fit for the offices they hold.
Note to Blue Counties, you really must start being more careful with your votes.
posted on
03/20/2005 6:41:18 PM PST
(Next up, US Senate. 60 in 06!)
Wexler is a world-class liar! I am astonished at his ghaul in lying so openly! Than surely you missed the impeachment hearings. I positively loath that man.
posted on
03/20/2005 6:41:20 PM PST
To: PhiKapMom
I think I'm figuring this out. Listening to Frank made me thinl:
This is really about how people in the end-state of AIDS want to be treated. They don't want their parents deciding, they want their partners deciding.
To: don-o
Greer just called out - Bawney Fwank...
And the gerbils in DC just started running for their lives...
To: A Citizen Reporter
Ith Bawny Fwank thwoing a hithy fit???
Pray for W and Our Freedom Marching Troops
posted on
03/20/2005 6:41:44 PM PST
(Iraq, freed from Saddamn now Pray for Freedom from Mohammad)
To: EagleUSA
I mostly agree with you.
This is indeed a putrid and deceptive situation.
Florida should be embarrassed to have the carpet baggers come again.
posted on
03/20/2005 6:41:49 PM PST
Cold Heat
(RNC, I am outta here! You will now work for my vote and my support if you want any.)
To: A Citizen Reporter
Only democrats could consider a married man living with another women and having two children with her a faithful husband.
posted on
03/20/2005 6:41:50 PM PST
("Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work - Edison)
To: AmericaUnited
"This woman is flat out lying. She make me sick with with all the phoney 'concern' for the 'gubmint' not getting involved in peoples lives."
It's incredible how audaciously hypocritical the dims are, that's all they ever do is poke into personal lives.
posted on
03/20/2005 6:41:55 PM PST
(God Bless all who defend America and the rest can go to hell.)
To: don-o
They have Judge Greer there at the session?
To: PhiKapMom
He's really getting upset. Spitting, even. What a sickening person....I'm turning him off, also
posted on
03/20/2005 6:42:01 PM PST
To: Nik Naym
I dont think it will come to that.
And "the duty of good Americans Citizens to step in themselves" has already happened; we elected these people.
I am watching CNN and the typically liberal host is appearing to defend the Schindlers. Interesting. So far all my liberal friends/family that I have spoken to about this (less than 1/2 dozen) thinks she should be allowed to die. But they watch network news for their info...
To: Soul Seeker
I thought if you were breathing on your own and your heart was pumping, you HAD to be considered alive....
posted on
03/20/2005 6:42:12 PM PST
Knitting A Conundrum
(Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
To: lainie
posted on
03/20/2005 6:42:29 PM PST
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