Posted on 03/05/2005 7:06:16 AM PST by AmericanInTokyo
SLAIN AGENT: I DON'T BELIEVE U.S. VERSION-COMMUNIST LEADER (AGI) - Rome, Italy, March 5 - "A day that was supposed to be happy changed into pain and anger. I don't believe a word of the American version. It's clear that they are trying to hide what really happened. The Americans deliberately shot at the Italians. It's huge," said the secretary of the Italian Communist Party, Oliviero Diliberto, commenting on what took place after the liberation of the journalist Giuliana Sgrena. Diliberto said that "the entire centre left (in Italy) should ask the withdrawal of our troops in Parliament. Enough with this servitude towards the United States." (AGI) - 051409 MAR 05
Duh what?
If you were finally released after threatened daily with beheading for a month, would you want your driver to go down a well known dangerous road at the speed limit or would you have the pedal to the metal?
It was an accident...that's all.
If that is their story - seems like an intelligence person would have done a U-ie instead of continuing to run toward it. You will never hear that story from the "hostage". Instead you will hear that she was targeted by the evil Americans.
Nope, I don't believe so. They themselves say they were on a part of the road to the Baghdad Airport that is already secured by the Americans, therefore, I think your theory that the driver or occupants thought they would be kidnapped by Islamosfascsists or theives (and thus tried to run the roadblock) doesn't necessarily work. In fact, it points up the fact that the driver SHOULD HAVE OBEYED ORDERS/SIGNALS IN THIS SECURITY ZONE TO THE AIRPORT.
I'm telling you the IQ level in here is dropping weekly.
plz note #24
I disagree. Last year there was a wdely reported incident of a van full of Iraqi's being forced to run a checkpoint because a terroriat was int he van holding a gun to the driver. The van was blasted by gunfire and many of the occupants were killed.
It is common knowledge that speeding at a checkpoint will result in gunfire from American forces.
I repeat - it is common knowledge.
The driver should have known better - hence "D-uh!"
Yes, it is, judging from your recent posts.
Our people aren't at fault.
This "journalist", who's kidnapping is still suspect, wishes to destroy the alliance. Her "friends" in the MSM have the same goal. They are going to hype this and try to turn everyone against Americans and Berlusconi. They want Berlusconi out. It'll be interesting to observe how Berlusconi handles it. If he survives the MSM whipping the population, already against the war, against us.
Americans aren't going to fall for it. Fact is the driver was at fault. Any attempts by OUR press to make our troops into murderers is going to be met with fury. I'm not concerned from our end. I do wonder if a close ally has the skill to outmanuveur the press in Italy.
Just to remind everyone what Communism is about, I recommend a visit to this thread:
Shouldn't be a problem Tito, she's already back in Italy...but I don't think you're going to get much of a confession from her.
Also, it wouldn't hurt if people started digging into the details of her kidnapping and activities. I hope some of our people are. I have the feeling there is far more to this than they want the population to know.
I don't trust communists and I know terrorists don't release people out of the good of their heart.
Surely the average Italian can't seriously think that the outcome of blowing a checkpoint in a warzone is the fault of the military in charge?
And why would American forces "deliberately" shoot at the Italian vehicle? I mean anywhere except in the fantasies of Italian commies.
It's all that cowboy's fault...
I second that! Don't want to get shot? Don't speed up to a checkpoint with armed US fighting forces. It's not rocket science. If I'm a soldier at that checkpoint and it comes down to what looks like a choice between me filling a body bag and someone else, I'm going to let someone else fill the body bag.
I haven't seen anywhere yet where they've said who was driving the car. That might tend to be a fact worth mentioning in this story. But maybe the truth doesn't look good for lefty's.
You idjit...I've been lowering the IQ in here since 8/98!
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