I could possibly be talked into believing in UFOs, but I could never believe anything Peter Jennings has to say.
Where's the Raelians when you need them? They can set the UFO and cloning issue straight in one interview with PJ.
""As a journalist," says Jennings, "I began this project with a healthy dose of skepticism and as open a mind as possible."
Wow, when did he change the criteria for doing research as a journalist? An open mind? Way to go, Jenny-boy...
I doubt if this will will siphon off many Apprentice viewers (9-10 p.m. ET on NBC).
(Anyone remember the Jeraldo debacle 20-some-odd years ago?)
"Phoenix, March 1997 Hundreds witness a huge triangular craft moving slowly over the city".
"St. Clair County, Ill., January 2000 Police officers in five adjoining towns all independently report witnessing a giant craft with multiple bright lights moving silently across the sky at a very low altitude"
Is it just me, or were not these two incidents fully explained when pranksters in ultra-lights came forward and confessed?
What was the name of that Harvard psychologist prof who nearly got the boot for publishing a UFO paper? He died a couple months ago. Stepped off a curb. Like Hapgood.
I witnessed the Phoenix lights in February of '97. I walked with a friend out his front door just at twilight. I saw seven very bright lights in a V formation very slowly coming south from over the McDowell Mts. They stopped over Mesa. I was absolutely stupified for a moment but then realized that they had stopped over Falcon Field where they built and flew Apaches.
This was a month before the "Phoenix lights" incident. My buddy saw me staring and laughed. He said that he had seen them before and his first reaction was the same. He specifically mentioned watching them from his son's bedroom window at Christmas.
There's no doubt in my mind what the "Phoenix Lights" were.
I think the percentage that believes in UFO's is the same percentage that believes that Karl Rove came up with the CBS forgery.
The evidence for extraterrestrial visitation of Earth is quite solid, IMO. But this does not stop the mainstream scientific community, government, and media from exercising the same kind of arrogant, close-minded, out of hand dismissal that is seen in this thread.
This stuff always gets me.
Professional shaman/conspiracists such as Graham Hancock exclaiming that it's 'arrogant' for humans to think that we're the only life in the Universe, and that, by extension, it's arrogant to not believe that Earth has been visited by sentient, superior beings from other worlds.
No, the argument goes something like this:
The odds are very good that there are other sentient beings, perhaps far in advance of humans in terms of technical and spiritual development. However, the distances (and the time it would take to cross them, even at the speed of light) involved are so incomprehensibly enormous (given the relative shortness of individual human lifespans) that it's effectively impossible that anybody has been able to do it.
Maybe, just maybe, airborne anomolies might be one-off top military aircraft capable of a performance envelope not generally accepted as being possible.
Maybe some of these craft are made of exotic materials and processes that are also done on a one-at-a-time basis.
Maybe some of these craft are automonous, and are capable of extreme manueverability that would crush a human pilot with tsunmi-like G-Forces.
Maybe some of these craft are 17 plus billion dollars apiece, a price the media would use to flame citizen outrage.
Of course, it might be a little more comfortable to say that we've been, uh, 'visited' by aliens, intelligent beings from Tau Ceti, who have mastered the science of faster-than-light technology with the specific purpose of dissecting Earth cattle, making funny pictures or obscene graffiti in Earth wheat fields and performing ad hoc anal/rectal exams on some of the locals.
Ok, I've seen UFO's - several times. No drugs involved. Honest.
This is the future of Peter Jennings since the credibility of the MSM nightly news has been destroyed thanks to his liberal co-conspirator, Dan Rather. Peter Jennings doing UFO stories in now the equivalent of Geraldo Rivera and Al Capones vault.
Sudden credibility afforded the UFO phenomena by the MSM. How interesting. And predictable to those who believe a rapture is forthcoming. (Please note: I have NO desire to debate that issue; I'm simply directing a comment to those who believe as I do.) I've often thought about how the rapture occurring should make believers out of everybody left behind, even though the Bible makes clear that this won't be the case.
Given the blindness and gullibility of people today, I have no problem believing that the masses will believe the nonsense that will be cooked up to explain the instantaneous disappearance of a billion or so folks. And I wouldn't be surprised in the least to learn that this new MSM coverage is laying the groundwork for such explanations. (Not necessarily intentionally on the part of the MSM.)