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The Roots of Al-Qaeda in Bosnia ^ | February 14, 2005 | Miroljub Jevtic Ph.D.

Posted on 02/14/2005 6:30:30 AM PST by Diocletian

The role of the Islamic religious Community in the war in former Yugoslavia

The peculiarity of the war in former Yugoslavia (YU hereafter) cannot be understood without considering the role of the Islamic religious group in the period prior to it. However, the very mention of Islam can produce a confusing effect, because it is a very broad notion which implies many things and allows many different interpretations. It is a well-known that Muslims ruled parts of former YU and that some people, as a consequence, declared themselves members of that "nation" but later also stated publicly they were communist and did not adhere to the Islamic faith.

According to the Islamic religious law, they were apostates murtads, for whom sheriat (Islamic law) provides capital punishment. (1)

In order to present to reader with as much specified information as possible, I am going to concentrate on an organization which represents the Islamic faith – the Islamic Religious Community (hereafter: IRC), because in this way the official position of the Islam on the war and crisis in former Yugoslavia will be best exemplified.

As soon as the multy-party system was restored which resulted in a greater degree of political freedom, IRC beagn to propagate a version of Islam which had hitherto been inconceivable. Alija Izetbegovic, the president of Moslem Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated in his book Islamic Declaration: “There can be no peaceful coexistence between the Islamic religion and non-Islamic social and political institutions… no lay principles can be the basis of a state which should express and support ethical principles of the religion…” (2). As regards the foregoing Jakub Selimoski, the last reis ulema (supreme head) of the united IRC stated: “The Declaration by Izetbegovic is based on his adherence to Islam and his religious teachings. Viewed from a religious aspect no one should be irritated by Moslems having a religious obligation to return to the essentially Islamic organization of social relations in countries where Moslems constitute an absolute or great majority of the population. The reason for that is that Islam has its own positions on the issues regarding the social, political and even financial system. (3)

Therefore, the head of all the Yugoslav Moslems clearly said that the positions put forward in The Islamic Declaration were legitimate according to Islam. The foregoing implies an aspiration to the institutionalization of social relations; thus the lax principle is excluded from the process of organizing a state in which all non-Islamic organizations should be prohibited. Consequently, democracy of any type should be annulled and discrimination introduced for those who have non-Islamic views.

Izetbegovic used to be a prominent member of the Young Moslems Movement. Referring to the Young Moslems, the chief of the Muslims said: “the Young Muslims were exponents of the best ideal conceived within our ranks and their upright and honorous ambitions were, in fact, shared by all Muslims”. (4)

In order to illustrate their ambitions it is best to quote Izetbegovic who said once while discussing the political programme of the Young Muslims: “I remember there was a clause putting forward the unity of Muslims all over the world. We interpreted the clause in forms of establishing a big Muslim state…”(5) Izetbegovic goes on to reveal their meanings of achieving the objective: “The plenum was held on 20-21, February, 1949, in the course of which it was decided to start an open fight with the communist system.”(6)

It is very important to stress that Izetbegovic had to admit once that there had been Young Muslims fostering some “terrorist ideas” (7), although in his capacity as the president of the state and the party of Democratic Action, he has been making feverish efforts to win himself and tell the truth risking to lose the support of the West where terrorism in considered and equivalent to evil. As seen above IRC qualified such ambitions as “upright and honorous and shared by all Muslims”.

Those who have analyzed IRC’s publications regularly have logically inferred that IRC has advocated the annulment of the secular principle of the social organization and has been in favour of an ideological Islamic state since the multy-party system was introduced.

On the occasion of setting up the party of Democratic Action which was ready to stake everything to establish an Islamic state in Bosnia, an editorial was published to mark the act of formation in praising terms qualifying the party as “eminently Muslim” (8). A hadis (9) quoted on the front page of the editorial indicated what a Muslim party must stand for, its message being that the whole world would be, eventually, converted to Islam. The words of Mohammed quoted in the “Revival” were aimed at the non-Islamic population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus implying that conversion to Islam lay in store of Orthodox and Catholic believers living there.

The announcement of their desire to have Islam spread was not objectionable in itself, as long as it reflect willingness to achieve it by means of persistent and non-aggressive persuasion, so that Islam could be adopted on a voluntary basis.

However, the above hadis was another matter; it was indicated in an explanatory comment printed below the quoted hadis which represented the position of the editorial staff and the Seniors of IRC whose organ the paper was.

It said: “There is a growing self-awareness in the Muslim world that its future lies in the revival on the rule which in not to be established on secularized social and political system but on the words of Allah. The opponents are also aware of the increasing political consciousness of Muslims which had resulted in a fierce confrontation with the world of Islam. But, nobody can prevent US from pursuing the course of action announced in our hadis” (10).

There was a sentence in the above hadis saying the Islam would enter every single household which implied that other religions would cease to exist and also announce the destruction of secular political systems which were to be replaced by the Islamic establishment whose necessary consequence was a discrimination against non-Muslims and women. (11)

All of the articles which had been published in the Islamic press since that point confirmed that the aim of IRC, stated in the above-mentioned editorial, were true. Consequently, an interview with a Secretary General of “The World Islamic League” better known as “Rabita” was published in “The Revival” in which he concluded: “Islam, essentially, represents the unity of the faith and state. That is first and foremost. All the social, historical, political, economic and educational system hitherto developed by Islam fell down after collapse of hilafet i.e. the united Islamic state. The main duty of the present ulama is to re-establish the foregoing Islamic Social institutions and system, first of all, in the regions populated by Muslims. The foregoing systems based on historical experience and knowledge are something that non-Muslims can also benefit from”. (12)

Nasef Omer’s interview took up two central pages of “The Revival” and its title “The Unity of faith and state” was printed in a big, red letters which indicated that the editorial staff and meshihat i.e. The Seniors of IRC attached great importance to the messages imparted by Secretary General of “Rabita” which is the most influential Muslim organization in the world. Evidently, the main task of the ulama i.e. Muslim priests or religious officers, was not to preach faith in God, but to strive for the creation of a state in which all the Muslims would be politically united.

The implication of the above is relevant to the Serbs and Croats in former Bosnia. Was that the Yugoslavia had to be disintegrated in order that Sarajevo could be linked with Turkey, Iran etc.? In view of what Secretary General said about the Islamic state being beneficial to non-Muslims, such a system was to be imposed on the Christian population on Bosnia.

Apart from propagating a need to establish an Islamic state in Bosnia, the organs of the Seniors of IRC also promulgated that a prospective state must become a centre of Islamic expansion to the rest of the world.

During The First Conference of the Muslims of Eastern Europe prof. Es-Sammari of Saudi Arabia said: “Islam is still firmly rooted in Eastern Europe and, with the help of Allah, has all the predispositions to become not only a centre of political power, but also a centre of the Islamic diffusion to the rest of Europe and the Soviet Union.” (13)

Evidently, it has been conceived that the Balkans, above all Bosnia, should become a centre of political power concentrated in a state. Islam conceived in the form of an Islamic state should spread across the rest of Europe.

Apart from propagating the above version of Islam, the propaganda of Jihad was launched as well, the latter being of particular importance. According to the most prominent Islamic theologians of IRC, Jihad was a “declaration of and a conduct of war” (14). It was stated further on, that” Jihad is the climax of the sublimity of Islam. It is a road to dignity, nobleness and sovereignty and for that reason it was obligatory throughout the past and will be so up till the last day” (15).

Obviously, it was ordered to conduct Jihad till the end of the world in order to reveal the sublimity of Islam. “To hanefias Jihad is a struggle against infidels. First, they should be invited to adopt the true faith and if they do not adhere, they should be fought against”. (16) Considering the fact that all Yugoslav Muslims are hanefias, it is clear that, in their view, Jihad presents a mission of converting non-Muslims to Islam under the threat of war in case they decline the offer.

On the eve of the war in 1992 there was an article in “Takvim” (IRC published by the Presidency of the associations of ilmias i.e. Islamic religious officers). and the article exhibited their stance on coexistence and equality between Muslims and non-Muslims. The organ was also approved of by Riaset i.e. the Supreme Islamic Seniority (17) and it said:

“Islam strives to destroy al the states and government opposing the ideology and programme of Islam, regardless of that what part of the earth they may situated in, or what state of nation may be in power. The purpose of Islam is to establish a state based on its ideology and programme no matter which nation is to become a supporter of Islam or which nation is to become undermined in the course of creating an ideological Islamic state. Islam wants whole Globe-not just one part of Globe but the whole Planet”. (18)

The above was not an isolated view held by an extremist but a position of the entire Muslim Religious Community of Yugoslavia and was expressed through the agency of the foregoing organization and its organ “Takvim”.

As for the author of the article named Mevdudi, IRC stated: “El-Mevdudi has no peer in the Islamic world, his ingenious thought reaching and imbuing all regions populated by Muslims.” (19)

The words of El-Mevdudi of Pakistan were looked upon as an Islamic dogma by IRC and printed in 30,000 copies. In the same number, Hasan Hilic, a Yugoslav Muslim theologian confirmed the above in a slightly different way: “God did not oblige Muslims to conduct war in order to force people to adopt Islam, but to establish a just, noble and upright system based on Islam.” (20)

Consequently, Hilic confirmed that God ordered Muslims to wage war so as to establish a just Islamic system on the earth with no thought for the opinion of non-Muslims on the Islamic system and its uprightness feasible by means of killing and bloodshed.

Apart from propagating was as a means of setting up a state, IRC activists also propagated that Muslims, who continued to live in the states based on a non-Islamic concept should revolt against the actual state authorities, not matter whether they came to power legitimately or not.

In reference to the foregoing, it was said in “Takvim”: “It is impossible for a Muslim to realize his intent to live in keeping with Islam in a non-Islamic system. All the laws and taxes which he considers unjust and illegal will be imposed on his household and children, thus making his life unbearable… An individual or a group of people living under the pressure of state authorities who implement a hostile doctrine cannot live according to their conviction. If those people neglected their duty to rise against such state authorities, it would mean they are hypocrites and liars among the Islamic believers. It is for that reason that we have no choice left, but to take over the governing of such a state”. (21)

In view of the fact that about 1.5 million ethnic Albanians live in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia who are 98% Muslim, the foregoing was a clearly defined encouragement to revolt.

IRC started to put into practice that what had been hitherto theoretically achieved by its activists. The abovementioned reis-ul-ulema Jakub Selimoski took part in a session of the” World Council for Mosques” in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, at the beginning of 1992, where it was decided that “Rabita” should propose to the countries participating in the conference to established political and economic cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina and recognize its independence.

As for the problem of Kosovo they should help towards its solution so that the ethnic Albanians could also achieve independence which should be followed by political autonomy of the region of Sandzak and subsequently by the joint sovereignty of the Muslims and Christians living in Macedonia (22).

Considering that Yugoslavia still existed at that time within the boundaries decreed by communist Tito, it was an act of blatant interference with Yugoslavia’s internal affairs. Independence of Bosnia was proposed which was not approved of by the Bosnian Serbs and Croats who, taken together, constituted a majority of the population. It was also suggested that the Serbian province of Kosovo and the region of Sandzak should become independent which would, inevitably, lead up to the disintegration of Serbia.

In view of the above-mentioned, what reis al ulem i.e. IRC actually proposed the reconstructing of Yugoslavia with the aim of creating an Islamic religious state through the influence of the world Islamic organizations. A prospective state, as stated in “Takvim”, was to become become an Islamic diffusion centre until the collapse of all states and governments which have resisted to submit themselves voluntarily to Islamic rule.

When the war broke out of Bosnia, IRC issued a fatwa to proclaim it was a religious war – Jihad ; the fatwa i.e. a statement based on Islamic religious laws which should be unquestionably pursued by Muslims said: “Every single individual, male or female, must rise in defence of the Islamic fate according to their competence and ability. If they fail to fulfill the obligation it will mean that they have failed to remain true to their faith and mission in this world… Begin to fight intently and with confidence in Allah – if you survive, you will be gazias ( heroes of Jihad) and if you perish, you will be shahids (those sacrificed for the sake of Islam). During your offensives and clashes with the enemy, say tekbires (Allahu ekber), and, if possible, have a copy of the Koran on you. A Muslim must be aware that his fight is just, securing him the grace of God. A Muslim who has Allah on his side is invincible and dully owns this world and the one to come.” (23)

The above statements are abundant evidence of IRC position on the war in Bosnia: it was a religious war aiming for the creation of a religious state.

It is important to stress the deference between Islamic and Euroamerican usage of the terms offensive and defence. According to Islam the respective terms are irrelevant as stated in “Takvim”: “Jihad is both: offensive and defensive at the same time. A Muslim party launches an offensive against the opposing ideology. Being a party, it has no fatherland from which to expect protection. The party itself must defend the principles which it represents. Hence, the party does not attack the fatherland of the opposing party, but launches an offensive on the opponents’ principles. The objective of the offensive is not to cause the opponents to abandon their principles, but to bring about the collapse of the government which maintains the opposing principles.” (24)

In view of the above it is quite clear that Jihad proclaimed by IRC was identical to that proclaimed in “Takvim”. Its aim was not to defend Bosnia , but to form an Islamic state, not only in Bosnia but in neighbouring Serbia and Croatia by using military means to annul the secular principle of the social organization.


1) Quoted from the Koran .Translated by Besim Korkut,Sarajevo,1984,edited by Islamic Religious Community of Bosnia,p.617.footnote 33

2) Alija Izetbegovic, Islamic Declaration , Bosna Edition , Sarajevo , 1990, p.22

3) “The Revival” (Preporod) an Islamic organ published by the Seniors of IRC, 15 January, 1991, p.20

4) Glasnik the organ of the Supreme Islamic Seniority of SFRJ(Federal Socialist Republic of Yougoslavia) , Sarajevo, No. 6/1991, p.808

5) “Young Muslims”, Kljucanina edition, Sarajevo, 1991, pp.56-57

6) ibid, p. 64

7) ibid, p. 66

8) The Revival”, 1.June, 1990, p.1

9) ibid.1. March, 1991; a hadis is declaration or an act of Muslim prophet, Mohammed and his fellows fighters, in case they were given his permission; hadises have been compiled in a canonized collection which constitutes Suna i.e. Islamic tradition. Suna and the Koran represent the sources of Islam. Cf. Fikret Karcic,”Serijatski sudovi u Jugoslaviji 1918-1941”(“Shari’atLaw Courts in Yugoslavia between 1918-1941”) edited by Islamic Theology School, 1986 and Dzananovic Ibrahim,”Idztihad u prva cetiri stoljeca islama”( Ijtihad in the First Four Centuries of Islam”), Islamic Theology School, Sarajevo, 1986

10) “The Revival”, 1. March, 1991, p.1

11) I have already written about the same subject in the following publications: - “Political System of Iran and Human Rights”, in Political Thought, Zagreb, No. 4/1990 - “The Position of Orthodox Christians in the Islamic World”, in Orthodoxy between Heaven and Earth, Nis; - “Human Rights in Islamic Countries”, in Marxist Thought, No.5/1986;Beograd - “Human Rights in Islamic Political Systems in the Light of the Universal Islamic Declaration on Human Rights”, in International Issues, No. 2/1991, Beograd;

12) “The Revival”, August, 15, 1991, pp..12-13

13) Ibid. September, 15, 1991, p 13

14) Dzananovic Ibrahim, ibid. P.31

15) “The Revival”, October, 1, 1991, p. 22

16) Ibid. October, 15, 1991, p. 15

17) Takvim, Sarajevo, 1992, p. 164

18) Ibid, p. 68

19) Ebu-L-A’ El-Mevdudi “The Basic Requirements for Understanding the Koran”, edited by the Seniority of IRC of B. and. H.,Croatia and Slovenia, Sarajevo, 1984, p. 6

20) Takvim, p. 44

21) Takvim, pp. 75-76

22) “The Revival”, February, 15, 1992, p. 10

23) “The Revival”, April, 15, 1992, p. 8

24) Takvim, 1992, p. 79

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: alqaeda; alqaedabosnia; balkans; bosnia; islamism; origins
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To: Diocletian

No mention of that in the middle east digest, written by Joan McWhirter, her father a noted military general which no doubt she got her information from. Secondly, Hitler hated Catholics, So, I find that to be somewhat questionable, for other reasons as well. What is your source?

21 posted on 02/14/2005 8:52:35 AM PST by Nathan Zachary
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To: Nathan Zachary

The best source is the book I linked you to. Also, Pavelic personally sent his aide Vjekoslav Vrancic to Berlin to convince Hitler to include non-Muslims so as to appease the Axis ally. Hitler overruled Himmler´s objections.

22 posted on 02/14/2005 9:00:13 AM PST by Diocletian
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To: Diocletian

I don't buy it. The catholics for the most part were the largest resistance to the Nazi's, and wouldn't participate burning down their own churches and monistaries, nor the old orthadoxy, which many were dear to. It also doesn't jive with the record of Catholic priests captured and sent to labor camps, and Catholic churches raized. I'd believe protestants, because they allowed Nazi's within their church administrations. Plus the curious ommission of the Jewry slaughter makes your source less believable.

Regardless, the writer of the article you posted leaves out this LARGE part piece of influence in Bosnian Islamic history, and how it fits into the whole Islamic fundamentalist movement.

23 posted on 02/14/2005 9:24:47 AM PST by Nathan Zachary
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To: Nathan Zachary
You will have to buy it because it is the correct history. The Handzar did not burn down Roman Catholic churches nor monasteries...nor were there any sizeable Protestant communities in Bosnia. Also, they had no role in rounding up or killing Jews.

Also, the writer of the article was speaking about post WW2, and the topic of the Handzar SS has little to do with this.

Do yourself a favour and pick up the book I linked you to.

24 posted on 02/14/2005 9:36:17 AM PST by Diocletian
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To: Diocletian
One small problem, Dio - Izetbegovic wasn't the one who started the war in Bosnia, which was and remains a Christian majority state.

In the struggle for the Islamic order, all means are permissible except one - crime. No one has the right to defile the good name of Islam or the struggle by the uncontrolled and superfluous use of force. The Islamic community should once more confirm that justice is one of it's keystones. The Qu'ran does not command us to love our enemies, but it categorically tells us to be just and to forgive. The use of force must comply with that principle.

Perversely, I got the "Islamic Declaration" off of Serbianna when they turned it into a .pdf - which they probably shouldn't have done as reading it tends to undercut all the alamist BS which is constructed by culling select passages and presenting them out of context.

Think John Lenon's "Imagine" written by a Muslim, and that's the "Islamic Declaration" - the power of starry- eyed optimism "everybody's gonna embrace Islam 'cuz it's the bestest, and then if everybody pulls together, it's gonna be so cool!" to surmount reality.

But aside from that, what's the deal here - can we expect you to start posting garbage from Serbianna about Croat perfidy as well?

That should be fun.

25 posted on 02/14/2005 12:23:44 PM PST by Hoplite
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To: ma bell; Diocletian; DTA
Have I ever said that "all" articles are totally unreliable for the nationality or source? No. Is there any chance it could be unreliable? Not always but likely. What about Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya? What about Canada and France, with strong liberal influence? Serbia was at war with Bosnia years ago and it is likely with strong hatred of Bosnia by the people of Serbia, including the writer of this article.
26 posted on 02/14/2005 8:16:35 PM PST by Wiz
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To: Wiz
Serbia was not at war with Bosnia. "Bosnia" was at war within itself, implosion due to the policies of Tito and Izetbegovic policies. Serbia nor "B-H" never declared war on each other and neither sent troops against one another.

However, if you want to be specific, yes, the muslims of Yugoslavia did attack Serbia when they deserted the JNA. They violated the internationally recognized constitution of YU by deserting and joining a self-declared state that violated the constitution with their secession. Serbian Muslims of Sandjak and Kosovo attacked Bosnian Serbs too, if you want to get specific. Same goes to Serbs of Serbia individually entering BiH to fight. Goes both ways. Czech women were hired as snipers by the BiH muslims too. So, Czechoslavakia attacked Serbia too? So did the Brits and Germans when they were hired by the Croatians to fight against the Serbs and muslims. Your point is moot, unfortunately too generalized.

27 posted on 02/14/2005 10:01:28 PM PST by ma bell ("Goddamn it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!" - Captain Henry P. ")
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To: Diocletian; Wiz; Nathan Zachary; DTA; F-117A; ma bell; Hoplite

Here are samples from Izetbegovic's "Islamic Declaration". Page references are from this pdf source (although translations may slightly differ):

"... then we must show the way which leads to that objective: The implementation of Islam in all fields of individuals' personal lives, in family and in society, by renewal of the Islamic religious thought and creating a uniform Muslim community from Morocco to Indonesia.
This goal may seem remote and improbable, but it is nonetheless realistic, because it is the only one located within the bounds of possibility."
(page 5)

"... A nation, and an individual, who has accepted Islam is incapable of living and dying for another ideal after that fact. It is unthinkable for a Muslim to sacrifice himself for any tzar or ruler, no matter what his name may be, or for the glory of any nation, party or some such, because acting on the strongest Muslim instinct he recognizes in this a certain type of godlessness and idolatry. A Muslim can die only with the name of Allah on his lips and for the glory of Islam, or he may run away from the battlefield."
(page 6)

"... Muslim nations will never accept anything that is explicitly against Islam, because Islam here is not merely a faith and the law, Islam has become love and compassion. He who rises against Islam will reap nothing but hate and resistance."
(page 24)

(That's a creative understanding of love and compassion.)

"An Islamic society without Islamic power is incomplete and weak; Islamic power without an Islamic society is either a utopia or violence."
(page 26)

(In 1992, Islamic political dominance in Bosnia was a reality. But those dastardly Bosnian Serbs didn't want to play dhimmi in an "Islamic society")

"... First and foremost of such conclusions is certainly the incompatibility of Islam with non-Islamic systems. There can be no peace or coexistence between the Islamic religion and non- Islamic social and political institutions. ... Islam obviously excludes the right or possibility of action on the part of any foreign ideology on its own turf. Therefore, there is no question of any laicistic principles, and the state should be an expression and should support the moral concepts of the religion. ..."
(page 30)

"... The upbringing of the nation, and especially the mass media - the press, TV and film - should be in the hands of people whose Islamic moral and intellectual authority is undisputed. ...
... Islamic renewal cannot be initiated without a religious, and cannot be successfully continued and concluded without a political revolution."
(page 42-43)

"... the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new Islamic authority."
(page 56)

(Looks like he felt that in Bosnia 1992 was the right time)

"... But, under the leadership of Zionists, started an action in Palestine which is not only inhumane and ruthless but also shortsighted and adventuresome. This politics takes in account only temporary ratio of power and forgets about overall ratio of power between Jews and Muslims in the world. This politics in Palestine is a provocation to all Muslims of the world. Jerusalem is not only a question of Palestinians, neither is it a question of Arabs only. It is a question of all the Muslim nations. To keep Jerusalem, the Jews would have to defeat Islam and the Muslims, and that - thank God - is outside their power"
(page 69)

This is only a small sample of passages from the "Islamic Declaration" openly advocating sociopolitical totalitarianism, jihad and contempt (or hatred) against anything unislamic. If you have doubts, read it all! Note that these concepts were not pioneered by Izetbegovic but are deeply rooted in Islamic scripture, traditions and history. Islam is the only religion that functions simultaneouslyl as an integrated sociopolitical ideology and pioneered (and to this day has been applying) a comprehensive theological and political doctrine of war against "infidels".

Most Muslims are decent, peace-loving people who either are unaware of or don't take seriously the political and inherently violence-prone theology of Islam. Others, however, are quite aware and deliberately downplay this undeniable violent nature. They are cherry-picking passages talking vaguely about Islamic "justice" and "forgiveness", even making hilarious comparisons to ... John Lennon! But Lennon did not advocate war against anyone. Hitler, Stalin and Izetbegovic did.

28 posted on 02/15/2005 12:31:58 AM PST by pythagorean
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To: Hoplite

Hoppy, you need to look at the long term aims of Izetbegovic´s Declaration, and how demographics plays a role.

29 posted on 02/15/2005 2:54:52 AM PST by Diocletian
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To: pythagorean
Who started the war in Bosnia pythag?

The Serbs.

Attempting to portray Izetbegovic as some sort of militant in 1992 not only shows a blatant disregard for the truth (nothing new for you) but assumes a complete ignorance upon the part of any readers of your post, which is not the case.

Who put Izetbegovic at the head of the Bosnian Presidency?

The Serbs.

To quote Biljana Plavsic - "Thank god for Alija Izetbegovic".

Furthermore, it was Izetbegovic who was behind the last ditch efforts to keep Yugoslavia together as a loosened federation in it's dying days. As it was, Izetbegovic kept his faith in the JNA until he could no longer deny that they were complicit in the murder and ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs in Bosnia, and by then it was almost too late to do anything about it - the Serbs had already transferred the TO (National Guard) armories to the SDS (Karadzic's party - you know all this) and together with JNA units and paramilitaries from Serbia proper were on the rampage.

Stick to talking to folks who don't have a clue, pythag - it's the only way you're going to get a receptive audience.

30 posted on 02/15/2005 9:41:39 AM PST by Hoplite
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To: Diocletian
Oh, well in that case just kill 'em all. </whatever >
31 posted on 02/15/2005 10:22:17 AM PST by Hoplite
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To: Hoplite

That´s one mighty high strawman you´ve built raised there, Hoppy.

32 posted on 02/15/2005 1:52:33 PM PST by Diocletian
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To: All; Balkans
who started the war?

the illegal secessionists that refused to written guarantee the safety and equal representative of the non-muslims (i.e Serbs and Croats). The Charter of Yugoslavia (the Constitution was not followed in their breakaway.

Alija was arrested in the late 1940's and again few decades later as a militant, courtesty of Tito.

Izetbegovic lost the Presidential election to Fikret Abdic and sent out teams to neutralize him, so Fikret went and sought safety within the Serbian people. Alija declared himself the President upon capturing "2d Place".

Alija reneged on the 1992 Peace Plan after Zimmerman told Alija to "do what he feels" and US will support him regardless. All 3 parties signed then Alija backed out.

All these statements I have provided are factual and can be found via Yahoo.

33 posted on 02/15/2005 2:25:50 PM PST by ma bell ("Goddamn it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!" - Captain Henry P. ")
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To: Diocletian
My strawman is bigger than yours, isn't it?

Your strawman has been crushed - like a grape in an iron fist.

34 posted on 02/15/2005 2:26:51 PM PST by Hoplite
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To: Hoplite
The war in Bosnia started when Izetbegovic reneged on the Lisbon agreement he had signed. His fundamental political beliefs, strategic goals and motivation are made crystal clear in his Islamic Declaration (pdf). In one sentence, they amount to Islamic domination and Sharia when and where conditions are ripe. Of course Izetbegovic, like his inspiration source Muhammad, was forced by necessity to postpone this self-admitted strategic goal and engage in political maneuvering and tactical alliances with anyone from Nazis to Plavsic, Clinton, Bin Laden and Iranian mullahs.

Any attempt to portray Izetbegovic as a Yugoslavia supporter is as disingenious as comparing his Islamic Declaration to John Lennon's "Imagine". The Declaration is great reading for ignorant and knowledgeable readers alike, because it is an eloquent manifesto of Islamic totalitarianism and jihad.

35 posted on 02/15/2005 5:08:27 PM PST by pythagorean
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To: pythagorean
Pythag - you act as if we've never discussed the Lisbon agreement around here before: Izetbegovic reneged on the Lisbon accords in the Summer - it may have escaped your attention, but the Serbs stared their ethnic cleansing campaign in April, so your objection is, how to put it... just what I expect from the likes of you, pythag.

The Serbs started the war in Bosnia, and we're in the process of finishing it as we strip Banja Luka of the last vestiges of power that was grabbed at gunpoint.

As to your take on the "Declaration", I just don't care, pythag. The big bad wolf in the Balkans wasn't Izetbegovic.

36 posted on 02/15/2005 6:30:22 PM PST by Hoplite
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To: pythagorean; All; Balkans
reason for "april attcks' was the forced barricade the muslims imposed onto the JNA and then butchered a convoy after a guaranteed peaceful withdrawal. That is one example. The Serbs began erecting barricades within Sarajevo blocks to protect themselves from muslim warlord criminals.

The cleansing began way before april in Gorazde municipality when the Serbs were forced out of districts during the winter months jan 92 timeframe. Strange how a friend of mine and his family came to my hometown few mnths later (june 92) when he lost his house THAT WINTER early 92, blown up.

37 posted on 02/15/2005 9:31:37 PM PST by ma bell ("Goddamn it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!" - Captain Henry P. ")
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To: ma bell

besidees, who cares about the region anymore? the people don't help themselves, why should we even maintain a presence there? the only purpose of the SFOR presence is to corral the A-Q presence/influance that festers within the region.

38 posted on 02/15/2005 9:33:19 PM PST by ma bell ("Goddamn it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!" - Captain Henry P. ")
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To: Hoplite
You don´t even know what you´re talking about. You suggested that I desired to wipe out the Muslim population of Bosnia, which is something I never stated.

That is a poor debating technique.

39 posted on 02/16/2005 2:08:11 AM PST by Diocletian
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To: Diocletian

trop, he must be tipping the bottle more frequently as his slips are more apparently overt then in the past.

40 posted on 02/16/2005 9:10:46 AM PST by ma bell ("Goddamn it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!" - Captain Henry P. ")
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