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Locked on 03/05/2005 5:12:57 PM PST by Admin Moderator, reason:
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Posted on 01/30/2005 12:09:44 AM PST by nwctwx
madrid anniversary
"...or is it indirectly aimed at those who can."
OPINION-SPECULATION - "Aimed at those who can"
MARCH 11, 2004
February 28, 2005
"ATM card used after Copt was found slain"
ARTICLE SNIPPET: "Evidence of a robbery, despite the spin in this story, does not at all mean that there was no religious motive. DeFazio himself, you'll notice, acknowledges that. This should be obvious to everyone in light of the recent revelation that the Saudi governments Ministry of Islamic Affairs has distributed a tract in American mosques stipulating in regard to a Muslim sexual offender that "it would be lawful for Muslims to spill his blood and to take his money." This would also apply to non-Muslims who committed another capital offense: proselytizing among Muslims.
Meanwhile, there are numerous questions in this case that remain unanswered. I hope more details will be revealed soon, or that I myself will be in a position to reveal them."
"indirectly aimed at those who can"--Godzilla
This is what I immediately thought because it is the only rationale that makes sense if the communication is legit.
BTW, I sure hope Fox did not mean to say Zawahiri instead of Zarqawi -- I made this mistake yesterday myself. Nawww, they would not make such a mistake.
Unless this new binny message is some of our very own homegrown psychops planned to follow that recent report about the near-imminent capture of Zarqawi. I thought that report was somewhat suspicious also. Perhaps we are looking and waiting for some movement of cells here within the U.S. and in Iraq.
Zarqawi is bearly holding Iraqi ops together, let alone try to coordinate an action 1/2 way around the world. However, the reports of his near capture I think are credable due to the significant numbers of his lieutenants recently captured and Iraqi's turing against him. Maybe later info might clear this up.
Time will inevitably tell.
The following makes better sense given my perception of Zarqawi's capabilities at the moment.
The United States has intercepted a message believed to be from fugitive al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, instructing the leader of the Iraqi insurgency to expand his operations and begin attacking U.S. targets outside Iraq, intelligence officials told NBC News on Monday.
I would anticipate a regional attack of some sort, quite possibly Europe.
Posters on another thread are saying that MSNBC is reporting that the binny communication simply referred to attacks "outside of Iraq" and not specifically in the U.S. as Fox is reporting.
1. The bs on some sites of interest have been interesting, but so many sites of interest have gone down lately...they could be a bit perturbed.
2. The Iraqi car bombings, the 5 beheaded "spies," the murder of the Coptic Christian family murder in NJ are disturbing. On the other hand, the news in Lebanon seems to be getting better (maybe) as they seem to be ridding themselves of the Syrians.
3. The Taliban (according to some online sites) seem to be trying to make a comeback in a small part of Afghanistan. It's a weak attempt and doesn't seem to be working. Overall, Afghanistan and Iraq seem to want to their freedom.
4. Iran, Syria and North Korea could be a problem.
5. Our "friends" Saudi Arabia, Russia and Canada could be friendlier.'s just the small global terror cells and our borders that should cause us the most concern and that's MY OPINION based from what I see online.
Zarqawi the slid October has juror fidelity to To the Qaeda and Bin Laden of it has public praised the initiatives in Iraq. The intelligence American has intercepted in passed communications between the two terrorists, of usual entrusted to letters transported from couriers.
Best I can come up with. Doesn't look like an excerpt of the intercepted message.
Thanks Velveeta.
Note: The following text is an exact quote:
February 28, 2005
UK: Terror suspect admits plane plot
Shoe bomber Richard Reid's accomplice. More evidence that the hatred and jihad preached at the Finsbury Park Mosque bore bitter fruit, and more may be yet to come. Note also (thanks to Carol) that in its lead paragraph the BBC still refers to Badat as a "suspect," despite his guilty plea. From the BBC, with thanks to Nicolei:
British terror suspect Saajid Badat plotted to blow up an aeroplane on its way to the US using a "shoe bomb".
Badat, 25, of St James Street, Gloucester, conspired with fellow Briton Richard Reid and a Belgian terrorist to make the bomb.
He trained as a suicide bomber but later backed out of the plot. Badat will be sentenced on 18 March.
On Monday at the Old Bailey, he pleaded guilty to conspiring to place a device on an aircraft in service.
More than 100 homes in the city were evacuated during a police search of Badat's house in November 2003, the court was told.
The court heard he had agreed to be a suicide bomber with the intention of destroying a passenger aircraft while it was in the air en route from Europe to the United States.
Plastic explosive
He received training both in Afghanistan and Pakistan and had been given an explosive device designed to evade airport security and destroy an aircraft in flight, said Richard Horwell, prosecuting.
Posted at February 28, 2005 06:26 AM
U.S. Reveals New Intelligence on al-Qaida
WASHINGTON - New intelligence indicates al-Qaida is moving forward on terror operations outside of Iraq, officials said Monday, but the U.S. was not planning on raising its national alert level.
The Homeland Security Department described the intelligence, intercepted over the past several weeks, as "credible but not specific."
However, it "reiterates the desire by al-Qaida and its associates to target the homeland," said Homeland Security spokesman Brian Roehrkasse.
A U.S. counterterrorism official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the "very vague" information alluded to moving forward on planning for operations outside of Iraq. It did not refer to any time, place or location.
The Homeland Security Department issued a classified bulletin to officials over the weekend about the intelligence, Roehrkasse said.
"The intelligence continues to be analyzed by the intelligence community and all appropriate information will be passed on to homeland security partners," Roehrkasse said. "The department has no plans at this time to raise the threat level based on this nonspecific information."
Google Translation of this (article) url you pointed to Velveeta.
Google Translation of the article from Italian to English:
NEW YORK - the intelligence American has intercepted better not specified communication between Osama Bin Laden and the giordano Abu Musab To the Zarqawi, in which the two terrorists would have launch threats against the United States. According to a source of the USA anti-terrorism, the leader of to the Qaeda would have suggested to the greater exponent of the organization in Iraq, to participate to attacks in the territory of the United States. The source, covered from anonymity, has reported that the suggestion of Bin Laden to Zarqawi is "rather recent". It has been a communication between the two, continues the source of the USA anti-terrorism, "with Bin Laden that has suggested to Zarqawi to consider the territory of the USA like a target". The Cnn reports the threats explaining that the information has been diffused in the fine week from the ministry of the inner Emergency to the police enforcements and anti-terrorism Americans, in a classified bulletin. According to the Cnn, the presumed threat it would not contain relative references you to times and places of a possible attack. According to the net tv Fox, that it cites several anonymous sources of intelligence, Bin Laden would have exhorted Zarqawi and its follow to us "to concentrate themselves on attacks against the United States". No indication is trapelata on like would have happened the communication between the leader of To the Qaeda and the man thought from the intelligence American the point of reference in Iraq of the terroristic net. Just today, the attorney general USA (Attorney General), Alberto Gonza'les, has declared that to the Qaeda real one is "still a threat much" and that the Conference must prorogare the contained laws anti-terrorism in the "Patriot Act", some di.le which expires to aim 2005. Zarqawi the slid October has juror fidelity to To the Qaeda and Bin Laden of it has public praised the initiatives in Iraq. The intelligence American has intercepted in passed communications between the two terrorists, of usual entrusted to letters transported from couriers.
Thank you both for the pings.
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