"indirectly aimed at those who can"--Godzilla
This is what I immediately thought because it is the only rationale that makes sense if the communication is legit.
BTW, I sure hope Fox did not mean to say Zawahiri instead of Zarqawi -- I made this mistake yesterday myself. Nawww, they would not make such a mistake.
Unless this new binny message is some of our very own homegrown psychops planned to follow that recent report about the near-imminent capture of Zarqawi. I thought that report was somewhat suspicious also. Perhaps we are looking and waiting for some movement of cells here within the U.S. and in Iraq.
Zarqawi is bearly holding Iraqi ops together, let alone try to coordinate an action 1/2 way around the world. However, the reports of his near capture I think are credable due to the significant numbers of his lieutenants recently captured and Iraqi's turing against him. Maybe later info might clear this up.