How long can incitement to commit mass murder go unchecked?
Hey Britain! .308
What a nice fellow. Hope he gets rubber poisoning from a passing bus very soon.
Isn't that special! They ought to let the monarchy run the place the way things are going. At least it would be England again.
If the Islamicist has its terrorist, maybe the decent, law abiding members of peaceful society needs its vigilante.
Many a peaceful citizen of Western society has felt the fear of terrorism. Maybe it's time for the terrorist to fear the Western society's citizen response.
We are not sheep. We are simply outraged. If the terrorist is willing to die for its beliefs, we are willing to kill that terrorist. No one else needs to die.
'I don't want you to join me, I want you to join bin Laden'
Omar Bakri Mohammed, who has lived in the UK for 18 years on social security benefits.....
Ah, the wonders of the welfare state...
I can't recall from any of my surface awareness of recorded history . . .
a civilization/culture which with seeming deliberate idiocy
so routinely, so persistently aided and abetted
by so chronically aiding and abetting it's enemies internal and external
--as Western Republican civilization is in the midst of doing so repeatedly?
It's a serious question. I can't think of such a case. I'd love to hear from the bona fide historians and anthropologists hereon about the issue.
Why isn't he deported?
How come the mullahs and imams and other assorted "clerics" are forever calling for jihad, but never seem to be the ones who strap on the bomb vests?
If people want on or off this list, please let me know.
Well, at a minimum, they could cut his social security benefits!
Let's get this right, a radical Islamist spends almost twenty years living in Britain on the taxpayer's bill, whilst he foments violence and terror against the very people who are sustaining his lifestyle and the best the British government can do is "assist him?" Can there be any wonder why the Islamists think the West weak? The first time Mr. Bakri Mohammed was caught inciting violence against Britain or its allies, he should have been hauled in front of a court and speedily deported (preferably the same day) to the first Islamic country that would take his worthless carcass. Of course, he should never have been admitted to Britain in the first place. He serves as yet another example of the asinine immigration and asylum policies that have so endangered the US and Europe.
And the rest of Britain yawned and stayed at the circus for the free bread. When will Britain and the rest of Europe wake up to the now-vocal Trojan Horse in their midst? And now the Trojans in the horse are calling for jihad and death to the infidel.